In what must be one of the most narrowminded, bigoted articles to date (Link ), foreign aid to Brazil (which was rejected) was referred to by the blogger in question as "Jesus aid".
The problem? the foreign aid was for an abstinence only program that had nothing to do with faith necessarily. In yet another example of liberal posturing, this blogger wanted to post a liberal hate article that branded Christians as imperialist bigots bent on world domination who must be stopped. This hate is every bit as bad as the hate that brought the World Trade Centers down, the hate that has fueled both sides of the Israeli-Palestine conflict and, yes, to point the three fingers back to Christianity, the hate that fueled abortion clinic bombings, the lynching of blacks, and countless similarly appalling acts throughout history.
While I would agree with this blogger that abstinence only programs are HORRIBLY misguided and examples of the "head in the sand" mindset that so often infects Republicans, abstinence only programs are not the sole domain of Christianity. Many faiths teach abstinence until marriage, and I'd be willing to wager you'd find not a few atheists who hold to such an idea as a matter of principle. The problem is not in the principle, which is noble, but in the practice, which is all too often unable to live up to the principle.
Bigotry and hatred are also not exclusive to Christianity, Islam or Judaism, as this blogger has shown. Bigotry and hatred where cloaks of many colors, and are equally abhorrent wherever they may be found. The ideal of peace cannot be reached until we are willing to set aside such hatred and accept people for WHO THEY ARE, whether or not we agree with them.