The journey from there to here
Gideon MacLeish's Articles » Page 124
August 20, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
OK, here's the scoop: I was 21 years old and finally freed from my legal obligations to the state of Washington for my 1988 royal screwup, and returned to Oklahoma to get on with my life. After some time there, I began looking up some of my old high school friends. I very easily located a girl who had been a close friend in high school, and was pleased to discover she was only six hours away in Lawrence, Kansas, attending KU at the time. Now, I had always had a tremendous crush on this you...
August 20, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
I have blogged here long enough that I am certain my views on gun control are well known. I do have some questions, however, over the idea of gun registration. I know the arguments of the NRA well, and respect the arguments, but wanted to open this one up for discussion, as, frankly, I see some potential positives to the idea of gun registration. The chief positive I see is the idea of having a "footprint" To trace back if the gun is involved in a violent crime. If the owner has nothing...
August 20, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
ok, folks. Here's a topic for you. What are your favorite words that sound dirty but actually are not? Here are my submissions: *rectify *masticate *thespian *Lake Titticaca ok, now...let's hear yours signing off, Gideon MacLeish
August 20, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
For my tenth "A Blogger You all Should Know" article, I thought I would review bloggers 1-9 so they're all here on one page if you choose to read them. I also thought I'd give a little background. I got the idea of this from a few sources. We were dealing with someone whose posts were infuriating a great number of readers, and mignuna suggested that what we should do in those cases, instead of responding and giving them points, is find a blogger we like, comment on their most recent articl...
August 20, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
Jeff woke up in the morning with a horrible hangover. His first conscious thought was to rid himself of any visible evidence of the hangover, as the new prohibition laws were rather strict, and he didn't relish the thought of spending his 35th birthday in the stocks. He grabbed his bible and opened it, reading the requisite passage in Ezekial, logging carefully his notes in case the government questioned his commitment to the government's new Compulsory Religion laws. As he stumbled into the ...
August 20, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
Every once in awhile, I'm prone to hit a topic that perks the eyebrows of my fellow libertarians. This is one of those. One of the core mistakes we make in our zeal to create a capitalist society is to miss the role that collective bargaining rightly plays in such a society. It is not necessarily inconsistent with capitalism, nor is it necessarily a component of a socialist society. In the following paragraphs I intend to lay out how collective bargaining and capitalism can be not only com...
August 20, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
Ok, first of all, if you were expecting a treatise on fine tobacco, I refer you to an earlier thread, entitled "Capacity for Abstract Thought?" That may be found in my archives. I was recently replying to someone and I made a joking reference to purging. After the post, I hesitated, wondering if I should edit that part out. The fact that I even considered editing disturbed me. Don't get me wrong, I really want to be sensitive and understanding, seriously. I would never consider any s...
August 20, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
Another gem from Reuters A German woman called police when she returned to her car to find her dog vomiting and 380 euros ($470) mising from her purse. She feared that her dog may have been drugged and her purse robbed. Turns out the dog was the culprit. The woman took the dog to the vet to ensure its safety, and the vet gave the dog an injection. After 20 minutes, the dog ralphed up 6 of the 50 euro notes. The rest of the money, along with bank statements, soon followed. Euros ap...
August 20, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
This is part five of my blogs on the Libertarian Party platform. If you have any questions on the Libertarian Party, please feel free to go to: or contact me at: Libertarian foreign policy: Ending welfare for nations -- foreign aid BY MICHAEL TANNER Foreign aid is little more than welfare for nations -- with the same disastrous effects as domestic welfare programs. The U.S. currently spends approximately $14 billion per year on foreign aid -- far les...
August 20, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
OK, so here's the scenario. I'm at a discussion group of local activists. Not all of us are avowed Libertarians in the group, but there's a strong libertarian sentiment nonetheless. I am speaking as the group begins to dissolve in some petty little squabble or another, and I make the statement "we need to win the war; THEN divide the spoils". At this point, some older gentleman who's been mostly listening, pipes up "War? What war?" and beging on his own little rant (I fully expected a "...
August 19, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
OK, these are originally lyrics to a Clash song, but I thought I'd put 'em in a blog. My memory of the lyrics may not be exact, but it's still a damn cool "Know your rights....all three of 'em Number One: You have the right not to be killed. Murder is a crime Unless it is done By a policeman Number two: You have the right to free speech As long as You're not dumb enough to actually try it Number three You have the right to food money Provided of course, ...
August 19, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
*Evel Kneivel stunt bikes *colorforms *"Star Wars" before Lucas went nuts *Cindy Brady *The Big Red Machine *Starsky & Hutch *Ironsides *Muhammad Ali *a peanut farmer president *Burt Ward as "Batman" *"Bonanza" *AM Radio (apologies to A. Alexakis) *Air raid drills *Mary Lou Retton *Nadia Comaneci *Those hideous 'Stro's uniforms *O J Simpson before he was a double murderer ....any more?
August 19, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
I was reading another article basically justifying Team USA's subpar play in Olympic basketball, and it led me back to a blog I wanted to write the other day, but didn't get around to. I have decided that the thing that really irritates me the most about this year's Team USA has less to do with the unmotivated performance of the stars that are there, but really, about the stars who didn't come (Kobe Bryant is the one exception to this; he has bigger fish to fry, like petitioning the Califo...
August 19, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
Graffiti artists in Sweden are pissed. So much so that they raided the international art exhibit "CowParade" and kidnapped one of the exhibits. Holding power drills to its head, the group, calling themselves "Stockholm's Militant Graffiti Artists", threatened to sacrifice the cow unless the organizers of the exhibit declared the bovines to be "non art" by its noon Aug. 23 deadline. A spokesperson for the cow parade declared that they were "very upset over the matter". The colorful co...
August 19, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
OK....for some reason I'm in a "deep" mood today, so you'll have to bear with me. One of the most frequent errors many Christians make between themselves is in dismissing a very real and a very pressing prayer request with a promise to pray for the supplicant. This is a clear misunderstanding of the commandments and commissions left for us as Christians by Jesus Christ. When Christ ascended, following His meeting with the disciples, He laid upon them the charge to care for His Children....