The journey from there to here
Published on October 14, 2005 By Gideon MacLeish In Blogging

As many of you know, as an activist against CPS abuse of power, I frequent the website. While this website provides A LOT of good information, it provides evidence of why you should check your sources before reporting something as fact.

One of the posters posted an article as a joke (my guess is, he was wanting to research how many people actually checked their source). The article referred to a lesbian mom who had adopted a son and was planning to give the son a sex change operation because she wanted a girl and it was easier to adopt a boy (despite the fact I KNOW this to be untrue --by adopting internationally from China, you're almost GUARANTEED to get a girl). It appeared to be very serious, and I was thinking of investigating the story, as it would be an appalling story if it were true. But even before I clicked the link to verify the story, the final sentence gave me pause (I'll post it at the end of this article and I think the word that gave me pause should stand out once you know the story).

The link? Link

If you follow it, the joke should be obvious. If not, I'll tell you. It's  a "Weekly World News" story. You know, the black and white tabloid that is almost a parody of tabloids? The perennial home of "Batboy" and the alien dignitary that's REALLY running the nation (and, it would seem, the world as well)?

And the final sentence that gave me pause?

"The last thing the great majority of Americans wants to hear is that gay parents are dickering around with their children's sex. It's like their worst nightmare come true."

on Oct 14, 2005
on Oct 14, 2005

dickering, hehehe.

Yea,  I was going to point that out, but ya beat me to it!

on Oct 14, 2005
come on whip stop PUSSYfooting around. heh