A couple weeks ago, while surfing BlogClicker, I came across a blog where the blogger was soliciting items to sell for surgery. As I surf many blogs over the day, I thought no more of it. Until today, when I stopped briefly on the blog. I will spare some of the details so as to spare the blogger SOME embarrassment, but suffice it to say, the money was being raised for a SEX CHANGE. Now, see, I don't care if you're a man wanting to be a female, a female wanting to be a man, or wish to have ...
One of my absolute pet peeves is evangelical atheists. You know the type; the people for whom even agnostics are viewed as religious extremists. It's not enough for evangelical atheists to not believe, they have to ridicule and mock the beliefs of those who do. And they give a bad name to the many atheists who really don't care what you believe. They're the type who will loudly complain when, at an event YOU are hosting, you bow with friends in prayer. In complaining, they will simply disrega...
Well, "updating" isn't really the right word for it, since I've never actually applied for a job via resume before. It's part of my "reinvention". But, I was toying around with my work and educational experience last night, and put together the rough draft of my resume. There's a business expo/job fair coming up on the 18th, and I figure it's worth my while to at least TRY for something more substantial. Otherwise, I may be working in fast food fairly soon. Not that there's anything wrong wit...
Well, Bagdad Mack, I decided for your sake to write this blog. You see, you care so much about my opinion that you continually post blogs to get my response (while being too chickenshit to allow me to comment directly and rebut my responses yourself...but I digress). And so, I must reciprocate your concern. You see, I am beginning to understand you better. A little research into your favorite pasttime of huffing brought the following results: The chemicals found in volatile solvents, aero...
On another article, the definition of poor came into question. One person asserted that, to be "middle class" you had to be in the $80K range. First off, let me say, that MAY be true where they live. I can't say for certain. But where I live, $80K would put me in the price range to finance the best homes in our area. And I could buy a home in MOST neighborhoods outright for less than a year's total salary, or a "fixer upper" that would set me back maybe a month's wages. But in Southern Ca...
This month's pick was easier than finding flaws in a liberal's argument. The winner is: Newsweek magazine. By printing their unsubstantiated "Qu'Ran flushing" story, they further undermined the already damaged credibility of America's "Mainstream" media, directly endanered the lives of our troops, and added fuel to an already raging inferno in the middle east. They also took positive steps to ensure that "journalist" may well be as detested a profession as "lawyer" in the not-too-distant fut...
So, here I am, at a pinnacle few, if any, have reached on here. 1000 articles. True, some may have reached it except for deleted or hidden articles. But perusing the points totals tells me there's only a couple of "possibles" in that number (or their points would be substantially higher). This number's a relatively meaningless statistic, I grant you (like "hits totals" in baseball; stick around long enough, you'll get 'em), but one that takes effort, time, and consistency to achieve, non...
When we discuss the role of assistance services, it's easy to get snide and mock the fact that many services don't provide certain living skills to aid recipients. This is largely due to the myopic mindset of people who've never seen a world outside their own narrow vision. First, let me establish firmly that I STILL believe that personal responsibility trumps all! When we're speaking about the kinds of services that organizations geared to help the poor and needy should provide, we're NOT ...
Link Several years ago the authorities in the Islamic Republic of Iran confiscated the Mandaean cemetery at Ahwaz. The authorities casually disposed of all the human remains and asphalted the cemetery and used it as a car park. Eventually, the Mandaean community in Ahwaz was able to obtain a new burial ground. This new cemetery has now been desecrated by Muslims. Muslims have smashed headstones and in some cases have stolen the valuable marble slabs covering Mandaean graves. Our Ass...
Our resident bigot is now accusing US soldiers of gang raping women. What proof has he provided (and he has been asked)? None, save the speculation that it has been done through history. He is also, of course, blaming the war on Christianity; I'll get to that point later in the blog. As to the gang raping accusation, however, there has not been ONE credible allegation that there is ANY practice of this among our soldiers, let alone WIDESPREAD practice. This is another hate filled diatribe ...
I've actually been sitting on this article awhile, I was just reminded of it recently. Here in Texas, the school sex ed programs teach "abstinence only". Many other states have switched to this sort of sex ed as well. While I am a Christian and would love to see my children respect themselves and their future spouses enough to abstain until marriage, I have a problem with this being the standard for public schools. Why is this? Well, it's simple, really. In a perfect world, sex ed shouldn'...
In what must be one of the most narrowminded, bigoted articles to date ( Link ), foreign aid to Brazil (which was rejected) was referred to by the blogger in question as "Jesus aid". The problem? the foreign aid was for an abstinence only program that had nothing to do with faith necessarily. In yet another example of liberal posturing, this blogger wanted to post a liberal hate article that branded Christians as imperialist bigots bent on world domination who must be stopped. This hate is ...
With AL Sharpton signing on as a radio talk show host to bring a voice to the left, I had to wonder: why are conservative hosts so successful, while liberal hosts are not? I mean, NOBODY listens to Al Franken, do they? The answer wasn't too long in coming. You see, Liberals whine about the same things, over and over again, ad nauseum. Turn from one liberal's column to another, and it's basically the same song, second verse. Sharpton's show will be no different. Conservatives, on the oth...
I have often been accused of being a borderline pantheist. It's true that I appreciate nature and all she has to offer, and can spend hours surrounding myself with her majesty. From the plains to the rockies, I have yet to find a square foot of ground that doesn't have some appeal when I walk in it; even the soft feel of the dirt beneath an Iowa cornfield and the smell of the ripening ears in autumn hypnotize me with their magnetic attraction. You see, I see God as the ultimate composer and t...
With the latest JU brouhaha about bloggers harassing and impersonating others, it got me to thinking: could someone successfully impersonate me, and would I be duped consistently by someone who was impersonating another of the bloggers I read faithfully? Short answer: I don't think so. You see, when I look at my work, I see a certain style. They are characteristics that are as much a signature as the one I sign at the bottom of my meal ticket at the restaurant. Simple sentences are a rarit...