The journey from there to here
Gideon MacLeish's Articles In Current Events » Page 3
October 9, 2007 by Gideon MacLeish
For the first time in many, many years, I gave serious consideration today to calling in to everywhere I was supposed to be and just not being there. Instead, I contented myself with grabbing a couple of extra z's, after which I was much more inclined to greet the world. This is my "on call" week, so, while I had allocated a whole 12 hours last night to rest (combined sleep, reading and overall immobility), the best laid plans came crashing down, with two calls perfectly spaced to ensure that I ...
September 30, 2007 by Gideon MacLeish
On another forum I frequent, the question was asked about fingerprinting children as a form of ID to speed up the lunch line.   I’m going to leave you with your thoughts on that, while I take a few steps back.   When I was in high school, we read the standard dystopian novels. Orwell’s “1984” and Huxleys “Brave New World” were required reading, especially among the G/T set, which is where I spent much of my academic career. It was years ago when Ritalin and Prozac be...
September 27, 2007 by Gideon MacLeish
Here's the latest in the "I hate hidden fees" category: A friend of mine by the name of Sam Doores (look for him; he's one of the truly great folksingers of this generation, which is why you won't find him on a major label!) called up as he is preparing to head this way for our Woody Guthrie Tribute that we hold every October. We had promised him back in July that if he would come out, we would pay his expenses. And so I headed to the Amtrak and Greyhound sites (he's heading from NYC by train...
September 19, 2007 by Gideon MacLeish
One of the pitfalls of IT is that the demand is strong enough, a lot of people get hired out before they get their degrees, then never go back and finish. I'm trying to avoid that. But I got a clipping yesterday I can't ignore entirely. It is an IT position, and I am almost the perfect candidate. My only shortcoming is that it requires an Associates degree, and I am 3 months short. But since I can make it work with my schedule, I will at least discuss the position with these guys. After all, ...
September 11, 2007 by Gideon MacLeish
A few years ago, we had an apartment across from a public housing project. Our downstairs neighbors were a mixed race couple, prone to heavy drug use and partying. When they would throw a party, they would invite all of their friends from Milwaukee up. We were privvy to one such soiree. The friends arrived in beaten up vans, packed 15 to 20 to a van, and proceeded to dive into the fixings. While we hadn't invited them, we HAD prepared for them, and offered cold brews and a few choice meats fo...
September 9, 2007 by Gideon MacLeish In Union City, Georgia, a McDonald's employee was arrested because meat that she had oversalted was served to a police officer. The officer claimed it made him sick, and samples of the burger were sent to a state crime lab. Kendra Bull is free on $1000 bail. She is charged with misdemeanor reckless conduct. The rest of the news you can get there. What follows is my opinion. This story is an example of absolute insanit...
September 7, 2007 by Gideon MacLeish
The latest "flap" in baseball is the trashing of one of baseball's heroes. And it does much to underscore the prevailing hypocrisy of the sport. Rick Ankiel was a successful pitcher with the St. Louis Cardinals. Injuries and an inexplicable loss of control put him out of the game quickly, and he reinvented himself as an outfielder. Now come the revelations that in his rehab, he used HGH, a substance that was, in fact, LEGAL at the time he used it (in 2004; the substance was not banned unti...
August 27, 2007 by Gideon MacLeish
OK, so the Vick statement's out now. Those who wish can read it on Yahoo! Sports. I read through the statement and I am now more pissed at Vick than ever. The guy's obviously got a PR agent restructuring his "comeback" before he's paid his dues. Why do I say that? Well, I'll excerpt his statement here and SHOW you why: "For most of my life, I've been a football player, not a public speaker, so, you know, I really don't know, you know, how to say what I really want to say.   --This...
August 19, 2007 by Gideon MacLeish
Another blogger (let's call this blogger "Darcie Doo") asked about surrogate parenting. The question, for mothers, is if they would do it given the opportunity. "Darcie Doo" went on to say what a beautiful thing children are and what a blessing. Now, considering less than 24 hours prior, this individual had suggested that we should not have had some of ours, and insinuated that we neglect them, I find this statement absolutely astonishing. Apparently children are beautiful only if you make $1...
August 17, 2007 by Gideon MacLeish
OK, here's the setup. I was going to get my haircut. Because my time's usually short and today was no exception, I decided to see what the hair salon at WalMart could do. I'm familiar with their setup. They don't take reservations, you walk in, sign up, and they get you whenever they feel like it. But it was fairly early, so I figured I'd take my chances. I went in to the hair salon, which was open, looked around, nobody. Through a couple mirrored reflections, I could see a lady in the v...
August 14, 2007 by Gideon MacLeish
We just completed an "initiation" trip for our dog in our truck. We're trying to get him acclimated to vehicle riding, as we're hoping to have him join us on more of our jaunts. After all, what's the point of having a pet if you cen't include them in your little adventures? As I pulled away from the house, I took an extra step of precaution. A step that made me, oddly enough, thankful for the sensationalist media. See, whenever I pull away from the house, there's always a cursory check for...
August 9, 2007 by Gideon MacLeish
As you hunt around the Internet, it's not hard to find loads of people rallying for alternative energy sources. What is telling to me is not the questions thaat are asked, but the questions that remain unasked. One of the most oft ignored replacement technologies for petroleum is biodiesel. Of all of the alternatives mentioned, biodiesel is unique in that it can be used in diesel engines currently in operation. This means an EXTREMELY reduced expense in trying to replace hundreds of millions ...
August 8, 2007 by Gideon MacLeish
LW wrote a recent article on a woman who is suing a doctor because he refused to impregnate her because she was not married. Or, that's his story. The woman's story is because she's a lesbian, and many liberals across the country have taken up the cause, comparing the "right" of this woman to get pregnant BY THIS SPECIFIC DOCTOR to a century's worth of Jim Crow and three centuries worth of slavery before that! The problem is, this is in the awake of their defense of the movie "Sicko" and demand ...
August 5, 2007 by Gideon MacLeish
As my thoughts have centered on the health care debate, they quickly return to the role of government and how our perceptions have changed toward that end. From the frontiersman who ventured deep into the hostile territory of foreign nations (Indians) and expected the government to provide protection in the form of forts and stockades for his own reckless behaviour to our current demands that the government provide "free" condoms, healthcare, education, and everything else we might dream up, we ...
August 4, 2007 by Gideon MacLeish
While I disagree with much of Michael Moore's philosophy, one of the things I will credit him with in the movie "Sicko" is bringing the health care debate to the forefront of discussion. While there are those on this site who will characterize me as a greedy, heartless individual, those who know me best know that it is not only an untruth, but a slanderous LIE! I won't get into the things I've done, because I don't do them for credit, but I will say there's a lot about me you don't know. I've...