The journey from there to here
Published on January 14, 2006 By Gideon MacLeish In Humor

As I attempt to grow and develop as a writer, I've come to realize I need a few "gimmicks". Virtually every major pundit has them.

Since the "War on Christmas" gimmick worked so well for Bill O'Reilly and other pundits, I felt it necessary to wage my own "war". Easter is still some time away, and I'm afraind I will have a hard time getting an exclusive franchise on that one. I'm sure the buzzards will be back, especially as "Spring" (not Easter) break comes about, despite the fact that THAT terminology has been in place for the past twenty years, at least, to describe the hiatus in school scheduling that results in rituals of hedonism in our more tropical locales...but I digress.

And so, I was left with a quandary. What to defend, what to defend? President's Day is out, besides, it will seem a tad hypocritical as I have every intent to exploit the "war on President's Day" to procure for myself a sofa reduced in honor of our first president because the cotton filling in the sofa was grown in the shade of a cherry tree, which Washington infamously chopped down, and is, therefore relevant. Valentine's Day? Naaaah. I COULD do it, but that is, in essence, sexual suicide. I'm not that stupid. To "jump the gun", and not get lost in all the national furor, then, MLK Jr. Day this coming Monday seemed the appropriate venue to defend. After all, I recently realized I am African American (Berber ancestry...see my article "I AM African American"), and this makes it relevant, if only remotely (hey....if 270 million Americans can claim Native American ancestry, no matter how spurious, I can use my Berber ancestry, however distant, as an equally compelling argument!)

When I have gone in the stores, most clerks have not wished me a happy MLK Jr Day, despite my African American heritage. None have even posted signs in their buildings. And the fact that the blatant ignoring of this holiday has gone unnoticed in the MSM offends my African American sensibilities. To that end, I am not patronizing any business that does not promote the MLK, Jr holiday at any time between now and the holiday.

It's a good excuse to stay home this weekend, anyway!

on Jan 14, 2006

Dont take my faux holiday away from me!  What are you, some kind oif communist?

(I am working anyway, as MLK would have wanted).

on Jan 15, 2006
I hear some folks prefer to think of it as "James Earl Ray Day". Now how's THAT for a "reason to stay home on Monday". ;~D
on Jan 15, 2006

I hear some folks prefer to think of it as "James Earl Ray Day". Now how's THAT for a "reason to stay home on Monday". ;~D

I've actually not heard that. And, as an African American I am!