The journey from there to here

I read a news article this past week that absolutely infuriated me. The article was promoting vaccinations, which is well and good as it was, but it caricaturized people who choose not to vaccinate their children as superstitious, misinformed, backwoods individuals.

Now, don't get me wrong. I respect some of the advances made through study and through immunizations. In fact, I FAVOR some immunizations to a certain extent. But the legal "loopholes" of many states require an "all or nothing" exemption to vaccination requirements, meaning I'm not allowed to CHOOSE which vaccinations my child does or doesn't get. I'm either morally (or religiously) opposed, or I'm not.

THIS is where I take issue with vaccinations. Far from showing that vaccinations are universally helpful, evidence can be shown to the contrary. Though the US responded to concerns about the autism link between the mercury based additives to earlier immunizations (without an admission of guilt, mind you), the fact that they have continued in their refusal to provide fair, objective information about vaccines to those who wish to receive such information, creates a credibility gap that cannot be mended in my mind. All you have to do is look at the flouride and chlorine initiatives in our drinking water, the fact that lead and cadmium were used in plastics manufacture without full disclosure until AT LEAST 1996 (I know because I was working with these chemicals. When I mentioned the use of the chemicals as the reason I wanted my then 1 year old's lead levels tested, the DOCTOR was surprised to hear of the lead and cadmium in the plastics), and the fact that lead was added to our gasoline until the 1970's as good examples of why the government's information should not be trusted absent an evaluation of the hard data (for extra evidence of government misinformation, research the suspected and known complications of, among other things, aspartame, colloidal silver, and aluminum in deodorants, the latter of which was referenced in one of KarmaGirl's blogs). The government consistently and willingly misinforms the American public, and you can NOT trust their information at face value.

The pro immunization crowd also ignores the fact that many "alternative" medicine practitioners utilize herbs and substances known to strengthen the body's immune response to an acquired disease. Far from being a rabbit's foot or four leaf clover as the article implied, these herbs and substances are actually suggested by most traditional health practitioners when a disease IS acquired.

I do love the advancements medical science has made over the years. But I'm not willing to concede EVERY new medical revelation as an "advancement" absent the evidence, and frankly, neither should you.

on Mar 08, 2005

"The purpose of our Health Departments is to educate and inform, NOT IMPELL. " This was supposedly the mantra, and are great words to live by...


I don't know how many times I got into arguments over the "NOT IMPELL" part. Not because I didn't want to follow it, but because rarely did the teachers seem to want to teach it. "To not immunize your kids is child neglect. "Parents should be charged if they're too lazy to get their kids immunized." and I went to a very conservative college!

I stepped up my arguing once I'd taken Human Anatomy & Physiology and learned that humans don't even have a fully working immune system until around 4 or 5!!!

Question: "Why do we inject diseases into newborns?"
answer: "So the newborn's immune system can build antibodies and other defenses against those diseases."
Q: "Um... ok, but isn't it true they don't have fully working immune systems until they are about 4 or 5?"
A: "Anyone who doesn't immunize their kids should be charged with neglect... are your kids immunized?"

Apparently we have yet another example of what "choice" and "parenthood" mean to some people.
on Mar 08, 2005


I am a backwoods individual named Guy

{{Hello Guy}}

I refused to let my children be vaccinated against Chicken pox.


It was new and experimental and Chicken Pox was an irritant, but not deadly for healthy children.

{{You Luddite!  You hypocrit!  You anti totalarianist!}}

3 of my Children got the disease.


One did not.


None spent more than 2 days 'under' the weather.


I am sorry, for I am not sorry I did not allow it.  Some children died from the vaccine.


Look it up you self centered egotistical twerps!


BTW:  Amen Gid!

on Mar 08, 2005

Q: "Um... ok, but isn't it true they don't have fully working immune systems until they are about 4 or 5?"
A: "Anyone who doesn't immunize their kids should be charged with neglect... are your kids immunized?"

Apparently we have yet another example of what "choice" and

Oh, you were at the same IDIA meeting?  (Infectious diseases Inocculation anonymous).  Sorry I missed you!

on Mar 08, 2005
It was new and experimental and Chicken Pox was an irritant, but not deadly for healthy children

Ha--and it doesn't work! I was vaccinated twice and got Chicken Pox when I was in college!

Interesting article Gid. I didn't realize that you had to do all or none. I feel a little smarter now!
on Mar 08, 2005
I would have been at the meetings, but my kids had chicken pox!! ;~D

Actually all my kids did have chicken pox. When they were all still preschool, our neighbors kids had it. We took the kids over for a saturday of play. They got it, we took care of them through it, and they haven't had a single problem with Chicken pox every since. ;~D
on Mar 08, 2005

Ha--and it doesn't work! I was vaccinated twice and got Chicken Pox when I was in college!

Damn!  My oldest is 22, and they did not start 'insisting' (it is demanding now) until my youngest was about 2 (he is 12).  Guess you were a Guinea pig! A Very Beautiful one I might add (running and ducking for cover.....)

on Mar 08, 2005

Actually all my kids did have chicken pox. When they were all still preschool, our neighbors kids had it. We took the kids over for a saturday of play. They got it, we took care of them through it, and they haven't had a single problem with Chicken pox every since. ;~D

I had them all except the mumps.  If you get them as kids, you dont get them as an adult.  If you get them as an adult, you dont get kids.

I did not get them as a kid, and I got kids!  Oops!

on Mar 09, 2005
walllllllll shoot me up ma man, me ol lady and me iz gonna go on one them vaccinations up to canada this thursday.
on Mar 10, 2005
The only vaccinations I have recieved are Tetanus and Hepatitus C. My mom made my sister and I get tetanus because we played outside all the time, and I was required to get the Hepatitus C vaccine to enroll in college. However, I got sick my less than most of my friends throughout school. Plus, chicken pox sucks for a couple days, that's it, then you never have it again. If parents are considered negligent for not vaccinating young children, why is the same not thought about breast feeding? Breast feeding happens to be the main way that nature developed for passing antibodies on to infants to protect them before their immune system is fully developed, and to aid in its development. It really is stupid to require vaccinations for diseases that are not very common anymore and have potential side affects.
on Mar 10, 2005

If parents are considered negligent for not vaccinating young children, why is the same not thought about breast feeding?

Excellent point. In fact, some parents are actually PERSECUTED for breast feeding; we have firsthand experience in that area.

on Mar 10, 2005
Well said, though I find it hard to believe that you only just worked out that the corporate media has an agenda and cannot be trusted. There is a fundamental conflict of interest between journalism, and corporate status, and I'm not just talking about bias to not say anything bad that might have a negative effect on some of their subsiduary business, but the fact that a corporation has a legal obligation to its shareholders to maximize profits. How can you maximize profits in a news organization? By not employing journalists, just people to find meaningless fluff to fill the time that isn't filled by directly relaying government propaganda. There are few news agencies left in the world that can be trusted, but they're generally the ones that are still public, such as BBC, CBC and PBS.
on Mar 10, 2005

By not employing journalists, just people to find meaningless fluff to fill the time that isn't filled by directly relaying government propaganda. There are few news agencies left in the world that can be trusted, but they're generally the ones that are still public, such as BBC, CBC and PBS.

First you say "isnt filled by directly relaying government propaganda", then you say "public, such as BBC, CBC and PBS".

That is so two faced and stupid!  SO only government sponsored news agencies can be trusted? Next you will be claiming Mikey Moore films documentaries!

Did you vote for those stations before you voted against them?

on Mar 10, 2005
How can you maximize profits in a news organization? By not employing journalists, just people to find meaningless fluff to fill the time that isn't filled by directly relaying government propaganda.

A long time ago (and I'm talking about pre-Heast/Pulitzer days), a paper maximized profits by being more honest, cover the story best and scoop the crap out of the competition.

There are few news agencies left in the world that can be trusted, but they're generally the ones that are still public, such as BBC, CBC and PBS.

Sorry to have to say it, but you contradict yourself here. How is a corporate news outlet out for a profit any more a conflict of interest than a government sponsored news outlet, covering the government. Both are beholding to the hand that feeds them.
on Mar 11, 2005

How is a corporate news outlet out for a profit any more a conflict of interest than a government sponsored news outlet, covering the government.

Precisely. The "forced vaccination" lobby actually comes FROM the government; the media is, in this instance, acting as their shill.