Well, we are still, sorta. We don't have internet access.
But anyhoo...
My neighbor decided it was time to get satellite TV. As his antenna was no longer needed, he said we could have it, so we uprooted it from the ground around his house, taking down the guy wires one at a time and removing the antenna, which had a little bit of damage from years of use.
So, I climbed up on top of the house (lostintexas or Texaswahine, if you're reading this, I am IMMENSELY grateful the addition was well built...I'm not a big fan of getting up on roofs) and began to raise up the antenna tower. We had to slant it in slightly, as the footings extended out past the eaves of the house, but like the famous flag at Iwo Jima, the antenna was raised and our TV was hooked up. So now we have three (sometimes four) channels, and I can watch the news again.
But I still can't get Fox in so no NASCAR. Dang it!