The journey from there to here

OK, here's an interesting one.

As a parent, I have long advocated the rights of a parent to spank their child when necessary. There's a vast difference between a spanking and a beating, and children NEED to learn boundaries in order to grow up well adjusted in society.

I have been shouted down by the left in this country, claiming that spanking a child is "abuse", and that no parent should EVER lay a hand on their child (citing spanking a child as physical abuse is, in my opinion, the same as citing hugging a child as sexual abuse...the two are NOT interchangeable).

Now, Yahoo! News reports that, in Williamsburg, Virginia, an 8 year old child was arrested and taken into custody following a temper tantrum during which he head butted a teacher and kicked an assistant principal. He was charged with assault and battery.

I leave it to you, dear joeuser, to decide which is more inhumane: to administer a firm spanking to an unruly child, or to haul them off in handcuffs and take them to the county jail, a frightening place for an adult, let alone an 8 year old child.

on Mar 05, 2005
Clearly spanking is wrong, everyone should have the opportunity of being arrested and dragged away in handcuffs, spending the night in jail is merely a bonus. The earlier the better
on Mar 05, 2005

I guess I fall somewhere in the middle yet again. I got whipped with switches, belts, etc., and in my experience the point isn't the actual sting, it is getting the child out of their haze and focusing on what they did wrong. I couldn't bring myself to use switches, etc., because I don't think pain is the point.

I think spanking after the age of 4 or 5 is basically meaningless anyway. Before that, a swat to the behind doesn't need to hurt physically for it to re-enforce punishment. Once a kid gets to the point they choose a spanking over loosing TV or videogames (which mine did at 5), then you would have to cause them real pain to make a statement. I think by that time they have either learned the basic layout or they haven't.

on Mar 05, 2005
It is my opinion that the idea behind not spanking a child goes a lot deeper than just spanking. From equating spanking with abuse, equating household "chores" as slave labor, parents teaching children our values equated with denying them the freedom to choose or think for themselves, and calling for government intervention in every facet of family interaction. The common thread is, parents aren't good enough to be trusted with raising our kids.

I think it was Ayn Rand (but I can't seem to find the exact quote, so I'm not 100% sure) who once said, "The parents of the future will not only allow the government to raise the children, but will insist they do so." I fear that may more true than many of us want to accept.
on Mar 05, 2005
I think spanking after the age of 4 or 5 is basically meaningless anyway. Before that, a swat to the behind doesn't need to hurt physically for it to re-enforce punishment.

I agree, spanking should be nothing more than a quick re-focusing of the child's attention. I remember sitting in a class where we were taught that the "intelligent" parent sits and reasons with a child, instead of spanking them. To me that just showed that the teacher (and whoever put together this particular class) was clueless about young kids. I'm sure there are 1 or 2 "prodigy" 2 year olds out there, but for most talk is meaningless.

On the other hand, one of my kids (out of 4) was a great candidate for "time out", because you could spank him all day and it wouldn't mean a thing. Make him sit on a chair while everyone else gets to play, and the message sank in quick.

All in all, (like most things) it is a case by case and child by child decision. Spanking shouldn't be the only option, but if it works, it should be an option.
on Mar 05, 2005
I've had children do things in my class where I've said "you know what? If you were an adult like me and you did that, you would be in jail right now." to them. And I don't really think it makes an impact and its probably not something I should be saying to them, but it's true. If you touch another adult like that in public, that person has a right to call the police and press charges. If you bring a weapon to high school, you better bet you're going to get your butt hauled off to the clink and get permanently expelled.

I've had both scenarios play out in my classroom...I suppose it doesn't make much difference to the kid...he could care less.