I'm developing my Campaign slogan, and I'd appreciate your input. The slogan is "Family. Freedom. Future", and I plan to elaborate on each with the following (EXTREMELY rough drafts) in my literature: "Family: We have seen a de-emphasis, if not an outright war, on family values deemed traditional up until about thirty years ago. We have broadened definitions of abuse and neglect to prohibit traditional forms of discipline and to criminalize poverty among families. We need a legislature tha...
It's not often I will admit I was wrong. Decisively, definitively, and conclusively proved wrong. And it's less common for me to mention that, not only was I wrong, but I have lingered under the mosconceptions brought about by misinformation, for 13 years. This is that rare exception. Link In the link above, you will find compelling evidence of the innocence of a man executed in 1992. I read that evidence, examined that evidence, and, many years ago, concluded that it was highly probabl...
As I attempt to grow and develop as a writer, I've come to realize I need a few "gimmicks". Virtually every major pundit has them. Since the "War on Christmas" gimmick worked so well for Bill O'Reilly and other pundits, I felt it necessary to wage my own "war". Easter is still some time away, and I'm afraind I will have a hard time getting an exclusive franchise on that one. I'm sure the buzzards will be back, especially as "Spring" (not Easter) break comes about, despite the fact that THAT ...
As I attempt to grow and develop as a writer, I've come to realize I need a few "gimmicks". Virtually every major pundit has them. Since the "War on Christmas" gimmick worked so well for Bill O'Reilly and other pundits, I felt it necessary to wage my own "war". Easter is still some time away, and I'm afraind I will have a hard time getting an exclusive franchise on that one. I'm sure the buzzards will be back, especially as "Spring" (not Easter) break comes about, despite the fact that THAT ...
I knew it was coming. Political correctness, long having gone off the deep end, is now drowning in its own rules and regulations. Link . In a nod to the sensibilities of Native Americans, the Seattle Times has basically put the kibosh on the use of the word "Redskins" by its authors and columnists, refusing to allow its use in captions or headlines, and allowing reporters to use it once--ONLY as a first reference, in articles about today's Seattle-Washington playoff matchup.
Link In Connecticut, there's a controversy. Planned Parenthood of Connecticut released a keychain with the well known picture from the Sistine Chapel of God reaching out to Adam. In God's hand in the image is a condom. The Catholic church and other conservative Christian groups are outraged. Now, I can understand being a little less than pleased. The Sistine Chapel imagery is among the most beautiful and well regarded pieces of Renaissance art, and this particular act is about as close ...
When I state my views on abortion, I am almost universally shot down by women because I am a man. While morality knows no gender, I think it fair to take that criticism into consideration. In an earlier article, I wrote about the difference between feminism and female supremacy, noting that I have a strong respect for the former, and utter contempt for the latter. So, when discussing the information regarding abortion, I found it interesting when a radio talk show host mentioned the other day...
I had a very interesting, very intellectually stimulating "live" discussion with an individual from JU last night. We disagreed pretty fundamentally on the topics we discussed, but when all was said and done, it was a pretty cool conversation. Neither one of us "converted" the other, and the individual gave me several very insteresting, very compelling points for discussion. And so, I got to thinking: while it occasionally happens on my blog, there are several good, compelling articles I've w...
In an earlier article, I delineated the difference between feminism and female supremacists. For the record, I STRONGLY support feminists, but i do NOT in any way support female supremacists, who have hijacked the concept of feminism from its original intent. Here are key differences between the two: Both claim to support a woman's "Right to Choose", but the feminist supports the woman's right to choose life even when the consequences of such a choice might inconvenience her; and to choose ...
A little background, for those who don't know... The "American Girl" series of dolls is a series of dolls made around books that are historical fiction and set in various eras. While the stories are fiction, it is an excellent medium to introduce girls to history, and help them understand the traditional roles of girls and women throughout history. My girls have read the books ever since they started on chapter books. The company that produces these dolls has come under fire over the past ...
That's it! I need a radio talk show. These bozos just aren't doing their job. A perfect example was brought forth yesterday on Michael Medved's talk show. He was talking about the issue of whether or not discrimination against homosexuality should be a crime, actually an interesting debate. A caller called in and made a major misstatement that Medved should have been all over. He referred to discrimination that occurs against the "Race" of homosexuals. I was laughing so hard at that comment I...
Well, I filed two important sets of papers today. The first was my Campaign Tresurer Appointment, with the Texas Ethics Commission (I sent that out "Certified"--no way I'm getting busted because a secretary can't keep track of incoming mail). So now I'm ready and raring for all them campaign contributions to come in (the silence so far is deafening...lol). I really didn't file because I expect contributions to come in (although I remain hopeful), but because I must have a treasurer appointed if ...
The National Organization of Women has denounced Penn State University Football coach Joe Paterno for defending one of his players against a rape charge by a female student of the college. While his words may not have been stated in the most diplomatic fashion (he should have said, simply "Let's wait until the facts are in in this case before passing judgement"), I understand and agree fully with his intent. You see, when I attended college, although I lived off campus, I would often hang out...
I intend to use this article as the starting point for a pamhlet with the same or similar title. Feel free to add comments or elaborate (or, yes, even debate) in the comments. I will be doing this in a series, so topics not covered here should be covered in future articles. In today's society, regardless of political affiliation, the majority of Americans seem to think their government is dysfunctional. While it's true that corruption, incompetence, and impropriety seem to be synonymous with ...
Link This is a story I would rather not be relaying. I would rather not give this man any press whatsoever, but am fast coming to the conclusion that I should, rather, keeop a CLOSER eye on him for reasons that will become clear later in this article. Fred helps and his usual gang of idiots areon the road again, tapping their seemingly endless supply of fuel money to head to West Virginia to protest the funerals of the 12 miners who died there. The litany is the same; that somehow the d...