The journey from there to here
Published on August 19, 2004 By Gideon MacLeish In Misc
*Evel Kneivel stunt bikes


*"Star Wars" before Lucas went nuts

*Cindy Brady

*The Big Red Machine

*Starsky & Hutch


*Muhammad Ali

*a peanut farmer president

*Burt Ward as "Batman"


*AM Radio (apologies to A. Alexakis)

*Air raid drills

*Mary Lou Retton

*Nadia Comaneci

*Those hideous 'Stro's uniforms

*O J Simpson before he was a double murderer

....any more?

on Aug 19, 2004
I miss the Funk!
on Aug 20, 2004
Oh, yeah, also:

*Billy Beer

*Bruce Jenner on a Wheaties box