Several years ago the authorities in the Islamic Republic of Iran confiscated the Mandaean cemetery at Ahwaz. The authorities casually disposed of all the human remains and asphalted the cemetery and used it as a car park. Eventually, the Mandaean community in Ahwaz was able to obtain a new burial ground. This new cemetery has now been desecrated by Muslims. Muslims have smashed headstones and in some cases have stolen the valuable marble slabs covering Mandaean graves.
Our Association has also been advised that Muslims have desecrated and destroyed the Mandaean cemetery at Khamzi Meel on the outskirts of Basra in Iraq. The Muslims have removed the fence, removed the sign, and destroyed the headstones. They are now grazing sheep and goats on the graves. The Association has also received a media report that Muslims have recently destroyed the largest Roman Catholic cemetery in Mogadishu, Somalia, digging up the human remains and dumping them on a beach. It appears that desecration of “infidel” cemeteries may be some sort of standard Islamic practice.
Makes the idea of flushing the Qu'ran at Gitmo almost understandable, even if it WERE true, don't it?