The journey from there to here
Published on March 8, 2005 By Gideon MacLeish In Blogging

Aeryck recently wrote an article attacking atheists. For the record, I thought the article a poorly written, inflammatory attack on atheists, and found it unreasonable. Thus ends my editorial comment on the piece, which did NOT appear on his article.

Myrrander stated, and with SOME justification, that those who get angry when he puts out a piece attacking Christianity were not there to defend him. I will be the first to state that I said NOTHING on Aeryck's blog regarding the issue, and here's why:

I respect the rights of other bloggers to blog what they wish. If my response can't be worded in a reasonably diplomatic way on their piece, I TRY not to comment (there have been times when I have broken this rule, I admit). Frankly, a diplomatic response from my end requires TIME; I don't do tact well without time to act as a filter to my rather strong opinions. And so I don't respond.

But what I ALSO don't do is cheer the blogger on through comments; in fact, I feel the best way to respond to those with whom you have very little common ground is through NONresponse; that's the avenue I try to use most frequently. Call it fence sitting, call it what you will, I call it respecting the free speech rights of other bloggers, rights which I have, from time to time, liberally exercised.

As to the post in question, it DOES underscore the hypocrisy of many Christians in their attitude towards atheists. But it does not represent the views of all of us, nor even, in my own empirical experience, of most of us.

So, if I don't rally 'round your flag, it doesn't mean I don't agree. More likely, I see it as an intellectual hamster wheel, best avoided in pursuit of more serious discussion.

Respectfully submitted,

Gideon MacLeish

on Mar 08, 2005
I just find it interesting that there are plenty of people who will jump on the bandwagon when they feel Christianity being attacked -- even to the point of threatenign to leave, eh? But those same people who feel so discriminated against don't really mind when the person attacked isn't of their creed.

I've stopped visiting Aeryck's threads because I feel (s)he doesn't really believe in much of anything, it's a complete troll blog. Anyway, I don't NEED people to rally around a flag (not a fan of flags, anyway) -- I just think that people who will openly attack one group should probably think about that whole "love your neighbor" thing.

I'm used to hypocrite Christians -- I've met very few that weren't. The religion, if followed literally, pretty much sets you up for it.
on Mar 08, 2005
But what I ALSO don't do is cheer the blogger on through comments; in fact, I feel the best way to respond to those with whom you have very little common ground is through NONresponse; that's the avenue I try to use most frequently.

I guess it comes down to your position. I dont read him, and indeed I am sure he reviles me for being a papist. Just like I dont read Atheist rants (I do love your Anti-theist blogs however).

I dont always ignore them with non-responses. However when they are so far gone over the edge (left and right), I do ignore them, or tweak them. That is fun too!
on Mar 09, 2005
I've stopped visiting Aeryck's threads because I feel (s)he doesn't

me too plus it has me banned and I will be damned if I read anything anymore I cannot comment back.. and yer right he/she/it/ is a troll.... a creep disguised as a careing Christian. bushwahhhhhhhhhhh.........

hey sourmyrr miss ya man,

on Mar 09, 2005
I'm used to hypocrite Christians -- I've met very few that weren't. The religion, if followed literally, pretty much sets you up for it.

Sure it does.

If a hypocrite is between you and God....guess who is closer. At least they are in a place where they can get help.

I find it amazing that when people stand up vigorously for their beliefs...they are called hypocrites...only if they are Christians. I believe that intellegent design (creationism) should be mentioned along with evolution as they are both theories...and I get blasted as a hypocrite for trying to push my own beliefs. Non-Christians believe in evolution (or something else) and want just that taught in schools period, and they get applauded for trying to push their own beliefs.

Christians write their own blogs on here on their own beliefs and are labeled hypocrites (granted...I think Aeryck went a little far) and are quickly shot down. Others who write their own beliefs are quickly backed up by their groupies.

So it seems the defining line of being a hypocrite is what you believe in? Im sorry. I believe in God. You may not. Get over it. Its called life...move on with it. Stop reading the national enquirer for your religious news and how you get the information you try and present on here as your own view of Christianity. People on here seem to have had one bad experience, go to a few bad churches, didnt get their wishes answered by God, and forever turn around and label christians as hypocrites. I find it amazing that when I, or other christians blog, our entire belief system gets shot down because of what we believe in; yet those who don't believe in anything, and make it up as they go, are supported.

True, some of the Christian bloggers on here are a little far out there as far as their posts. That doesnt mean everyone else is like him. If you are going to label a person a hypocrite...label that person...not the belief system they follow...or others who follow that same thing. Just because Aercyk said something and he is a Christian...that doesnt mean I agree with him. This may be a little known secret.....but....Christian people actually do have different opinions from other christians...just like you!
on Mar 09, 2005
I couldn't have commented if I'd wanted, because s/he/it deletes all my comments no matter how rational or on-topic. I almost wrote a blog called "Just Blacklist Me Already!" but thought better of it when I feared everyone but s/he/it would blacklist me!

I think Aeryck is a fake.

If you'll recall, s/he/it entered throwing an anti-Dharma hissy fit, but liberally deleting blogs and comments as s/he/it went so as to stay out of moderator trouble. Someone entering with a chip on their shoulder already knowing what buttons to push indicates to me it's probably someone we know faking a new identity to troll anonymously.

The radically pro Christianity schtick looked to me like nothing more than a counter to Dharma's Buddhism. I've seen nothing to change my mind.

Fake flaming troll.
on Mar 09, 2005
Gene, I agree with what you've said, which is why after the comment Gid wrote about, I stepped away from the comp, took a big deep breath, and decided not to go to that blog anymore. It was first Dharma's Buddhism and currently my atheism (several new articles on the subject today I see on the lists) -- it's a complete troll blog.

I'm even a bit disappointed that this article got featured, not because it isn't quality (Gid, your work is almost ALWAYS high-quality) -- but just because it gives a feature article that talks about a flame-baiting troll. A flame bait post once in awhile is one thing, an entire blog of it gets boring.

Anyway, I at least like to read flame-bait that is coherent and somewhat decently written. Aeryck doesn't provide any of that.

on Mar 09, 2005
ah, ziggy you just don't like me because I put you and your girl in your place when you get holier-than-thou

it's ok, you can be honest about it
on Mar 10, 2005
ah, ziggy you just don't like me because I put you and your girl in your place when you get holier-than-thou

Yeah, I guess you are right....I will be honest, did a pretty good job there Myrr...I couldnt even tell you put me in my place...because Im still here. Way to go! Man, you should put me in my place more often. Its kinda comfy here.

We get holier-than-thou? What do you get? "My way and what I have made up during my life to make into my own personalized belief system, because it conveniently fits the way I live, is right and if you think otherwise and bring in your own're obviously stupid and going to be flamed?"
on Mar 10, 2005
Have I happened upon a gathering of 'nitters' getting ready for the head to fall.

Much earlier, I had the chance of seeing the carving style that y'all manufacture, you stand together in much the same way blind me do, and as we know, blind me fall into the same hole.

The only reason you are spitting fire, is because of you intence hatred for The Lord Jesus Christ.

It is fortunate for you that I decided to delete the fifth and degredation that you call discussion, that most of you dropped in much the same way a horse does when she is angry at not recieving enough attention.

It is ironic that you can think of nothing better to do, than to further plot my downfall. Since I arrived on this blogg, I was happily telling my story and was invaded by a barrage of the most hateful and intolerant humans, hardly. I now understand that Joeuser is for you and you kind sort of like a 'glass house' because of the fact that you hateful comments are spread abroad and now you cannot account for them and lie and say that you never wrote a thing. I can see the Shakesperian plots unfold. You are all cowards, and could never answer the question.

It is hard to be found out to be fakes, for that is what you have made yourselves, by calling yourselves atheists and not even knowing the origin of such a word. Quickly some of you hit the net and attempt to formulate philosphical and religious arguments when you clearly know very little at all. If anything you are very unglamorous and boring and petty and critical of everything that has a jump and a skip in it.

It is my advice to you beaty boys, that you get a life other than that of going around planting your ignorant comments upon bloggs where you have outworn your welcome because of hostility.
Now let me follow your carving style. No I shall not. Rally around your fake flag and enjoy your fake judgments, and if you have the guts to return and face what await you on my blogg then I dare your real substance....please...make my day.
on Mar 10, 2005
Since it is your style to delete and deny, I think I'll quote your entire post.

Reply By: aeryck Posted: Thursday, March 10, 2005
Have I happened upon a gathering of 'nitters' getting ready for the head to fall.

Much earlier, I had the chance of seeing the carving style that y'all manufacture, you stand together in much the same way blind me do, and as we know, blind me fall into the same hole.

The only reason you are spitting fire, is because of you intence hatred for The Lord Jesus Christ.

It is fortunate for you that I decided to delete the fifth and degredation that you call discussion, that most of you dropped in much the same way a horse does when she is angry at not recieving enough attention.

It is ironic that you can think of nothing better to do, than to further plot my downfall. Since I arrived on this blogg, I was happily telling my story and was invaded by a barrage of the most hateful and intolerant humans, hardly. I now understand that Joeuser is for you and you kind sort of like a 'glass house' because of the fact that you hateful comments are spread abroad and now you cannot account for them and lie and say that you never wrote a thing. I can see the Shakesperian plots unfold. You are all cowards, and could never answer the question.

It is hard to be found out to be fakes, for that is what you have made yourselves, by calling yourselves atheists and not even knowing the origin of such a word. Quickly some of you hit the net and attempt to formulate philosphical and religious arguments when you clearly know very little at all. If anything you are very unglamorous and boring and petty and critical of everything that has a jump and a skip in it.

It is my advice to you beaty boys, that you get a life other than that of going around planting your ignorant comments upon bloggs where you have outworn your welcome because of hostility.
Now let me follow your carving style. No I shall not. Rally around your fake flag and enjoy your fake judgments, and if you have the guts to return and face what await you on my blogg then I dare your real substance....please...make my day.

Bonus Rating: Trolling   Insightful  Submit

Nice propaganda, and...

blind me

...nice Freudian slip.

and now you cannot account for them and lie and say that you never wrote a thing.

I can account for them. Keep in mind who is blacklisting and deleting, folks.

the most hateful and intolerant humans
You are all cowards, and could never answer the question.
you clearly know very little at all.
you are very unglamorous and boring and petty and critical of everything
get a life

First Freudian slips and now massive projecting. Tsk-tsk. Get thee to a shrinkery. (<-- A little something for the Shakespearian conspirists.)

Okay, enough feeding the fake, flaming troll.
on Mar 10, 2005
I wouldnt be surprised if our fake, flaming troll has opened a new blog to flame s/he/itself.

Exact same M.O.

(Ironically, my posts have become the antithesis of this article's message. )
on Mar 11, 2005

The only reason you are spitting fire, is because of you intence hatred for The Lord Jesus Christ.


See, this statement, above all others, PROVES you to be a liar. I will not defend my position beyond this, as, I have only one person to answer to in this regard....and it AIN'T you.

Nice troll. Keep it up and find yourself on blackmail, as you have me.