The journey from there to here
Published on January 3, 2006 By Gideon MacLeish In Home & Family

Well, the "official" ruling is in from CPS, and our case has been closed. The investigator found no evidence of neglect on our behalf regarding the children.

While I took what many perceived to be a "hardline stance" with CPS, they made it clear that they felt we were very cooperative with the investigation. I returned all phone calls within 24 hours, and followed up with written communication. At no time, however, did I allow them to enter our home (although I did allow them to interview the children under very specific circumstances where we were allowed to observe and record the entire interview).

While it's a relief to be officially absolved of any wrongdoing, it still hurts to have even been accused of such in the first place. We desperately need a system where parents aren't held to be guilty until proven innocent.

on Jan 03, 2006
Gid YEAH!!

~does a little dance~

So glad this worked out for you.

on Jan 03, 2006
That will be such a relief to put this behind you. I'm sorry that you had to go through it in the first place.
on Jan 03, 2006
That's great to hear, Gid!
on Jan 03, 2006

Whoop! Whoop! Whoop!, Spikes the ball! {gets 15 yard penalty for unsportsman like conduct}

Way to go!  the penalty for my celebration was worth every yard!  Congratulations!

on Jan 03, 2006
Who says you can't fight city hall!!!

CPS 0... Gideon WON! :~D