The journey from there to here

With AL Sharpton signing on as a radio talk show host to bring a voice to the left, I had to wonder: why are conservative hosts so successful, while liberal hosts are not? I mean, NOBODY listens to Al Franken, do they?

The answer wasn't too long in coming.

You see, Liberals whine about the same things, over and over again, ad nauseum. Turn from one liberal's column to another, and it's basically the same song, second verse. Sharpton's show will be no different.

Conservatives, on the other hand, are more consistently interesting. While they cover the same topics, they do it with greater flair and a little bit more self deprecating humour than the liberals could ever dare to muster. Michael Reagan is a perfect example of this. While I disagree with him as often as I agree with him, he has a wit and creativity about him that just isn't found in the left.

What's more, LIBERALS listen to conservative hosts, ostensibly to "know their enemy". And yet, conservatives just don't feel the pressing need to reciprocate when a leftie comes on the air. It's just not. that. important.

When I listen to a conservative show, I expect to be offended once in awhile. I also expect the callers to offend the host and for the host to GET OVER IT once the phone's hung up. A liberal show is a dry recitation of "facts" pulled from data of questionable origin, or, better yet, IPSOA (for those unfamiliar with my work, that's "the institute for pulling statistics out of one's arse"). They just don't have a whole lot of listener appeal.

Michael Moore, for all his flaws, can at least put together something humorous. In this regards, he's a welcome exception to the rule of the boring leftie. But most of his contemporaries are dry, droll "causeheads" who simply aren't worth my wasting the time to get up and turn that radio dial.

I suspect Sharpton will be no different.

Comments (Page 1)
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on May 27, 2005

Another thing I have noticed with the Lionel show, is that they do not listen to their callers.  As you say, they have their song, and anyone not singing with them, gets called stupid moronic and the typical left tirade.

Virtually all of the Conservative Talk show hosts I have listened to, inject humor into their message.  My favorite (I have not heard Michael Reagan) is Glenn Beck.  He is conservative, but not a republican and is likely to bash them as the democrats.  But he always does it sarcastically!

on May 27, 2005
All this proves is that your mind needs to be entertained at all times ... sympton of Attention Deficit Disorder. You cant
sit still long enough to "learn" anything unless that information is made "entertaining" to you.

Its pretty sad, and quite common.
Just a note: Fox News viewer numbers are declining ... Air America's listener numbers are rising.

Its nice to have CHOICES.
Oh also ... check out Mike Malloy weeknights on Air America. He gives a history lesson every day.
on May 27, 2005

All this proves is that your mind needs to be entertained at all times ... sympton of Attention Deficit Disorder. You cant
sit still long enough to "learn" anything unless that information is made "entertaining" to you.

You apparently did not read my response.  They do not 'teach'.  They lecture, as a nanny to a child. If you need to be lectured to, fine.  It means you are not mature enough to form your own opinions.

Its pretty sad, and quite common.
Just a note: Fox News viewer numbers are declining ... Air America's listener numbers are rising.

All I have to say to this pab, is prove it!  Show us the money!

on May 27, 2005
If you want to believe the cliches, conservatives have more money, thus there is a viable market there to support the shows.

Meanwhile, the few rich liberals *COUGH* Al Gore *COUGH* have to heavily subsidize their efforts. There's not enough wealth in the market to self-sustain the shows with advertising.

Consider the supposed bastions of liberalism: PBS and NPR.

What that does to the theory of a Liberal MSM, I'll leave for you to decide.

Maybe liberals are just cheap?
on May 27, 2005

Maybe liberals are just cheap?

very!  Just look at their Tax donation records!

on May 27, 2005
>You apparently did not read my response. They do not 'teach'. They lecture, as a nanny to a child. If you need
>to be lectured to, fine. It means you are not mature enough to form your own opinions.

you have got to be kidding me ... this point makes me laugh the hardest. I hear and read snippets of various
conservative talk show hosts lecturing their listeners on a daily basis.

and "liberals" listening to conservatives shows one thing:
"liberals" arent intellectually disconnected and are open to debating matters. of course if you are a non progressive,
who would prefer to rely on "faith", you close your mind (or whats left of it) to any other points of view.

>All I have to say to this pab, is prove it! Show us the money!

for the love of God, do some research man. I tire of this game.
1) Write Nielsen Research and request the ratings for the top 4 news/media organizations for the past 6 months
2) Google it
3) Write CNN and request their press release on this matter

Learn to do research yourself!!!

on May 27, 2005

you have got to be kidding me ... this point makes me laugh the hardest. I hear and read snippets of various
conservative talk show hosts lecturing their listeners on a daily basis.

Name the host and the show.  And we will see.  I doubt you can.

for the love of God, do some research man. I tire of this game.
1) Write Nielsen Research and request the ratings for the top 4 news/media organizations for the past 6 months
2) Google it
3) Write CNN and request their press release on this matter

I did.  They showed you are dead wrong.  I thought you were intelligent enought to at least use some fabricated sites!

Did Al Franken tell you to post this?

on May 27, 2005
>I did. They showed you are dead wrong. I thought you were intelligent enought to at least use some fabricated sites!

Ok lets play your game!
POST your sites up ... I want to see the extent of your research ... and remember we are talking NEWS here not all the other
garbage like "desperate housewives" and "american idol"

Post your research info ... AMUSE ME!!!

on May 27, 2005

Post your research info ... AMUSE ME!!!

Why?  Are you google impaired?  Guess so.  Begone little troll.

on May 27, 2005
The simple answer is conservatives are just more vocal than liberals. Liberals just don’t care if you live a conservative lifestyle until you try to force them to live the same way or try and tell them who the enemy is. Conservatives get all up in arms about anyone who colors outside of their lines even if it doesn’t affect them in any reasonable way. The only consistently vocal liberals you hear are the nut jobs. Yet when they talk it becomes the liberal agenda. Orielly had some guy on the other day talking about some nut job, that they call a liberal, who wants lighter penalties for child molesters and then saying that this is part of the liberal agenda and Orielly just nods acceptingly. That’s about as fair as saying that the white supremacies desire to have a race war is the conservative agenda. Ganeen Garofalo should have been the host of air America Orielly had her on once and she wiped the floor with him, now she’s not allowed back.
on May 27, 2005

Ganeen Garofalo

I think that is Janeane Garofalo.

on May 27, 2005
Dr Guy ... A part of me wants to laugh at you ... another part just feels sorrow.

I leave you with this:
"the matrix is the WOOL thats been placed over your eyes ... to BLIND you from the truth"

meditate on that for a moment, no more than that ... your ADD being what it is!
on May 27, 2005

Dr Guy ... A part of me wants to laugh at you ... another part just feels sorrow.

that is ok.  None of me wants to laugh at you.  But I do pity you.  A poor pathetic troll.

Poof and you are gone, to gnaw at the next meaty morsel.  Too anonymous to dare reveal their true self.  Just a pathetic example of a waste of human flesh.

on May 27, 2005
I would guess that it is simply the type of entertainment that people of certain political persuasions prefer. Maybe most liberals would rather listen to music during drive time, and watch sitcoms or movies during primetime. Or maybe they rely on real newscasts and reporting by unbiased journalists instead of the proganda and spin of these one-sided opinion shows. Or maybe they are the ones watching John Stewart and Lewis Black make asses out of all the spinsters.

I listen to and watch a fair amount of political talks shows, about equal amounts hosted by liberals and conservatives alike; and would say both sides "whine" and beat certain issues to death, both sides lie,spin, and manipulate the facts, and both sides have more than their share of intolerant hosts.
on May 27, 2005
It's funny how rombios implies that liberal shows are more popular, offers no proof of it, and then demands you prove him wrong.

Rombios, I tell you that Santa Claus exists!!! I DARE you to prove me wrong...
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