The journey from there to here
Published on January 16, 2006 By Gideon MacLeish In Blogging

I've been opinionated since the day I first arrived on JU (OK, so I didn't exactly get off to a stellar start with the "Mary Kate" article, but hey, it's still the number one). I've tried to be reasonable and respectful in many of my writings, and have tried to put out an insightful, quality product.

Lately, though, I've noticed that former regulars are avoiding me like the plague, and those who comment are commenting as if I'd committed some sort of personal offense against them. I've even drawn a "parody" blogger who has made their articles a continual barrage of attacks against me personally.

This may be just part of the life cycle of JoeUser, and maybe it will all pass over in time. But I can't get over the feeling that I seriously offended a great number of individuals on the site. If so, understand that no offense was intended. My "Feminism vs. Female Supremacy" post, for instance, was not meant to belittle career women, and, I believe that a close read of my words should make that clear. it was, rather, to point out that there is a difference between feminists and female supremacists, and to stick up for women who CHOOSE traditional roles. Make no mistake about it, I don't want ANY woman to be confined to a traditional role because it was FORCED on her, but I also don't want to see women belittled and browbeaten into the career path if that's not what they want.

I'm starting to wonder if this is all because of something I said. Maybe it is. Or maybe it's just that many of my readers have found "lives" and thus have little time to respond.

on Jan 16, 2006
I think that many of the regulars have been otherwise occupied.  I have not seen any antipathy towards you except by the regular {cl}ass clowns.  But I missed the parody.  Probably was not very good and that is why.  I still try to catch all your articles as you are one of my favorite writers.
on Jan 16, 2006

Yeah, I figured it's just that they've been too busy, hence the final comment. I didn't want this article taken TOO seriously. But still, there's that side of me that's wondering if I DID say something that highly offended (especially since a few individuals expressed some dissent off thread with the article I mentioned, which, i feel, they misunderstood almost entirely).

It's never my intent to truly offend someone. My intent, rather, is to educate, inform, and, occasionally, entertain (ok, so sometimes I come up short on that last And I do hope folks understand THAT much at least.

on Jan 16, 2006

I read your Feminists vs. Female Supremacists article and found it to be a pretty well thought out article with some good ideas in it. I didn't have anything insightful or interesting to add so I didn't. As Mark Twain said: "Better to keep your mouth shut and have people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." I need a button like Blue Dev.

I also missed the parody. (Parodist?)

on Jan 16, 2006
Well, I certainly have not been offended in any way (though I probably don't count as one of those regulars). I have read a number of your articles, but didn't have a great response. Could have used my Image Hosted by button if it had been ready.

Blog on dude. Blog on.
on Jan 16, 2006

I also missed the parody. (Parodist?)

Yeah, most did. After his last comment, I reported him, and he's been warned. It started because of the nature of his comments on my articles. I warned him and then he kept at it, so I eventually just wiped him out. In response, he started posting personal attacks to the forums.

I was just concerned over the article because of some side comments by other users that it might have been taken the wrong way by some.

on Jan 16, 2006

and those who comment are commenting as if I'd committed some sort of personal offense against them

I realise that my recent comments in your campaign slogan blog could qualify.

I was playing Devil's Advocate, or so I thought. I like you personally, but I don't think I have ever made it a secret that I disagree with the LP and many of the principles it stands for.

I am what a Libertarian would call a statist, and an extreme such. You are not, which is one of the reasons why I find comments of the politically ignorant to the effect that you are a "neo-con" particularly silly.

I don't think you offended anybody.

on Jan 16, 2006

I am what a Libertarian would call a statist, and an extreme such. You are not, which is one of the reasons why I find comments of the politically ignorant to the effect that you are a "neo-con" particularly silly.

Yeah, pretty misinformed, that. What threw me over as far as that individual was concerned, though, was when the attacks turned personal. It's being dealt with now, though.

I like you personally, but I don't think I have ever made it a secret that I disagree with the LP and many of the principles it stands for.

And as much as I disagree with that position, I respect it. I also respect the intellectually honest approach you take in not hiding your agenda. I think good debate recognizes that, although we are at polar extremes, sometimes the best solutions for the majority of people lie somewhere in the middle and that the extremes are necessary for balance, if nothing else.


on Jan 16, 2006
I don't have the remotest idea as to what you did, but I wouldn't worry much about it. Course, I am not aware of a reward associated with the biggest Score or number of articles posted either. Remember, articulate opinions to the contrary no matter who's, can easily be labeled by those predisposed with "Fluxuations of Full Moon syndrome. Also, recently diagnosed as "I DON'T WANT TO PLAY in the sandbox dysfunction ....

What amazes me is how your able to come up with so many articles and the time to post as often as you do. Look out public life here he comes................................

on Jan 16, 2006
{ tongue-in-cheek mode on } Sniff, sniff? What's that I smell? Oh, Gid is bloggin' again?! Never mind. { tongue-in-cheek mode off }

Gid, like others have said above, I think it's more a case of people being otherwise occupied. It's the new year, and though some of us are lucky to have today (MLK Birthday honored) off, there's just been a lot of post holiday catch up going on.

It's also been relatively quiet in the news cycles, even with the Alito hearings, the Abramhoff goings on, etc. People just aren't worried about or paying much attention to things here at JU.

I'd expect things will pick up much more over the next few weeks as the holiday season really ends and people get back to work (where they can divert themselves by visiting JU) and/or back to more regular visits via dial-up or other network access at home.
on Jan 16, 2006
moderateman,,,,,<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< that fella likes you gid and reads you daily.
on Jan 16, 2006
I can only speak for myself, Gideon, when I say you've not offended me in any manner.


Usually one knows when they have.

If you've seen a lack of my posting to your threads, it's only because I've been busy with other things and I usually agree (to a comfortable extent) your writings.

I wonder if you may becoming hyper - sensitive to public opinion due to the campaign.

I encourage you to continue to stay confident in your considerable intellect, wealth of knowledge, and even judgement - stay in your comfort zone and don't pick yourself apart - others will do that for you.
on Jan 16, 2006
I sometimes wonder why some of my articles get zero response and some get a huge response but I've decided not to worry about it. I am here and there. Sometimes on here constantly and sometimes not. I don't read and comment on everything but definately hold no grudges. I really have only been offended one time when someone did the "parody" article on me. Keep posting, Gid.
on Jan 16, 2006

I wonder if you may becoming hyper - sensitive to public opinion due to the campaign.

Good connection, perhaps.  But an interesting take.

Hey Gid, your quality of Blogs has not deteriorated, of that I will attest.  Keep up with the great work.  And dont worry about it.  Dharma has a stinking dog problem, Tex went to the beach, and I have actully had real work at work!

We are all still here!

on Jan 17, 2006
I read ya...even have you as one of my favs....but that is not because I agree with you 100 percent..hehe.

I like your perspective...I may think I have thought a subject from all angles, then comes Gid, giving me a whole new approach....

Sometimes a topic has been hashed and rehashed so much in my mind, I just don't comment. Even though it may be fairly "unhashed" on JU, in my mind it is settled, or been talked about so much I just can't stomach one more session....kwim?

I read just about everything you write, except politics. However I do read your personal political updates and information.

Hope that helps.
on Jan 17, 2006

Sometimes a topic has been hashed and rehashed so much in my mind, I just don't comment. Even though it may be fairly "unhashed" on JU, in my mind it is settled, or been talked about so much I just can't stomach one more session....kwim?

Yeah, this was basically a rant. I was a little unnerved by my parasitic troll and thus "off my game" yesterday. I think that altered my perspective a bit.