I was 14 years old when I got my first lesson in the bigotted ideals that guided my so called "liberal" family. My brother was learning to drive, and my dad had purchased his first car for him. He was talking with my brother about driving, and contemptuously referring to the "rich bitches" who drove fancier cars to the school. And it didn't end there. My father never had a kind word for anyone who was successful. They were all liars, cheats, and dishonest in his eyes. Small wonder, th...
As 2008 grows nearer and with it the insanity of the Presidential election and all of the accompanying House and Senate races to complete the three ring circus, it's becoming apparent there are issues that they cannot ignore if they have any hope of winning. While the establishment would argue that we have no chance of winning anyway, the growing disenchantment with the political status quo cause me to beg to differ. All we lack is a candidate that can run the distance, something that may be nea...
For years, the religious right has clamored for a leader that represents their valies. That espouses the "family" values they hold dear, values, they say, that are consistent with those of our founding fathers (remember, though, that THEIR perception does not necessarily equal reality!). And in this upcoming election, there are two whose values come close to those conservative Christians hold dear. One of them they won't even consider. For a conservative Christian, there's little not t...
A few weeks ago, this thought came to me: We've lived too long under the government we deserve. It's time to give ourselves the government our GRANDCHILDREN deserve! You see, for too many years, we have operated our government on the "play now, pay later" principle. Debt has seldom been taken seriously, as we feel that we can simply repay the money we're borrowing at some esoteric later time. But it doesn't take a great economist's mind to see the flaw in this. If our government is livi...
For those who have come to know me and my politics, I am a person caught between a few different worlds politically. I self identify as a Libertarian, and that would be a fair summation of my philosophy, albeit an overly simplistic one. I am a Libertarian not because I see perfection in the party, but because I see it as the party most given to the kinds of reforms I feel are necessary. I have no home in the Democratic Party because they've forgotten the poor they claim to champion, and be...
As the pre-presidential campaign winds on, Hillary Clinton has revealed her plan for health care: a Nazi state in which failing to carry health care would become a criminal act. All the while, the left has been cheering her on, and accusing anyone NOT on the left of misogyny for daring to question Hillary. For the sake of this article, and sensibilities, I will avoid invoking the "B" word as applies to Ms. Clinton, as there are several other more creative and descriptive labels that apply. None ...
Walter Williams had an excellent article this week where he discussed the issues of the current global warming debate and the hypocrisy of those who endorse it. It would be wrong to label them all "the left", because there are loonies on both sides of the aisle on this one, but the loony crowd does seem to lean a little to the sinister side. In my article "The Pothead Who Came to Dinner", I discussed the hemp argument on alternative fuels and the hypocrisy evident in the fact that the hemp le...
I recently criticized Michael Moore. Apparently I pissed off the church of the bleeding heart by attacking their high priest, because I have gotten a few comments that referenced the anger of the particular readers that I dare attack one of their own. Moore is a holy man to them, whether they admit it or not, his opinion is infallible, and his facts are irrefutable. And anyone that dares refute them risks the wrath of the membership of the church of the bleeding heart. They deny Moore is out ...
I was doing a little research on an unrelated item and I came across this little gem: http://www.enidnews.com/enidnews/homepage/local_story_088004854.html Now, this particular paper's newspaper forums are particularly prone to censorship (can we say "irony", boys and girls?) so I'll post my thoughts here. Although this article is slightly dated, it lauds the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission for its program of sending officers into bars to arrest patrons for public intoxication on t...
Of course the lliberals are going to be all over George W. Bush's commuting of "Scooter" Libby's prison sentence. And while it is a curious move, to say the least, for the leader of a party desperately foundering in the polls, it is inconsistent in every way for liberals to criticize this move. First we must consider what good the incarceration of Libby would serve. While liberals press for early release for violent criminals, it is odd that they would even consider locking up nonviolent crim...
There's been a lot of talk about Guantanamo Bay. I find it quite disturbing that so many from the Republican camp believe that our government can do absolutely anything it wants to Gitmo detainees because they are terrorists, especially and most tellingly, without having to PROVE those allegations in a court of any standing. What disturbs me the most is the issue of human rights. Do you believe in human rights as our founding fathers did? The simple, plain truth of the matter is this: IF you ...
In 2004, President Bush signed into law a statute that adds stiffer penalties to people who use stolen identities to commit a crime ( Link ). In the authoring of the bill and its passage, the high cost of identity theft was repeatedly cited. And yet, President Bush continues to push for amnesty for what may be the single largest group of identity thieves: illegal immigrants. While he demands stiff penalties for AMERICANS who steal identities, apparently if you're brown and born south of the b...
(Thanks, Loca, for the inspiration): I'm a Libertarian and I love my country. I'm a Libertarian and I am a Christian. I am part of the Religious evangelical Left, an almost heard of minority I am a Libertarian and I think it's a compliment when you call me a conservative I am a Libertarian and I think the ACLU was a patriotic organization, and sometimes still does some meaningful things but has badly lost its way. I am a Libertarian and I don't think the United States is the world...
As the public continues to grow disenchanted with the "Big two" parties, one would think they would be increasingly drawn to third parties. Yet, despite the HISTORIC numbers posted by Libertarians in the great state of Texas in 2006, third parties aren't electing candidates in numbers that would reflect that disenchantment. This despite the fact that the cost to run a grassroots campaign is actually DROPPING rather than climbing. Responsible members of these third parties would be doing their pa...
OK, OK, hardline Republicans. In the wake of the debate, where many Republicans didn't appreciate Ron Paul's comments about 9/11, the title of this article alone seems farfetched, but hear me out. Historically, the office of Vice President has been the big two parties' way of dealing with "loose cannons". With a short list of viable Veep candidates to balance the ticket, once all the smoke has died down, assuming Ron Paul doesn't win the GOP nomination, choosing him as the Veep candidate woul...