The journey from there to here


Several years ago the authorities in the Islamic Republic of Iran confiscated the Mandaean cemetery at Ahwaz. The authorities casually disposed of all the human remains and asphalted the cemetery and used it as a car park. Eventually, the Mandaean community in Ahwaz was able to obtain a new burial ground. This new cemetery has now been desecrated by Muslims. Muslims have smashed headstones and in some cases have stolen the valuable marble slabs covering Mandaean graves.

Our Association has also been advised that Muslims have desecrated and destroyed the Mandaean cemetery at Khamzi Meel on the outskirts of Basra in Iraq. The Muslims have removed the fence, removed the sign, and destroyed the headstones. They are now grazing sheep and goats on the graves. The Association has also received a media report that Muslims have recently destroyed the largest Roman Catholic cemetery in Mogadishu, Somalia, digging up the human remains and dumping them on a beach. It appears that desecration of “infidel” cemeteries may be some sort of standard Islamic practice.

Makes the idea of flushing the Qu'ran at Gitmo almost understandable, even if it WERE true, don't it?

on May 28, 2005
Sick! Just sick!
on May 28, 2005
Yup! We must remember, though, that these are the people that the liberals are defending, and thus, for every conservative and moderate in this country, this war is as much against the left as it is against these animals.
on May 28, 2005

Yup! We must remember, though, that these are the people that the liberals are defending, and thus, for every conservative and moderate in this country, this war is as much against the left as it is against these animals.

I did not expect to see that from you, but I will agree.  But we should have known as the Taliban did destroy the Buddha statues.  They do have something in common.  Intolerance of any divergent views.

on May 28, 2005
Well, "Bagdad Mack" has done a good deal of showing me exactly who the American left is and why it must be stopped at all costs. While I remain a firm Libertarian, I think he's shown me the necessity of voting Republican until the authoritarian left is effectively silenced. Then I can worry about the LP platform.

Way to go, Bagdad Mack!
on May 28, 2005
this war is as much against the left as it is against these animals.

Really? That's what you think, Gideon?

I guess, as ReikiHouse stated, I really AM what's wrong with America.
on May 28, 2005


You are far more moderate than you insist you are . You're not defending the actions of these animals, you're protesting the wrongness of this war...HUGE difference.

The people that I am referring to are people who are writing BOGUS articles detailing our alleged flushing of the Qu'Ran and inciting riots as a result, while they IGNORE these sorts of DAILY atrocities by certain Muslim factions against Christians.

I don't believe in this war as a "just war" either, but I also am well aware of the actions of some of Muslim extremists that gives some, if not complete, credence to our actions. It's the same bigotry and hatred the left (used as a generic term) declare to be coming from the conservative Christians without proof. And yet when the proof of this sort of behaviour from Muslim extremists is presented, they ignore it.

on May 28, 2005
If you want to know why I have such a problem with the left, look at "Bagdad Mack's" blogsite. His anti-American propaganda is the face of the TRUE left. EVERY true liberal I have known, when their true face has shown, has been just as hateful and vile as he is. I can't support that agenda, nor the authoritarianism of the left.

I have said repeatedly that I can't discuss exactly why I have such animosity towards the left openly, but you'll have to trust me on this. The leftist agenda is sinister.

No exceptions.
on May 28, 2005

Well, "Bagdad Mack" has done a good deal of showing me exactly who the American left is and why it must be stopped at all costs. While I remain a firm Libertarian, I think he's shown me the necessity of voting Republican until the authoritarian left is effectively silenced. Then I can worry about the LP platform.

Way to go, Bagdad Mack!

ok, Took me a minute to figure out who bagdad mack is.  Jim mcdermott.  The criminal who eaves drops on private phone conversations!  Oh well, each evil sith lord has his purpose I guess.