The journey from there to here
Bob Dole Doesn't NEED a Boner!
Published on August 8, 2007 By Gideon MacLeish In Current Events

LW wrote a recent article on a woman who is suing a doctor because he refused to impregnate her because she was not married. Or, that's his story. The woman's story is because she's a lesbian, and many liberals across the country have taken up the cause, comparing the "right" of this woman to get pregnant BY THIS SPECIFIC DOCTOR to a century's worth of Jim Crow and three centuries worth of slavery before that! The problem is, this is in the awake of their defense of the movie "Sicko" and demand for universal health care.

See, their justification for universal health care is that health care costs have risen beyond the reach of the average American wage earner. Gone are the days when you can pay your doctor bill with a couple chickens and a bucket of Daisy's finest milk. Now health care is expensive, and everyone's clamoring to find out why.

Insurance companies are part of the reason. But there's more.

In our continued discussion, one individual points to the lack of funding for stem cell research and claims it to be an embarrassment. The idea is that not only does funding need to be provided for medical research, it must be GOVERNMENT funding or it is no good.

If the research agencies were working to cure cancer, I would come closer to buying that. But our research companies have spent TRILLIONS on "vanity drugs". Drugs to increase sexual potency, drugs for male pattern baldness, drugs for acne, an aesthetically embarrassing but non life threatening affliction. Basically, drugs not only to prevent death and prolong life, but to enhance a perceived "quality of life" that operates on the assumption that life can only be quality if one is virile, has a head full of hair, and looks 20 years younger. I'll bet Senator Kerry's BOTOX bill alone could pay the research for a couple months. Bob Dole doesn't need a boner, and probably could have hired a French Whore for less than he would have had to pay for viagra (although his viagra's probably "on the house").

The other issue that liberals refuse to acknowledge is frivolous lawsuits. They tend to discard them thinking as long as people don't win there's no real cost. But even when litigants LOSE, there is still a cost increase. Because the lawyers still have to be paid. But the continued lawsuits affect health care costs in many ways. First, through the real cost of the suit. Second through the cost of attrition: doctors who surrender their practice to an early retirement in Cabo sipping cocktails on the beach with a cabana boy named Lupe to fetch their every need; or who go to third world countries where the relief of being left alive after surgery will leave the family grateful enough not to sue over stupid stuff. Third through the decreased supply to meet the demand. Doctors up their prices, refuse to take certain insurance and as a result many people get left without care. I think a REAL issue is the fact that many poor families in rural areas need to travel 45-60 miles because no doctor in their community will take on new patients. But we'd rather be concerned about some lesbian's childbearing rights.

Yes, the cost of health care is rising significantly faster than inflation. Yes there are concerns with the industry in this nation that need to be addressed. But the source of the problem is NOT the "big bad corporations". It is the liberals who sue good doctors out of practice and who defend the rights of an extremely tiny minority at the expense of those who really need help.

on Aug 08, 2007
Huh, only liberals sue doctors. Good to know.
on Aug 08, 2007
This article sounds to me like your arguing for universal health care.

In our continued discussion, one individual points to the lack of funding for stem cell research and claims it to be an embarrassment. The idea is that not only does funding need to be provided for medical research, it must be GOVERNMENT funding or it is no good.If the research agencies were working to cure cancer, I would come closer to buying that. But our research companies have spent TRILLIONS on "vanity drugs". Drugs to increase sexual potency, drugs for male pattern baldness, drugs for acne, an aesthetically embarrassing but non life threatening affliction. Basically, drugs not only to prevent death and prolong life, but to enhance a perceived "quality of life" that operates on the assumption that life can only be quality if one is virile, has a head full of hair, and looks 20 years younger. I'll bet Senator Kerry's BOTOX bill alone could pay the research for a couple months. Bob Dole doesn't need a boner, and probably could have hired a French Whore for less than he would have had to pay for viagra (although his viagra's probably "on the house").

Researching cures cannot be left up to the drug companies; they have no incentive to cure any disease. They want to come up with drug treatments that stop the disease from progressing, but that you have to take for the rest of your life. That’s good business. You need the government and goverment cooperating with non-profit private organizations to make sure we’re looking for cures and not just another profit generating medicine.

on Aug 08, 2007
Huh, only liberals sue doctors. Good to know.

I think that Gideon's point here is that when people sue the medical industry, liberals assume that no money is lost if the litigant loses the suit, which is obviously not the case. Lawsuits do cause a lot of stress for the medical world, and that's the real reason why so much more often now, individual doctors cannot hold their own practices - they must group together in practicing firms in order to gain monetary protection from suits from dissatisfied customers.

I'm not necessarily certain that lawsuits are the main reason for cost increase - instead, I believe that the increase lies somewhere between increased management overhead, lawsuits, and increasing insurance costs.

Increased upper and middle management costs has been the one thing that I haven't seen written or talked about lately when it comes to medical cost. Interestingly enough, the amount of money of hired nurses and wage increases for nurses in hospitals has stayed between 3-5% in the past 20 years, while the middle management and upper management costs in hospitals has increased by over 200% in the past 20 years. You do the math.

Drug research does not bite the hand that feeds it - it is the American mindset that pills need to cure all our problems, from impotence to hair loss. And it has been proven that these ailments that are not life threatening - these quality of life ailments - are what pay the bills. Americans WANT these medications, and they're willing to pay through the gills to get them. And that's why the pharmaceutical industry develops them. It's merely a case of supply and demand.

Researching cures cannot be left up to the drug companies; they have no incentive to cure any disease. They want to come up with drug treatments that stop the disease from progressing, but that you have to take for the rest of your life. That’s good business. You need the government and goverment cooperating with non-profit private organizations to make sure we’re looking for cures and not just another profit generating medicine.

Let me also say for the record that there are drug companies that are developing drugs for rare and hard to cure diseases - because the demand is there. And because government funding is there. But let me tell you that 1 Viagra, 1 Cialis can pay for the reasearch for 20 Tarcevas. And let us not forget that these companies have no moral obligation to research drugs that will cure rare and hard to treat diseases, just like any other company doesn't have to develop new products, but they're doing it anyway. They are only businesses, after all, and if they can't make money, the bottom line is - they don't HAVE to make it.
on Aug 08, 2007
Huh, only liberals sue doctors.

Only liberals sue doctors because ONE SPECIFIC doctor wouldn't impregnate her because she was a dyke, yes. I am quite certain you will never see THAT suit coming from a conservative. And yes, I would say liberals are FAR more likely to sue for stupid stuff like that.

My point was that you're going around supporting Michael Moore's socialist health care plan (and YES, MM's plan is VERY socialist...if you'd read it, you would know that!) while championing this woman who was not harmed in any way by the actions of the doctor because the doctor followed his conscience. You are, essentially, decrying the problem while supporting a significant part of the problem. But then, you're a liberal. You don't need to be held to any consistent standard, do you?
on Aug 09, 2007

Leaving labels aside for the moment - who got rich channelling the thoughts and voices of babies not yet born?

But regardless of the political affiliation of the lawyers, the truth is that these multi million dollar awards (some warranted - most not) cost.  The money does not come from heaven.  And that cost, like all costs, taxes included, are passed on to the consumers.  And that goes into the cost.  There is no magic pot of gold at the end of a lawsuit rainbow.  This money comes from your pocket and my pocket (and mostly goes into the lawyers pockets).

So next time someone does a fist pump on a doctor or hospital "getting whats coming", dont complain when you have to pay $200 for the next office visit. You just made a contribution to Edward R. Shyster's bank fund.