The journey from there to here
Well, the latest "story" from our pathological liar friend came in, and I am disgusted.

First of all, and foremost, she now claims to be 19 years old and married, which brings up an interesting point. She tried to develop a relationship with capt. cornbread, who is, to my knowledge, under 18, which is, at the very least, skirting dangerously close to the boundaries of sexual predation (federal law is VERY clear regarding an adult over 18 soliciting a minor online). So she used him then dumped him like yesterday's garbage, she broke carebear's heart, she created a fake family and garnered our sympathy...she has really shown herself to be a rather horrid person, and I don't say that very often.

She has made deceiving people and hurting people on this blog site her little "game"...I think she's spending a little too much time in front of the daytime soaps.

To top it off, she now claims she's planning to study Elementary Education...great! While she probably doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of graduating unless she gets some serious psychological help (you can only BS so long before it catches up to you, you know?), the thought of her teaching ANYONE'S children truly frightens me.

Sorry. Had to vent.

signing off,

Gideon MacLeish

Comments (Page 1)
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on Sep 17, 2004
To top it off, she now claims she's planning to study Elementary Education...great! While she probably doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of graduating unless she gets some serious psychological help (you can only BS so long before it catches up to you, you know?), the thought of her teaching ANYONE'S children truly frightens me.

She could always get a job in Vegas with Marcie Helen and her "I've dedicated my life to kids and you know-nothings think you can do my job?" buddy.

on Sep 17, 2004
Thanks for posting this Gideon. I remember when all the drama started. I've fought the urge to post for quite a while. I mean, I just don't see the need to encourage her by throwing out comments and points to her blog.

She could always get a job in Vegas with Marcie Helen and her "I've dedicated my life to kids and you know-nothings think you can do my job?" buddy.

on Sep 17, 2004

Hmmm....I can't respond on her blog because she's blacklisted me (I wonder why? )...but I did read the article.

It's bullshit.  All of it.  That 'apology' had so many inconsistencies in it....I'm not even going to get started because we'll be here all night.  It wasn't even a real apology...there was no "I'm sorry for what i did, I really am sorry that I hurt and decieved people, please forgive me and I'm trying to not do it again" was more of a 'I'm sorry you caught me.  you happy now?" kind of statement.

Oh, and one more thing...Muggaz asked 'who gives a fuck?'  - obviously he does because he went there, read it and then left a response.

There I said it.  I feel better now.

on Sep 17, 2004
still better than electronic hara....oh wait never mind...
on Sep 17, 2004
While she probably doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of graduating unless she gets some serious psychological help

hehehe ......or does the teacher
on Sep 17, 2004
hehehe ......or does the teacher

Not possible...she only likes them underage.
on Sep 17, 2004
So she used him then dumped him like yesterday's garbage, she broke carebear's heart,

Well she didn't dump him. Actually Brandon dumped her. And he did this by asking me what he should do. He asked me if I would be happier if he'd break up with her. He said he'd rather lose a girlfriend than to lose me. So I went ahead and told him to break up with her. And then he said he felt better knowing I was happy. And he said that he probably hurt ashlee's feelings, but no, i don't think he did what so ever. She was using him, lying to him and me both. He doesn't know all this yet since he hasn't been on forever. So I'm going to tell him. It hurts me because she used him. And yeah she did break my heart and it's happening all over again. She tells me how much she wants me and Brandon to be to gether and for him to ask me out. Yeah right! It's probably a big lie! So yeah, now i have once again a broken heart all thanks to Ashlee and her cheap lies.

on Sep 17, 2004

You may want to inform Brandon that he might want to turn over her emails to the FBI if he still has them. If she really is over 18, as she says, it's a federal crime, and I, for one, would like to see her pay for her actions (if she's NOT over 18, she'll still pay, as they'll have to investigate, and thus, will talk to her parents).

I know it seems rather cruel, but she should be held accountable.
on Sep 17, 2004
Yeah, I think I just might do that Gideon. I'll tell him first thing Monday when I see him. She needs to pay, BIG TIME!!!

on Sep 18, 2004
I don't know who we are talking about....
on Sep 18, 2004

I don't know if the Fibby's are going to be too terribly interested in what went on....but it would be interesting to see what 'Ashlee' has to say at the prospect of being investigated.  Carebear, can you ask Brandon if he archived any of the IM sessions he had wth her?  That'd be really helpful. 

I was disgusted at what was done and said before...but this.....this is just pathetic now.  I think that she has some significant self-esteem issues and that she probably ought to be under psychiatric care. 

That's all I'm going to say...anything further would be catty, snide and un-constructive.

on Sep 18, 2004
I don't know if the Fibby's are going to be too terribly interested in what went on....but it would be interesting to see what 'Ashlee' has to say at the prospect of being investigated.

They might not be interested in this incident, but if she's gone after one minor, she's probably doing the same on other the very least, they're likely to give her a hard look, if capt. has some good IM's, or other materials. At the very least they may have enough to launch an investigation...and if she's a minor, I'm guessing her parents wouldn't take too kindly to that...and if she's not, well, I'm SURE her husband won't be too keen on it.
on Sep 18, 2004

At the very least they may have enough to launch an investigation

I'd like, if Brandon archived his IM sessions, to have eyes on them and pass them on to my friends in the PD...have them take a look and see what their advice is.  See, whenever she gets on the 'net, whether it's here or IM-ing, she leaves a trail behind her.  I can't access some of the info, and Karma can't access it all either, but law enforcement and a forensic computer lab can, and can do so easily.

Ashlee/Bridget/Emma/Shawn...or whoever else you're pretending to be ought to be getting a little antsy.  You've pissed people off enough to where they want to have you investigated...and not just the kind of investigating I do, we're talking about legal ramifications to this one.  You should have just gone away and stayed away when you had the chance.  Why in the hell you decided to come back and start this crap up again I will never know...I can only summise that you are a both a pathological liar and incredibly stupid to boot. 

oh, and this "Im bridget i dont now whut ur talking about' bullshit isn't working either.  You played that card before, remember?  Didn't work then either.  No-one fabricated your IP address, and they're very difficult to manipulate.  So, you WERE on the same computer, in the same session.  No other way around it.


on Sep 18, 2004
I don't think you could get someone investigated for establishing a "virtual relationship" with a minor. If person A tried to get person B to physically meet up when A is overage and B is underage, that would be a crime. But without further evidence that such a thing actually occurred, the mere fact that person A said "B and I are having an online relationship now!" is probably not enough to get A into legal trouble.
on Sep 18, 2004
I don't think you could get someone investigated for establishing a "virtual relationship" with a minor. If person A tried to get person B to physically meet up when A is overage and B is underage, that would be a crime. But without further evidence that such a thing actually occurred, the mere fact that person A said "B and I are having an online relationship now!" is probably not enough to get A into legal trouble.

Actually, you can get them investigated for pursuing such a relationship, yes. There are very stringent federal standards for anyone even pursuing a relationship with a minor online. Granted, it may not be enough to merit charges, but most predators are serial predators, so in all likelihood, this isn't an isolated incident. Even if no physical meeting took place, there still may be enough for the feds to take a look.
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