It occurred to me on another thread when I was responding to the 50,000th red herring of the day, that since so many red herrings are used here on Joeuser, we need a thread where we can compile some good recipes for red herring. I am sure we will come up with a variety of recipes, but will all agree on one thing: the best approach to preparing red herring is to use a lot of FLAME!!! signing off (tongue firmly planted in cheek) Gideon MacLeish
This is a vent. This is only a vent. I will first have to admit to being in a pissy mood due to circumstances unrelated to blogging. As much as I try, though, I cannot set aside the external situations for blogging. Perhaps this pissy mood has made me extra sensitive. Those who read my blogs regularly know I run about 80% op/ed in my posts. When I do put something out as fact, though, I try very hard to find solid, objective information as a foundation of my piece. And such it was wi...
I am writing this blog as a definitive guide to all of joeuser's points whore wannabe's. I have realized I have much to teach these young padawans, and wish to give them the skills to be successful points whores. If you have anything to add, no matter how trivial, by all means, do so! #1. It's ALWAYS about you: What most aspiring point whores fail to do is to put themselves at the center of every topic posted on joeuser while they are online. This is a rookie mistake, and one that relegate...
OK, OK...I am already in my flame retardant underpants for this one (thanks to Ravenblack, my supplier of fine, comfortable flame retardant blogging wear....Raven, don't forget to sign the check for the ad this time!). Up on the recent forum posts is yet another of the JU swan songs that have become far too typical of this site. What happens is this: someone comes onto JoeUser, asserts a controversial position consistently (usually pretty leftist, for the swan singers at least), and then b...
For anyone who hasn't signed up with blogexplosion yet,I highly recommend it (Please link through the link on my sidebar; both phoenixboi and I will benefit from it as he referred me, and I need more referrals). My blogspot site has had over 300 visitors, almost all of them from blogexplosion referrals. The only problem I have is surfing enough ads in the time I'm online (which is why I need referrals to help boost my points total). On the blogspot site (also linked on the sidebar), I have a ...
I have seen enough. The name calling and ill feelings on JoeUser have gone pretty far off topic (I won't use the word "vitriol",as it's overused). I've had enough. While I defer to you the right to do whatever you like on your own thread, It's not going to happen on mine. To that end, I am announcing a general blacklist amnesty. If you have been on my blacklist before, you will be removed, with one unmentioned exception. If you're not removed, wait a short while and you will be. Af...
My 15 minutes are up and I didn't exploit them. For regular readers of my blog, some time ago, I wrote the infamous, point whoring "Fred Harteis" blog. I did it in response to the fact that we were inundated with spam blogs from Quixtar (read "AMWAY") recruiters (gotta think something's up with a business that changes its name routinely...but I digress). Googling myself today, I found the following on a quixtar related message board: And on another point, why aren?t you guys att...
A few articles ago, I reported I was in blogexplosion limbo. I am happy to report that is no longer the case (with THIS site, anyway...the blogspot site is still in limbo...the good news is it's picking up points without spending them). I like the blogexplosion concept. I will probably like it a lot more when I pick up a few more points (for those who haven't done so, they can link on my sidebar to blogexplosion; it's an excellent way to bring more traffic to your blog).
Suddenly, I don't feel so bad. I took PB's referral to blogexplosion (those who are interested may want to follow the link off the sidebar; I could use the referrals), and tried to register my JU site. First time through, rejected. I resubmitted, and now am still awaiting their approval. Meanwhile, I got a blogspot site (also linked on my sidebar; with much the same articles as here, only a couple of them are unique to the sister site), which is also awaiting approval. I am tearing my ...
Well, one of the latest flame wars is heating up, and I have to wonder, why bother? I've been involved in a couple of back and forths with individuals, but our arguments usually centered around our areas of disagreements, not ridiculously juvenile attacks like "You're an idiot!", or other such random name calling. I find it hard to believe that anyone has ever made it to adulthood without enduring some level of name calling somewhere in their past. While such name calling isn't usually app...
Once again, a vocal joeuser has been blacklisted by another vocal user. And once again, the "complaint blog" is logged. In the several months I have been on JU, I have seen this happen regularly as part of the life cycle of the community. When one blacklists another, the other feels obligated to press their "free speech" rights in the hope that public opinion will get them removed from the blacklist. Apparently, they misunderstand the purpose of the blogs. This blog is MY journal, it's ...
Well, last month, I premiered the meathead of the month, which went to Jose Canseco for his book "Juiced" (I gave him the 'meathead' award, the book goes to number one. Coincidence? I think not. I want royalties, dammit...but I digress). This month's "meathead" award goes to the other side of the coin, to Mark McGwire, one person for whom I am primarily inclined to believe Canseco's allegations. He was quite close to McGwire back in the day, and I believe he has some firsthand knowledge ...
Blogging from the library has been the bane of my existence. I will leave the library, and think of an excellent blog subject. I will ruminate over it until the following morning, then, a few scant minutes before arriving at the library, it will leave my head entirely. I am also limited as to how I can use the library's computer, as I can't save good links, and I don't have the software resources available to me that I would on my home computer. Add to that the fact that the times I post are ...
When I first came to joeuser, I was looking for a blog site where I could begin to write articles to grow as a writer. I have received much more from JU than I ever expected. So, in many ways, this is more of a "Thank You, JU" thread than a Sir Peter appreciation thread, but I don't think any thank you for JU would be complete without mention of one of the individuals who helped me grow more than many others. See, when I first got here, I was easily as offended by SPM as anyone here, but I di...
Aeryck recently wrote an article attacking atheists. For the record, I thought the article a poorly written, inflammatory attack on atheists, and found it unreasonable. Thus ends my editorial comment on the piece, which did NOT appear on his article. Myrrander stated, and with SOME justification, that those who get angry when he puts out a piece attacking Christianity were not there to defend him. I will be the first to state that I said NOTHING on Aeryck's blog regarding the issue, and here'...