OK, here's an interesting one. As a parent, I have long advocated the rights of a parent to spank their child when necessary. There's a vast difference between a spanking and a beating, and children NEED to learn boundaries in order to grow up well adjusted in society. I have been shouted down by the left in this country, claiming that spanking a child is "abuse", and that no parent should EVER lay a hand on their child (citing spanking a child as physical abuse is, in my opinion, the same...
The title of this blog is (without the stream of exclamation points and question marks) the title of a propaganda piece of the liberal machine that aired on some cable TV channel yesterday. While I absolutely refused to watch it, the title of the piece was a clear and obvious reference to Rev. Martin Neimoeller's well known quote regarding Nazi Germany. And it was deliberately inflammatory, and obviously deliberately worded to imply that the recent responses to Ward Churchill are a persecutio...
Well, we are still, sorta. We don't have internet access. But anyhoo... My neighbor decided it was time to get satellite TV. As his antenna was no longer needed, he said we could have it, so we uprooted it from the ground around his house, taking down the guy wires one at a time and removing the antenna, which had a little bit of damage from years of use. So, I climbed up on top of the house (lostintexas or Texaswahine, if you're reading this, I am IMMENSELY grateful the addition was we...
Dr.Guy posted a recent comment by actress Jada Pinkett Smith that started me to thinking in light of the recent Oscars (Pinkett Smith and husband Will Smith being in the field and all). Hollywood family men and women boast about their "having it all"; being career actors and parents as well, but does their boast have merit to it? When the children wake up with a nightmare,who do they turn to? Mommy or daddy who are on a film shoot in Australia, or the ever present nanny, upon whose parenting ...
Yesterday, Steve Fossett became the first person to fly solo around the world without refueling. With all due respect to Mr. Fossett, however, the record belongs more to technology than to the man. When Charles Linbergh spanned the Atlantic solo without refueling, he did it on a budget of $15,000, and with only radio communication with the ground. He spanned the Atlantic in approximately 33.5 hours. Dick Rutan and Jeanna Yeager's pioneer around the world flight,the first without refueling,...
My last piece about what prolife means to me was meant to explain some of my moral standards a little more fully. In doing so,I shared some of MY values, based on my interpretation of how to most closely follow the tenets of my faith. Someone reading them would question why those values aren't the cornerstone of my political beliefs. It's a fair question, and one to which I feel inclined to respond. My values are based primarily on my reading and studying of the Holy Bible, which I hold as...
"Pro-life" is one of the most bandied about, politicized words in the American lexicon today. Its narrow definition is applied by the media only to those who not only oppose abortion, but actively lobby for its illegalization. But I have a different take on the issue. "Pro-life" is a combination of words whose meaning shouldn't be changed for political convenience. I consider myself prolife and apply the following definitions: Antiabortion: with a qualifier here, I am firmly against abor...
For years, I have heard conservative Christians advance the argument that, because the word "kill" in the commandment "Thou shalt not kill" is rightly translated "murder", it does not apply to war or the death penalty.I am setting the former aside in favor of the latter for this particular argument. Yes,the word IS properly translated "murder". Then,we must ask if the death penalty is morally considered to be murder. My answer to this is: yes AND no. In the case of someone who is PROVEN to be...
Texas is the latest in the list of states to consider banning cell phone use while driving, among a list of other considerations. While I personally feel that most people who use cell phones while driving are idiots and potential future Darwin Award candidates, I nevertheless do not welcome yet another potential intrustion on individual liberties. The selling point in this legislation is a father who lost his high school aged daughter because she creashed while talking on the cell phone and d...
Senator Robert Byrd makes a wonderful spokesman for the Democrats, doncha think? Seems the ex-Klansman and early civil rights obstructionist made a speech warning people about learning from the past, using Hitler's rise to power as an example. While his statements pretty clearly referenced the GOP, he denied that they were the target of his diatribe. Byrd = pot Bush = kettle
Disclaimer: While I could easily write a piece on the Republican betrayal of their constituency as well, I have never been an adherent of the GOP platform. Therefore, I don't have firsthand knowledge. So those who will claim this as a partisan attack would do well to keep that in mind. I was born in 1970, and raised by the liberal of liberals. I have seen and studied much of the 1960's, and what readily comes to mind is the image of young college students campaigning for the Democrats under...
Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. I can't remember who said that (although I could probably google it readily), but it's a generally accepted maxim as regards politics, and one that has been proven more often than disproven. It is also a maxim that is largely disregarded by the American left in their quest to create a utopia. Somehow they feel that an individual, once bestowed with the mantle of being part of a "government" is immediately immunized from the effects of...
So I went to our city hall today, the only place where I can access city ordinances. I asked the city secretary to see them, knowing what was coming. "Well, what do you want to look up?" Frankly, it was none of her BUSINESS what I wanted to look up. You cannot expect someone to follow a law if they don't have access to look up that law without a de facto Fifth Amendment violation in TELLING the city secretary what they are looking up. AT any rate, I was looking up a number of laws, both ...
When you talk about "Going to second base" with a girl, you mean you went to the stadium and ran halfway 'round the infield When you remember more than 5 starters for any pre-1995 Seattle Mariners team (or pre-1990 Astros team). When you've gone to any city just to see the stadium. When you place a radar gun over the baby's crib. When you can calculate a pitcher's season ERA to the thousandths place at any start after the All Star Break When you name your child Willie, Mickey, or Duke (Or...
I am often struck by the incredibly appropriate timing of the cosmos. So I was no less in awe yesterday when the Supreme Court handed down its ruling against executing criminals who were minors when their crimes were committed. This came just days after the death of Amnesty International founder Phil Benenson, a man who had spent many years working to free political prisoners and to shine a light on the abhorrent human rights practices of many countries. Amnesty International has been a beaco...