The journey from there to here
Gideon MacLeish's Articles In Blogging » Page 2
August 20, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
For my tenth "A Blogger You all Should Know" article, I thought I would review bloggers 1-9 so they're all here on one page if you choose to read them. I also thought I'd give a little background. I got the idea of this from a few sources. We were dealing with someone whose posts were infuriating a great number of readers, and mignuna suggested that what we should do in those cases, instead of responding and giving them points, is find a blogger we like, comment on their most recent articl...
August 20, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
Ok, first of all, if you were expecting a treatise on fine tobacco, I refer you to an earlier thread, entitled "Capacity for Abstract Thought?" That may be found in my archives. I was recently replying to someone and I made a joking reference to purging. After the post, I hesitated, wondering if I should edit that part out. The fact that I even considered editing disturbed me. Don't get me wrong, I really want to be sensitive and understanding, seriously. I would never consider any s...
December 27, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
Well, I was glad I posted my Christmas message when I did. I was unaware until the end of the day on Dec. 22 that the library was closed Dec 23 (Thursday), so this is the first time in nearly a week that I've been able to get online. I wasn't able to get a morning paper route with the Amarillo paper; such a route would have given us a little extra where the current route puts us just about square with bills, so we have to get on with selling our Olds with the broken transmission (I had origin...
December 21, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
I wanted to write a Christmas message to all of you on JoeUser, to hopefully give each of you a little holiday cheer. This past year was a year of ups and downs for us. I started out the year 760 feet below the surface of Death Valley in the colemanite mine, while living in Pahrump, Nevada. As the year progressed, I moved on to a brief stint as a plumber, through a horrible period of unemployment, and onto my current "career" as a paper carrier/handyman. I discovered JoeUser during the sum...
December 10, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
I'm seriously contemplating taking a JU break. Nothing towards anyone, or anything, but it just doesn't feel the same. I will try to keep blogs going just to inform anyone of any recent developments, etc, but I might be rather slow to respond. Don't be offended, do't worry about me, I'm as good as can be expected for this time of year, it's just that I have a lot on my mind and much of it is too personal to add to the blogs. I do hope each and every one of you has a truly happy holiday se...
December 10, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
Well, being the shameless points whore that I am, I was well pleased to see that my blog has gone back to the number 21 spot. Mind you, this has been no easy task, with "part time" internet access, plus the fact that I seem to have hit a rather dry spell as far as my articles are concerned (I'm wondering if that isn't partly true of the rest of JU as well, though, what with the holidays and the recent wave of drama). I have missed the more regular banter with you guys as well as keeping up wi...
December 7, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
When I came to Joeuser, it was in the middle of a time of conflict. I didn't realize it, and stuck my foot in my mouth a time or two, causing me to get off on rather rought footing with a few fellow bloggers. But, I stuck it out, and, to me, I am forever grateful I did. Many people here on Joeuser came to help us out in no small way (some in ways I really can't say here, out of respect for their privacy), and I am truly indebted to ALL of you who have contributed in one way or another, through r...
December 4, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
Now, I don't know exactly what's been going on in my part time absence, and, frankly, I don't want to know, though this article will likely draw it like flies to dung! I DO know, however, the wonderful nature of some of my fellow bloggers, as they have proven themselves to be true friends to myself and my family. And I can't help but notice that some of those bloggers are the target of the latest round of JU crap! And it ticks me off. We all have differences of opinion, mature adults learn...
October 19, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
Well, Joeusers, I am back, albeit through library internet access. It will most likely be a couple of months before we can set up our home account again. I will give you guys the sordid details of our trip and settlement in blogs to follow shortly, but wanted to let you know first that we are alive and well. Sincerely, Gideon MacLeish
October 5, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
This is it, folks. I'm unplugging the computer to prepare for our move to Texas. On a side note, I am not feeling at all well, and I need to get rest. Please keep me in your thoughts signing off, Gideon MacLeish
October 2, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
For anyone new to blogging on JU, I offer this advice: Don't touch sports. Of the topics that draw Joeuser readers, sports is at the bottom of the totem pole. It should only be a subject of your blog if you're writing it for your personal collection, not for readership. Because they are rarely read and even more rarely commented upon. My first sports blog on here was a blog entitled "(Past) Time for Griffey to Retire?". It generated comments from two users, which is well above my average o...
September 23, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
I decided to do a little googling today and entered the words "libertarian blogs". That my blog didn't appear on the first page of links was not terribly surprising; it's a huge internet, and many Libertarians have realized that blogs are a very viable medium for advancing the message of the Libertarian Party. Undaunted, I went to page two, expecting to continue on down and find my blog buried in the La Brea tar pits of forgotten blogs, but found it nicely perched at number 19. 19's not too b...
September 18, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
OK, OK...I am already in my flame retardant underpants for this one (thanks to Ravenblack, my supplier of fine, comfortable flame retardant blogging wear....Raven, don't forget to sign the check for the ad this time!). Up on the recent forum posts is yet another of the JU swan songs that have become far too typical of this site. What happens is this: someone comes onto JoeUser, asserts a controversial position consistently (usually pretty leftist, for the swan singers at least), and then b...
September 17, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
Well, the latest "story" from our pathological liar friend came in, and I am disgusted. First of all, and foremost, she now claims to be 19 years old and married, which brings up an interesting point. She tried to develop a relationship with capt. cornbread, who is, to my knowledge, under 18, which is, at the very least, skirting dangerously close to the boundaries of sexual predation (federal law is VERY clear regarding an adult over 18 soliciting a minor online). So she used him then dum...
September 12, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
I am writing this blog as a definitive guide to all of joeuser's points whore wannabe's. I have realized I have much to teach these young padawans, and wish to give them the skills to be successful points whores. If you have anything to add, no matter how trivial, by all means, do so! #1. It's ALWAYS about you: What most aspiring point whores fail to do is to put themselves at the center of every topic posted on joeuser while they are online. This is a rookie mistake, and one that relegate...