Well, the latest "story" from our pathological liar friend came in, and I am disgusted.
First of all, and foremost, she now claims to be 19 years old and married, which brings up an interesting point. She tried to develop a relationship with capt. cornbread, who is, to my knowledge, under 18, which is, at the very least, skirting dangerously close to the boundaries of sexual predation (federal law is VERY clear regarding an adult over 18 soliciting a minor online). So she used him then dumped him like yesterday's garbage, she broke carebear's heart, she created a fake family and garnered our sympathy...she has really shown herself to be a rather horrid person, and I don't say that very often.
She has made deceiving people and hurting people on this blog site her little "game"...I think she's spending a little too much time in front of the daytime soaps.
To top it off, she now claims she's planning to study Elementary Education...great! While she probably doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of graduating unless she gets some serious psychological help (you can only BS so long before it catches up to you, you know?), the thought of her teaching ANYONE'S children truly frightens me.
Sorry. Had to vent.
signing off,
Gideon MacLeish