The journey from there to here
Published on August 2, 2004 By Gideon MacLeish In Misc
A certain joeuser with a separate website has waged a very thinly veiled war against joeuser. He has, admirably, been very careful not to mention the name of this site and only certain select users, but the verbal barrage is unmistakeable.

I must admit, frankly, I am very mixed towards this person's blogs. He angers me and cracks me up at the same time. I understand his approach better than some, but frankly, think he is a bit over the top at times. He has been described by a fellow blogger as a "muppet", hence the title of the post, as I think it fits his self parodying, over the top personality.

This blogger, ladies and gentlemen, is very much akin to the bears at Yellowstone or the burros in the Grand Canyon, or a dingo in Australia; if you don't feed him, he won't keep coming to your campsite. But people just can't resist, and then they are infuriated when he comes in and raids their tent and steals away their children.

And so it goes, until people realize that promoting him is only giving them the attention he craves. It will continue and continue until one of these days, you wake up, your baby's missing, and we will all be able to stand back and say:

"maybe the dingo ate your baby".

Just don't look, folks (oh, and I just HAD to find a way to fit in that last line...hehehe).

signing off,

Gideon MacLeish

on Aug 02, 2004
A dingo ate my bloggie! A dingo ate my bloggie!
on Aug 02, 2004

Although it may seem to be to the contrary, I do understand the concept of which you speak.

Blacklisting is a wonderful thing.

That's all I have to say about that.

on Aug 03, 2004
I have had a run in with the muppet in question and have come to one conclusion...He's an idiot!

Bring it Sir "Kermit". I haven't heard from you since the weekend and i miss our witty reparte'.
on Aug 03, 2004
I understand why people get wound up by this guy, and I know he can be offensive. He can only do that if you allow him to though. Everyone has the right to decide for themselves how to deal with this character, thoug it seems to be causing more fuss than is needed. In my opinion, I take what he says with a pinch of salt. I try and see the amusing side of what he says, and if there isn't one I simply ignore it. To start a war over it seems pointless to me, as that is only giving people what they want. How to punish this person who needs attention, and will say whatever to get it, write a blog about how annoying they are. Yes that will work.
on Aug 03, 2004
, sally...I know what you mean.

I just was hit by the humourous concept of a "when muppets attack" thread after the latest to
on Aug 03, 2004
....Gideon I think you're wicked, that wasn't a personal attack at all. On a different note, I love the muppets, I like to think of myself as Miss Piggy
on Aug 03, 2004
A single thread on the forums at (not even started by myself) which criticises Joeuser is a "very thinly veiled war against joeuser"?

You need to get out more young man!
on Aug 07, 2004
OK, Sir Peter, I stand corrected. You did not start the thread. My apologies.
on Aug 10, 2004
Everytime I see a post that I know will likely enrage or otherwise disturb me, I fight the urge to click on it by running the "Just Don't Look" song from an old Simpsons Halloween epsisode (where large outdoor advertisements had come to life and were destroying the town) through my mind. This technique has been very successful for me, because, lets face it - the temptation is very strong (for me anyways) to read something controversial just for the drama that it brings.

Anyways, I highly reccommend the "Just Don't Look" song.