OK, Here's MY "Random Facts" article (interestingly enough, the facts you choose say a lot about your interests):
- I am a 14th generation American (the continent, not the country, obviously) on one branch of my family, 11th generation on another, and have Cherokee ancestry.
- None of my ancestors arrived in America after 1800.
- I am related to William Bratton, who was part of the Lewis and Clark expedition, and who most notably appears in their journals because of a lengthy illness. He did manage to get a creek named after him, though.
- I am an aspiring writer, not so much an aspiring politician, though I love being an active part of the campaigns.
- I was, for a brief period of time, technically the stepson of Harvey Matusow, chief prosecution witness for McCarthy prosecutor Roy Cohn and later turncoat who helped bring down the McCarthy era.
- My circle of friends has ranged from a Socialist Party candidate for president to editor of the John Birch Society's magazine.
- I was, technically, born a Yankee, although you will rarely hear me admit to the fact. I am a Southerner at heart.
- I once worked as a ticket salesman for a minor league football franchise that never got off the ground. I met former Raider Curt Marsh in this capacity.
- My first job was assisting on a paper route, age 7. We'd be up at 2 am and hit the donut shop before heading out on the route.
- My first "real" job was groundskeeper for a cemetery.
- My grandfather was wounded in the Second Battle of the Marne, World War I. He was left for dead, and was only discovered to be alive when they were loading the corpses onto the wagons. He lived the remainder of his days (until his death in 1980) with a piece of shrapnel lodged 1/8 of an inch from his spinal column.
- I have social anxiety disorder. I do not like being out among people any more than I absolutely have to.
- In 1989, I screen tested for a movie starring Dennis Quaid. Because of this, I claim two degrees of separation from Kevin Bacon (Dennis Quaid was in "The Right Stuff" with Ed Harris, who was in "Apollo 13" with Kevin Bacon).
- The Quaid connection goes double. My cousin was an undergrad at IU when "Breaking Away" was filmed, and was an extra in the movie.
- I've been to every state west of the Mississippi except Alaska, Hawaii, and the Dakotas. I have been to many states East of the Mississippi, but not New England.
- I think the New York Yankees suck.
- I have worked on more than a dozen political campaigns, including one governor's campaign (sorry, para, but Jim Doyle was FAR preferable to that idiot Scott McCallum).
- I have been to legislative inaugurations in two states (hopefully, November will make it three).