The journey from there to here
Gideon MacLeish's Articles » Page 129
August 3, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
The year was 1930, and in an era where very few women had any college education, Olive walked across the stage and received her master's in divinity. She had worked hard for this moment, and had dreams of working full time as a minister. Life, however, set her on a different course, as she fell in love with a veteran and settled down with him in rural Indiana to raise a family. A year later, their first child, a daughter, was born, and they would have four more in the span of the next 13 y...
August 2, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
One of the greatest laments in my life have always been the people I cannot reach. I want to be a true minister, to somehow reach out and heal (spiritually, at least) the depressed, the downtrodden, the despairing... There are times when I feel like an absolute failure, however. Case in point, my mother, who has had a truly horrible life that noone could envy (as a child, one of the substantiated stories was of her father getting angry over a dress she wore and ripping the dress off of her...
August 2, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
As the 2004 presidential election nears, I can only hope that the 2000 election fiasco rears its ugly head again. Allow me to explain. After the results were inconclusive from the 2000 election, I took it upon myself to decide that, absent a president-elect, there should be an interim presidential elect. This person should: 1) Be a person who actually ran for president in some capacity 2) Be a person grossly unqualified for the office (so there would be no problem in stepping down when...
August 2, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
As the 2004 presidential election nears, I can only hope that the 2000 election fiasco rears its ugly head again. Allow me to explain. After the results were inconclusive from the 2000 election, I took it upon myself to decide that, absent a president-elect, there should be an interim presidential elect. This person should: 1) Be a person who actually ran for president in some capacity 2) Be a person grossly unqualified for the office (so there would be no problem in stepping down when...
August 2, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
OK, of those "inspired by another blog title" posts. Please note it is humor and I do not mean to disparage the many noble homeless people out there. Ups: *All it takes to put that "sparkle" back in her eye is a bottle of mad dog *"Dinner and a movie" is as cheap as standing in line at the mission and watching the crackwhore fight with her pimp from the fire escape outside of apartment 3B. *Toofless women are great at fellatio; no obstacles *You don't have to worry about ...
August 2, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
OK, of those "inspired by another blog title" posts. Please note it is humor and I do not mean to disparage the many noble homeless people out there. Ups: *All it takes to put that "sparkle" back in her eye is a bottle of mad dog *"Dinner and a movie" is as cheap as standing in line at the mission and watching the crackwhore fight with her pimp from the fire escape outside of apartment 3B. *Toofless women are great at fellatio; no obstacles *You don't have to worry about ...
August 2, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
A certain joeuser with a separate website has waged a very thinly veiled war against joeuser. He has, admirably, been very careful not to mention the name of this site and only certain select users, but the verbal barrage is unmistakeable. I must admit, frankly, I am very mixed towards this person's blogs. He angers me and cracks me up at the same time. I understand his approach better than some, but frankly, think he is a bit over the top at times. He has been described by a fellow blogge...
August 2, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
He was born on August 2, 1981, and would have been aborted had it not been for the persuasive arguments of his siblings. He grew up with four older siblings that he knew and 3 stepsiblings that he never knew. He was sanity in an insane world; he saw the light when we walked in darkness. He was "the seed that with the sun's love in the spring becomes the rose". He was a joyful young boy in an angry world. He left this world way too soon, or heaven got an angel way too late. He was my ...
August 2, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
OK, bloggers, time to fess up. I do not know about the women, but I know every man in the world had a whole list of favorite makeout songs that would pop up on the stereo whenever he got a female into the room. Let's hear 'em. My personal favorite makeout songs were kinda weird. One of my alltime favorite songs is "under the milky way tonight" by the church (it kind of established me as a dark, brooding personality).. My other two principal mainstays were "In Your Eyes" by Peter Gabriel" (...
August 1, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
His name was Enos. On the night he was born, the doctor advised his mother and father to make plans to bury him. He was a sickly child, and not expected to make it through the night, as rural Ohio had very limited medical facilities in June of 1900. He made it, and grew up with very limited education as his parents, unable to care for their children through what we consider "adulthood", sent him to town to make his own way at the age of 12. He found work in the mills, and supported himself wi...
August 1, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
I am a sports fan. Though that may not appear to bear any relevenace to the topic at hand, bear with me. I have found that the difference between the teams that win championships and the "also rans" is that the teams that win NEED to win. It consumes them, it craves their very existence, it drives them to a level of performance they might not otherwise have known. For those who have not heard the news, seven more bombings in Iraq today, four in Bagdad, six of the seven targets were chur...
July 31, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
OK, I'm kind of going to hit two related sports stories in one today, both basically headlines. The first story I want to bring up is the ignoble defeat of Mike Tyson. I have to say, I kind of had a hunch on this one, reading the stats and disliking Tyson as I do (a convicted rapist as celebrity? Nice touch there, people). It's just too bad thaat, at 10-1, I didn't have the money to drop at the local sports book. We certainly would have been able to tide over our brief money woes. Anyway, ...
July 31, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
Allow me to introduce you to my wife. She works at least 80 hours a week, is a business woman, an educator, and does a good deal of work in the health care field. She is, however, highly frowned upon in the world of "professional" women. I say this because my wife is a stay at home mom. The trend towards equality between men and women is a very good thing; personally, I feel that women should be able to achieve anything in life that they desire, just as men should. They should be abl...
July 31, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
On a recent blog, a respondent used the standard retort that my position was invalid because the other's was just as bad. This is interesting, as I've never pretended to give equal time to the opposition in most of my blogs. I cannot decide whether it is sheer laziness or ignorance that drives people to expect me to post the positions of the opposing argument on my blogs; at any rate, it annoys me that they can't be bothered to assemble their own facts on the case. Would it be reasonable f...
July 31, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
Well, here's a break for a little personal life update (my blogs are in "sink mode" at the moment anyhoo)... We're together as a family for the weekend, respiting at the Ronald McDonald house (again, an incredible organization, I highly recommend it). My wife has been doing well with labor, I've been off and on with sleep (what with shuttling the girls back and forth to sitters for the last week and a half). My little "mouse", though, has been rather fussy, as it has been very hard for he...