For anyone new to blogging on JU, I offer this advice: Don't touch sports.
Of the topics that draw Joeuser readers, sports is at the bottom of the totem pole. It should only be a subject of your blog if you're writing it for your personal collection, not for readership. Because they are rarely read and even more rarely commented upon.
My first sports blog on here was a blog entitled "(Past) Time for Griffey to Retire?". It generated comments from two users, which is well above my average of less than one. My second blog was entitled "Major League Baseball in Las Vegas? Wanna BET?", which met with a similar reception, this time eliciting comment from one user.
The common denominator of both of these articles was that they were, I felt, professional level sports op/ed pieces. Sure, they were short on word count, but brevity's something that can be remedied with the insertion of a few creative adjectives. My theory in that regard is to keep it brief for readership, and expand if the situation requires it.
As good as they were, they were pretty close to a tree falling in the forest. I could go through my other sports pieces up to the most recent and show the same thing. And they DON'T get referrals, despite namedropping celebrities, so residual points aren't going to be an issue here.
So, in summation: Burning bunnies is points, Griffey's baseball career is not.