As the discussion on JU revolves increasingly around food, I thought it interesting to add my little piece. We have a couple vegetarians around here who have discussed their food choices. While I respect everyone's different preferences, I've come to realize a fair amount about diets over the years. I am a "semi-vegetarian"; which pretty much makes me the Rodney Dangerfield of eating habits. Traditional meat and potatoes folks can't comprehend why I eschew all but the occasional offering of r...
As many of you, especially my regular readers, know, I am running for a seat in the Texas house of Representatives as a Libertarian. I delayed my announcement until after January 2, because that was the filing deadline. My intention was to delay the announcement so as not to encourage the Democrats to put a candidate in for the race (the Republican incumbent has run unopposed since his initial election to the office in 1988). My reasoning was that, if the Democrats do not run, it's a two pers...
AS a former Socialist, I have studied US labor conditions more extensively than most. I am aware not only of the wages, but of the working conditions of many early 20th century facts and the reforms that were brought about to improve the lives of the working class. Part of my journey away from the left came from the stark realization that, despite protests to the contrary, we are winning the war on poverty in America, and we're winning it rather decisively. In this article I intend to show how w...
OK, since a few of you have chosen to put recipes on your blogs, I'm going to toss out a contribution of mine (since I'm making it tonight). This is a very easy recipe that can be made without a lot of trouble, but it's a little costly to many of us due to the ingredients (although I personally always have curry powder and extra virgin olive oil on hand so it's made by ingredients we usually have readily available): Ingredients I don't use precise measures; I cook to taste): Extra Virgin O...
You'll have to forgive me. I have been reading the "Heritage Guide to the Constitution" (published by the Heritage Foundation), and so it may culminate in a number of Constitution based articles as I work my way through this highly recommended publication. One of the arguments I have heard lately on talk radio and conservative print media sources is that the right to the "pursuit of happiness" is not in the Constitution, and thus, not a right guaranteed to all Americans. They're right on t...
The government is getting ever so closer to saying what it means. The message that it is sending is that we are too stupid to think for ourselves, better let the government do it for us. Now, in deference to some individual policies, some government officials are trying to change that, but it's an uphill battle. Witness the attempt to privatize social security (in other words, trust us with our own money) as exhibit A. What brought this on? Well, a visit from the US Census Bureau (WHAT? Ce...
"Where do you get your ideas?" That's a question I hear quite often from readers and friends, and it's a fair question. Instead of answering it on a respond, I thought it would make a good topic for an article itself. I can reference it later when the question comes up. To answer simply, for the first 30 plus years of my life, I wasn't very focused. I have always had a passion to write, and that passion was driven by a list of writers so long it would be a discredit to many to even TRY to...
Most people who read me know that, in my Christian faith I am personally quite conservative. They also know that, politically I am a Libertarian. I am often asked about what outsiders often perceive to be inconsistencies in those positions. The two areas on which I am most frequently challenged are the LP positions on abortion and drug legalization. I have already recently addressed my position on abortion in light of both philosophical stands, so I feel it is only natural for me to clarify my p...
I lack the outstanding "word picture" skills of a Hemingway or any of the truly great writers, but, in light of recent events, I thought I would try my best to give the reader a firsthand view of a miner's perspective. Enjoy: I am going to take you on a trip. This trip will be a place where few people have gone, 760 and 1120 feet below the earth's surface in Death Valley, California. Many mines run deeper, but the depth of the mine depends on the depth of the seam of minerals to be mined. ...
In the aftermath of the West Virginia coal mining tragedy, I have heard numerous talking heads assigning blame. Not one that I have heard is qualified to do so. None of them have been below the surface beyond the highly reinforced confines of the first few hundred feet beyond the shaft. Apparently their only qualifications for making rash judgements is that they once stayed at a Holiday Inn Express. I have appropriated the title of a rather excellent book about Vietnam (the original title of ...
I have a set of goals for 2006. I didn't do resolutions, because they just don't work. But a new year IS a good time to evaluate where you've come from and where you're going. By this time next year, my primary goal is to be preparing for inauguration in the Texas State Legislature. Every other goal takes a back seat to that. While I realize that I am a dark horse, even in the two person race I face, I am not content with the words "moral victory" to define this campaign. In other words, I d...
There's a lot of discussion revolving around increasing the federal minimum wage. It sounds good and noble to put more money into the pockets of America's lowest wage earners until you consider the facts. Notwithstanding the devaluation of the dollar, we must consider all of the other implications of just such a move. First, only about 2.4% of the American workforce are truly making minimum wage. Many of those are teenagers, the handicapped, and individuals working their way out of welf...
My heart goes out to the families of the miners in West Virginia. As many of you know, for six months of my life, I was a miner, and I have a better idea than many of what these families are going through. I also have enough realistic understanding of the dynamics of a mine to know that, barring somewhat of a miracle, this is not a rescue, but a recovery effort. That's why the effort has proceeded somewhat slowly; nobody wants to compound this effort by losing rescue workers as well. Befo...
Well, the "official" ruling is in from CPS, and our case has been closed. The investigator found no evidence of neglect on our behalf regarding the children. While I took what many perceived to be a "hardline stance" with CPS, they made it clear that they felt we were very cooperative with the investigation. I returned all phone calls within 24 hours, and followed up with written communication. At no time, however, did I allow them to enter our home (although I did allow them to intervie...
Tim Justice, of Lefors, Texas, officially announced his candidacy for the office of District 88 State Representative in the state of Texas today. Justice, 35, is running as a Libertarian. Justice, who writes under the pen name Gideon MacLeish, is running on a platform of restoring rights to individuals as established under the United States and Texas Bill of Rights. He supports legislation similar to that being considered in the state of Pennsylvania under the Family Preservation Act that wou...