Note: I can't respond on the individual in question's thread (he has me blacklisted), so I will do so here. Don't get me wrong. I try to live a good life, and be a good Christian, and, in fact, would love to see most of my friends come to know and understand Jesus Christ. What Christian wouldn't? But I also respect and appreciate the fact that God made us individuals free to exercise our own choices FOR A REASON. Acknowledging God means acknowledging that He knows better than I, and ...
Well, as the inane train wreck known as the Michael Jackson trial proceeds, I have to admit, there's a good amount of reasonable doubt at this point. Personally, I find the man repulsive and creepy, but those aren't the legal standards for conviction. What will be interesting to see, however, is how his life is AFTER this trial. News reports state that Neverland employees haven't been paid for five days, and many experts believe he is near bankruptcy. His indulgences, to put it simply, may ha...
e school's dress code. Several of the high school boys came in; all had hair that was easily as short or shorter than "Beatles" haircuts of the 60's, asking the school to change its policy, which currently only allows hair "above the collar, abovuse their hair exceeded the collar length. It still surprises me that, in this day and age, so many still judge a man, as Johnny Cash once said "by the cut of his clothes or the length of his hair".
I can't take credit for this scoop. Credit goes to the following: Link WASHINGTON, DC—Almost a year after the cessation of major combat and a month after the nation's first free democratic elections, President Bush unveiled the coalition forces' strategy for exiting Iraq. Above: Bush announces the pullout of Iraq through Iran. "I'm pleased to announce that the Department of Defense and I have formulated a plan for a speedy withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq," Bush an...
I can't take credit for this scoop. Credit goes to the following: Link WASHINGTON, DC—Almost a year after the cessation of major combat and a month after the nation's first free democratic elections, President Bush unveiled the coalition forces' strategy for exiting Iraq. Above: Bush announces the pullout of Iraq through Iran. "I'm pleased to announce that the Department of Defense and I have formulated a plan for a speedy withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq," Bush an...
When I first came to joeuser, I was looking for a blog site where I could begin to write articles to grow as a writer. I have received much more from JU than I ever expected. So, in many ways, this is more of a "Thank You, JU" thread than a Sir Peter appreciation thread, but I don't think any thank you for JU would be complete without mention of one of the individuals who helped me grow more than many others. See, when I first got here, I was easily as offended by SPM as anyone here, but I di...
On the heels of Jada Pinkett Smith's speech at Harvard (see Dr. Guy's piece on the matter), we have a new word added to our lexicon: "heteronormative". Heteronormative speech is apparently one of the new PC buzzwords. To put it simply, if you refer to traditional male/female relationships, you are heteronormative and, according to the limp wrist lobby, a bigot. Now, personally, I don't mind gay males. As a single guy, they gave me less competition, and believe me, that was much appreciated...
I read a news article this past week that absolutely infuriated me. The article was promoting vaccinations, which is well and good as it was, but it caricaturized people who choose not to vaccinate their children as superstitious, misinformed, backwoods individuals. Now, don't get me wrong. I respect some of the advances made through study and through immunizations. In fact, I FAVOR some immunizations to a certain extent. But the legal "loopholes" of many states require an "all or nothing" ex...
I've often been asked why I favor tax cuts for the wealthy. It's a fair question, and deserves a fair answer, especially considering: I've never been rich I'll probably never BE rich Nobody in my immediate family, or circle of friends is rich. Well, the main arguments I have already presented in other blogs and won't mention them here. But one of the key arguments I rarely see considered is the fact that an increased tax burden on the wealthy STILL falls disproportionately on the poor. ...
Aeryck recently wrote an article attacking atheists. For the record, I thought the article a poorly written, inflammatory attack on atheists, and found it unreasonable. Thus ends my editorial comment on the piece, which did NOT appear on his article. Myrrander stated, and with SOME justification, that those who get angry when he puts out a piece attacking Christianity were not there to defend him. I will be the first to state that I said NOTHING on Aeryck's blog regarding the issue, and here'...
At least twice now, I have seen blogs regarding states' rights as regards the voting rights of felons. But these blogs have largely ignored the fact that we have gradually disallowed states' rights in education (No Child Left Behind) and national security (The US Patriot Act). Liberals are quick to attack George W. Bush as treading upon the constitution, and perhaps justly so. But in doing so, they ignore the facts regarding one of their cherished presidents, who set precedents that allow these ...
This from Senator Harry Reid of Nevada: "I'm not a big Greenspan fan -- Alan Greenspan fan," Reid said when asked about the Fed chairman's testimony this week urging Congress to deal quickly with the financial problems facing Social Security and Medicare. "I voted against him the last two times. I think he's one of the biggest political hacks we have in Washington." I caught this one on yesterday's "Meet the Press", and thought it utterly ridiculous. Greenspan has fallen into disfavor wi...
I was born in 1970. Thus, I was 15 years old in September 1985, which could best be considered "The Day the Music Died, part Deux". I remember well the PMRC hearings, led most notably by Tipper Gore, Al Gore's wife, who blew her top after she caught her daughter (allegedly, I still don't believe this story) masturbating to Prince's song "Darlin' Nikki". She then decided to be the moral arbiter of all American Rock music, notably exempting country music and many others from the same attacks. U...
So, now that we have a TV again (see my article "Luddite no More"), I decided that Saturday evening I would sit down and watch SNL, as I hadn't been able to in months. Now, don't get me wrong; as far as humor goes, SNL has always had a bit of a "rise and fall" tendency; when the core comedians leave, it takes awhile for the other comedians to step up to the plate. Soooo, I watched the show. It was a rerun, from during the election, but it was HORRIBLE. I don't mean corny, I don't mean chee...
In Baker's featured article, he addressed the impact that campaign finance reform laws could potentially have on blogging (that the suggested interpretations constitute a gross violation of the first amendment is another story entirely). This brought to mind another concern of mine; that of equal time laws and how they have continually been violated as regards third parties. I pulled the following from the linked website: Link The equal time, or more accurately, the equal opportunity p...