The journey from there to here
Published on May 28, 2005 By Gideon MacLeish In Blogging

So, here I am, at a pinnacle few, if any, have reached on here. 1000 articles.

True, some may have reached it except for deleted or hidden articles. But perusing the points totals tells me there's only a couple of "possibles" in that number (or their points would be substantially higher). This number's a relatively meaningless statistic, I grant you (like "hits totals" in baseball; stick around long enough, you'll get 'em), but one that takes effort, time, and consistency to achieve, nonetheless. I had wondered whether my 1000th would be a "substantial" article or not, but opted for a simple "commemorative"; it's more fitting (besides, a list of "1000....ANYTHINGS" would take me awhile to compile).

So, thank you, readers, for encouraging me to reach this point. I hope you've enjoyed me as much as I've enjoyed you, and I look forward to another 1000...and beyond!

on May 28, 2005

1000?  pshwaw!  I have you beat!

{mumble mumble.....}

Ok, I am a third of the way there!  And climbing!  When you reach 2000, I will be half way there!

Congrats oldl man!  You may not be old in years, but you sure are in articles!

TTFN,  Tell Zoomba I am headed to see SWIII for a second time with my other son!

on May 28, 2005
on May 28, 2005
I am loving the love on this thread!!!
on May 28, 2005
Holy crap, Gideon. Congrats! I have definitely enjoyed your posts...entertaining, educating, and sometimes even just a little window into what it's like to be Gideon. Very nice.

Here's to 1000 more!