The journey from there to here
Published on June 14, 2006 By Gideon MacLeish In Blogging

I hope y'all understand, I'm not being a poor sport in not having put up a "tagged" article, I'm just having a hard time coming up with five embarassing moments. So, to keep with the spirit of the tagging movement, I'm going to change the rules just a smidge to still give you a little bit of insight into who I am, but not burden you with some less than pleasant memories. This is about having a bit of fun, after all (I'll get in at least one embarassing moment, though, to keep with the whole spirit of the thing). So, my five MEMORABLE moments from childhood are:

1. I had just received my driver's license and gotten what I considered to be a "cool car" (1976 Cutlass S with swivel bucket seats...tres cool for parties). I was driving along outside of the high school, and, being the wannabe preppy I was (I wore OP's and Swatches...those two facts alone combine for enough embarassment to MORE than fill this article), I was focusing my attention more on the hot young ladies on the schoolhouse steps than I was on the traffic in front of me. I was jolted back to reality as I hit the car in front of me (at low damage, fortunately), guessed it, another young lady on the list of those I desperately wanted to date.

2. I was a curious child, and, having seen AC adapters and that the new pocket calculator I received for Christmas had a hole for an AC outlet, decided to design my own. I took a pipe cleaner and fashioned it into a sort of plug, and connected it from the calculator to the hole. There was a short poof! and my calculator was suddenly displaying characters that looked like Sanskrit.

3. Curious child number 2. Chemistry set. If I said nothing more, I think you would get the picture. No, I didn't make enough cool explosions, but one day I was fascinated by the phosphorescent glow of a certain burning chemical. I was making notes of its properties and burning a couple of spoonfuls, because it was, well, cool. I do not have a well developed sense of smell, but I do have a fairly well developed sense of touch, and when my butt burned from my parents returning home to the smell of burnt sulfur, I learned that was an experiment I'd be best not repeating anytime soon.

4. High school drama class. We were performing skits for an assignment, and I was the intended recipient of a pie in the face. Our pie provider, however, did not show up with a creme pie as planned, but rather, with a pumpkin pie. I was game, though, and the skit went on as planned. The only problem? It was third period, and I had half a school day to get through. Thankfully, a football player I was friends with gave me the combo to his locker so I could go into the showers and wash it out.

5. In my senior year, the community theater had a play whose opening night conflicted with my graduation. I was an active participant in the theater, however, and I approached the director about working backstage, or lights, or something to that effect. She said she had the perfect part for me. I was to play a corpse, and lie on the stage from the time the play began until it ended. I had a stand in for graduation night. On "producer's night", the night when we would put the show on for drunken producers and their friends and families, I was lying there during the intermission, and one of the producers came up onstage and kicked me in the shin because he thought it was a dummy. He was easy to pick out when I stood up with the rest of the cast for the curtain call later because of the EXTREMELY embarassed look on his face (sidenote: I won a theater award for "best cameo performance" for that role, which I still regard as one of my favorites).

Now, there aren't many people left to tag (I apologize if I'm re-tagging anyone; ignore it). I tag Amanda Pearl, Shovelheat, and MasonM

on Jun 14, 2006

I gots another one for ya!

The day I beat your butt on daily trivia...oh yeah, get my game on!  Go play!

~shaking it~

on Jun 14, 2006

I was in a play group (as an adult) and swore I would never act, just direct.  Well, one day, one of the other members conned me into a play by saying I would be playing a corpse.  She forgot to mention (until after I had agreed) that I did not become a corpse until the end of the first act!  Fortunately no one kicked my shins.

These are all great Gideon. 

on Jun 14, 2006
lol what play were you in? I was a dead body in arsenic and old lace, and like Dr. Guy, I didn't get kicked either. That must have been reserved for just you.
on Jun 14, 2006
Good grief, that kick must have been painful! I was involved in the drama club for most of my school life, Primary (Elementary here) and High Schools but never once played a corpse.
on Jun 14, 2006
Now, there aren't many people left to tag (I apologize if I'm re-tagging anyone; ignore it). I tag Amanda Pearl, Shovelheat, and MasonM

Ahhh! Scared me at first! I thought I was gonna have to come up with five MORE humiliating things! hahahaha...
on Jun 15, 2006
All I have to say is OUCH to that number 5. But I did smile at the first one, because I was once looked at on the street by a guy driving a van and he also hit the car in front of him, nothing bad but i laughed my a$$ off, couldnt help myself!! hehe!