For my tenth "A Blogger You all Should Know" article, I thought I would review bloggers 1-9 so they're all here on one page if you choose to read them. I also thought I'd give a little background.
I got the idea of this from a few sources. We were dealing with someone whose posts were infuriating a great number of readers, and mignuna suggested that what we should do in those cases, instead of responding and giving them points, is find a blogger we like, comment on their most recent article, and give THEM the points. With this fresh in my mind, I saw an article from my favorite contemporary poet, JohnnyMasuda. Noticing that his blogsite was ranked rather low, I thought it would be a good deal to do a "profile" article on him and help his visibility. Following that article, I thought it would be good to do a series of articles on low ranked but talented bloggers who deserve to be read.
My criteria in these articles have been rather informal, but basically stick to the following rules:
1. They must be ranked #50 or lower. Knowing that most people don't move past page 3 in checking the ranked bloggers, I felt this was a good cutoff point.
2. They must be contributors to other people's blogs whose contributions add to the thread and do not degenerate into personal attacks. I have dismissed a few bloggers from consideration because they couldn't "play nice" on other people's threads.
3. Their articles must be articles that I feel add substance to the JU world. This is the most subjective of my criteria, but I feel that there's a certain credibility factor that regular readers of my blog expect. I am rather careful who I choose, as I want my choices to be the kind of choices I would want recommended to me.
Here are the "A Blogger You All Should Know" subjects, from 1-9. If you want to read my reviews on each, they are in the archives under the "blogging" section.
1. Johnny Masuda
2. Champas-socialist
3. Anne Alogy
4. Texas Wahine
5. Death_by_Beebles
6. AwfullyEmo
7. Lenbert
8. adnauseam
9. godsjewl
There you have it, folks...bloggers 1-9 in order.
To the bloggers I have profiled: have you seen any increased traffic on your blogs as a result of my reviews, and have you gotten comments in replies referencing my reviews? I intend to continue this series as long as I find good bloggers to profile, but would appreciate your input as to any modifications/improvements I can make to this series.
signing off,
Gideon MacLeish