The journey from there to here
Graffiti artists in Sweden are pissed.

So much so that they raided the international art exhibit "CowParade" and kidnapped one of the exhibits. Holding power drills to its head, the group, calling themselves "Stockholm's Militant Graffiti Artists", threatened to sacrifice the cow unless the organizers of the exhibit declared the bovines to be "non art" by its noon Aug. 23 deadline.

A spokesperson for the cow parade declared that they were "very upset over the matter".

The colorful cow couture began with the 1999 exhibits of life sized cows featured in 1999 in New York and Chicago.

Hate to see what these yahoos do when "Piss Christ" comes into town for display.

signing off,

Gideon MacLeish

on Aug 19, 2004
hums to self.....cows with guns....dum da.......
on Aug 19, 2004
...I love that song.