The journey from there to here

With AL Sharpton signing on as a radio talk show host to bring a voice to the left, I had to wonder: why are conservative hosts so successful, while liberal hosts are not? I mean, NOBODY listens to Al Franken, do they?

The answer wasn't too long in coming.

You see, Liberals whine about the same things, over and over again, ad nauseum. Turn from one liberal's column to another, and it's basically the same song, second verse. Sharpton's show will be no different.

Conservatives, on the other hand, are more consistently interesting. While they cover the same topics, they do it with greater flair and a little bit more self deprecating humour than the liberals could ever dare to muster. Michael Reagan is a perfect example of this. While I disagree with him as often as I agree with him, he has a wit and creativity about him that just isn't found in the left.

What's more, LIBERALS listen to conservative hosts, ostensibly to "know their enemy". And yet, conservatives just don't feel the pressing need to reciprocate when a leftie comes on the air. It's just not. that. important.

When I listen to a conservative show, I expect to be offended once in awhile. I also expect the callers to offend the host and for the host to GET OVER IT once the phone's hung up. A liberal show is a dry recitation of "facts" pulled from data of questionable origin, or, better yet, IPSOA (for those unfamiliar with my work, that's "the institute for pulling statistics out of one's arse"). They just don't have a whole lot of listener appeal.

Michael Moore, for all his flaws, can at least put together something humorous. In this regards, he's a welcome exception to the rule of the boring leftie. But most of his contemporaries are dry, droll "causeheads" who simply aren't worth my wasting the time to get up and turn that radio dial.

I suspect Sharpton will be no different.

Comments (Page 2)
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on May 28, 2005
I notice that no one appears to have mentioned the fact that the media, in all its forms, is essentially conservative owned and controlled.
on May 28, 2005

I notice that no one appears to have mentioned the fact that the media, in all its forms, is essentially conservative owned and controlled.

No, it is public owned. Stocks and bonds anyone?  And if you are going to argue that CBS, Newsweek, ABC, and the NY Times are conservative rags, good luck!  I dont think there is enough ink to get there, but have fun trying.

on May 28, 2005
'No, it is public owned.'
Well, that's a relief to those of us on the left who worried previously that Rupert Murdoch and his ilk wield too much power to manipulate the media. And the right accuses US of naivety!
on May 28, 2005

Well, that's a relief to those of us on the left who worried previously that Rupert Murdoch and his ilk wield too much power to manipulate the media. And the right accuses US of naivety

Glad you understand.  Uh, Lawrence Tischler?  Oh, sorry for interjecting some facts into the discussion.

on May 28, 2005
"NOBODY listens to Al Franken, do they?"

I do

"Conservatives, on the other hand, are more consistently interesting."

If you call lying and subverting the constitution and imposing christianity on everyone "interesting", I guess I'd have to agree with you.

"What's more, LIBERALS listen to conservative hosts, ostensibly to "know their enemy". And yet, conservatives just don't feel the pressing need to reciprocate when a leftie comes on the air. It's just not. that. important."

I guess it's not important for conservatives to want to learn about the other sides of issues, or learn about some specific truths that conservative hosts seem to just omit from their reporting of issues. It's what keeps their minds and their followers' minds slammed shut like the hypocrits they are.

"When I listen to a conservative show, I expect to be offended once in awhile."

Yeah, like Rush Limbaugh stating that you're either "for Bush or against Jesus."
on May 28, 2005

All this proves is that your mind needs to be entertained at all times ... sympton of Attention Deficit Disorder. You cant
sit still long enough to "learn" anything unless that information is made "entertaining" to you.

ONE: Did I SAY I never listen to liberal talk show hosts? NO. So don't assume things about me based on one blog

TWO: Yes, I DO have attention deficit "disorder", although it is in fact a different way of being wired. How about this? I'm fat, too. Now you can make snide remarks about my weight to further boost your self esteem, ok?

The point is that most people DO expect a certain degree of entertainment to the shows they watch/listen to. Both liberal and conservative talk show hosts tend to have a negative view of the world they live in, the conservatives just make it more palatable with some satirical humour. The only liberal I know who did this successfully BESIDES Moore was Dennis Miller...and even he's admitted to becoming more of a conservative.

I could be wrong, but I don't think we can get Air America here, or I would check your guy out. I'm always on the lookout for good pundits, left OR right...and when they tend to be historians, it's an extra bonus for me.

on May 28, 2005

If you call lying and subverting the constitution and imposing christianity on everyone "interesting", I guess I'd have to agree with you.

I'll give you that Republicans lie and subvert the Constitution, but no more or less than Democrats. Want proof? Look no further than the courtroom battles to overturn the constitutional amendments to ban gay marriage passed OVERWHELMINGLY in virtually every state that had such an amendment on the ballot. The Democrats, who suddenly becamse "states' rights advocates" for all of the three weeks it took to kill Terri Schiavo, forget their calling as they press the Supreme Court to demand that states accept gay marriage regardless of the wishes of the majority.

Yeah, like Rush Limbaugh stating that you're either "for Bush or against Jesus."

Bingo. And VERY offensive.

on May 28, 2005

If you call lying and subverting the constitution and imposing christianity on everyone "interesting", I guess I'd have to agree with you.

I take it you dont know what the hell you are talking about?  Guess so, rest of comment is not worth reading.

But keep it up!  As long as you are clueless, you will always lose.

on May 28, 2005

Yeah, like Rush Limbaugh stating that you're either "for Bush or against Jesus."

Bingo. And VERY offensive.

And also very wrong.

on May 28, 2005
>It's funny how rombios implies that liberal shows are more popular, offers no proof of it, and
>then demands you prove him wrong.

Bakerstreet I dont take you too seriously. After all you delete posts from your blog that dont
share your point of view rather than address them. You are both a weakling and a coward.

I imagine you to be the young child who covers his ears screaming "la la lal i cant hear you",
when confronted with a PAINFUL TRUTH.

You probably shouldnt be here ... since there are OTHER viewpoints besides your own.

Now if you go back and read my statement you would realize a few things
1) I never said Liberal shows are more popular. What I said is that viewership of Fox News is
declining ... while numbers for listerners of shows like Air America is increasing. And that

2) Second I pointed to three sources of proofs. Google would be too easy but alas .. I cant
past URLS on this blogs ... or else I would. I assumed Dr Guy had the mental capacity to
conduct the research on his own, or at least surf to Nielsen Media Groups website for the
ratings on the last few months.

3) Zogby polls (whatever value you assign them) indicating 50% of America believed Iraq used
Weapons of Mass Destruction in the recent attack and invasion by U.S forces/allies is pretty
sad ... and can be blaimed on the so called "liberal" media which is not liberal at all, but
slants to the right of Stalin.

But I am not so sure its just the conservative media's fault ... after having had exchanges
with people like yourself. Its the mental state with your ILK!
on May 28, 2005
Gideon, I respect you for having the guts to address my points: SENSIBLY!

I have to remind myself not to lump all conservatives into the "right wing nut" category. Alas
my experience with individuals like Bakerstreet and Dr Guy (screaming bible, praising the use
of force and military BUT never having the guts to join up, hypocritical and mentally challenged) has had its toll.

ADD is not something to poke fun off. What I was referring to was the SELF imposed symtons
that people of such ILK (examples I gave above) display on a regular basis.

>I could be wrong, but I don't think we can get Air America here, or I would check your guy
>out. I'm always on the lookout for good pundits, left OR right...and when they tend to be
>historians, it's an extra bonus for me.

Gideon Air America is streamed online ... (windows media player or real player). Mike Malloy
is on M-F at 10 ... right after Jeanne's "Majority Report Show". I ask you to give him a listen.
Hes a progressive and quite PASSIONATE about his love of this country and his hatred of where
things are headed ... You would love his approach on things ... He is entertaining and I must
admit there are times when I bust out in laughter and seethe in anger. But I like the lessons
he gives, the truth he presents and HIS encouragement that we each INDIVIDUALLY do our own
research and come to our own conclusions.

Give him a listen. I caught the bug the first time I heard him.
on May 28, 2005

have to remind myself not to lump all conservatives into the "right wing nut" category. Alas
my experience with individuals like Bakerstreet and Dr Guy (screaming bible, praising the use
of force and military BUT never having the guts to join up, hypocritical and mentally challenged) has had its toll.

I dare you to point to any article or comment that will back up the above claim.  just like your other claim, you have no basis in reality or facts. Indeed, if anyone fits into the 'screaming idiot' mold it is you.

You are nothing but an anon troll who hides behind stupidiity.

Hey moron, here's a clue.  Registration is FREE and you can join anytime.  But cowards never do.


on May 28, 2005

right after Jeanne's "Majority Report Show"

Guffaw!  Janeane (spelling troll) is not even a talk show host!  She is a failed actress!  But then all of AA is failed at one thing or another.  What an imbecile!  What an ultra maroon!

on May 28, 2005
>I dare you to point to any article or comment that will back up the above claim.

This is not the first time you and I have .... "battled".

Go back to our previous exchanges on middle east issues, iran's RIGHT to possess nuclear
technology (and WEAPONS), stance on proliferation and yes ... the Terry Schiavo nonsense.

You haves logs ... pull them up. Its one of the benefits of being a "registered" Luser

>You are nothing but an anon troll who hides behind stupidiity.
>Hey moron, here's a clue. Registration is FREE and you can join anytime. But cowards
>never do.

This is NOT the first time youve said something like this.
you MUST want me to sign up so bad ... its hurting you. For that reason ALONE I will not
register ... content in the knowledge that it PISSES YOU OFF.

By the way ... you are in no position to attack Janine G ... you are a FAILED HUMAN!

on May 28, 2005

Go back to our previous exchanges on middle east issues, iran's RIGHT to possess nuclear
technology (and WEAPONS), stance on proliferation and yes ... the Terry Schiavo nonsense.

You haves logs ... pull them up. Its one of the benefits of being a "registered" Luser

And your  point?  You agree with me?  Must be, cause your previous statement has nothing to do with your current one.  You are brain damaged, aren't you?

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