The following is a press release dated August 12. I would have posted it sooner, but I have only recently been put on the press release list: WITH BLINDERS ON? BUSH CAMPAIGN WRITES OFF LIBERTARIAN CANDIDATE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE AUGUST 12, 2004 P.O.C. Stephen Gordon (256)227-8360 SANTA FE, NM - In a close presidential election which may turn on the results in a few "battleground" states, every vote counts. Or does it? Despite the 2...
This is part 3 of my posts addressing the Libertarian Party's platforms. The articles on the positions on crime & punishment and drugs can be found in my archives. If you have any questions about the Libertarian party, you can find out more at, ir by emailing me directly at: The Pollution Solution: Stopping the environment's worst enemy BY DR. MARY RUWART Who's the greatest polluter of all? The oil companies? The chemical companies? The nuclear power pl...
Well, election season is imminent, and once again, the talk begins to turn to the presidential and vice presidential debates. Once again, as well, the Libertarian and Green Party candidates, despite being on the ballot, are notably absent. This leads me to question why? Why are the Democrats and Republicans afraid to allow these parties, which have steadily gained in membership and respectability over the years, into "their" debates? Are they afraid that either/or will send a message that ...
The latest is a press release from the Libertarian Party website. For more information on the Libertarian Party, go to: or contact me at: LP given thumbs-up by political Web site The Libertarian Party has been given an 'up' arrow by the pundits at, Pennsylvania's most widely read political Web site. The site's weekly "Up and Down" list in recognition of the Pennsylvania LP's successful ballot access efforts. The site also noted ...
The following is excerpted from an article in the Augusta Free Press. The entire article may be viewed at:$25223 Ramping up another road show The Valley Blue Dog Democrat Steven Sisson Is the Libertarian presidential candidate, Michael Badnarik, the last man standing against the war? Hey, folks! If you're against the war, you ought to be supporting a Libertarian instead. Valley resident and Li...
OK, this is a nod to our Aussie contingent. I am, on principle, against the idea of compulsory voting, but I think it would be an interesting debate topic. Here are my questions: To Australians: What are the pros and cons from your point of view of your compulsory voting system? Have you seen abuses and how would you act to eliminate those abuses if you have seen them. To Americans (and anyone without a compulsory voting system): Do you think compulsory voting would be a practical id...
OK, now this is interesting. For some time, I have been "feeling the political waters", at first back in Wisconsin, where I was very near to making a city council run, now where we are, where I am mulling over running in the next town board election. This is where it gets interesting. While feeling the waters, I was solicited by the Democratic Party to run under their banner. What is more interesting is that, less than three weeks ago, I was solicited by the Republican Party. It's obvio...
I'm sure nobody who reads me regularly would be surprised to hear me say that I think that compassion should come from those who choose to be compassionate, not from the government forcing "compassion" (forced compassion is no compassion at all, IMO). I take issue with the current crop of celebrity liberals who are spending absurd amounts of money to implement a government that adds social programs and a tax burden to accompany it, especially when I consider the net worth of some of the peopl...
OK, time to put my "liberal" hat on. For those who don't notice, I have stolen a line from one of the greatest Christmas songs of all time ("Do They Know It's Christmas?") for this blog. As the Republicans are settling in for their national convention, they are sending their message out in a city whose homeless problems are legendary. Where a former mayor once proposed putting the homeless in jail that refused to go into the shelters. George W. Bush will speak, most likely, on the th...
This is my 13th and final article on the Libertarian Party platform. The rest of the platform can be found in my archives under "politics". If you have further questions about the LP platform, you can go to: www.lp.or or contact me directly at The Libertarian Party: Working to slash your taxes! The Libertarian Party is working every day to cut your taxes. By contrast, professional politicians from the other parties just want more of your money, and are busy increasi...
This is article 12 of my articles on the Libertarian Party platform. Articles 1-11 may be found in my archives under the heading "politics". If you have questions about the Libertarian Party, go to or email me at Securing Your Retirement E-MAIL THIS PAGE PRINTABLE VERSION Politicians in Washington are stealing your future. Every year, they take 12.4% of your income to prop up their failed Social Security system - a system that is heading to...
OK, this one really hacks me. For those of you who don't know, the main 527 aimed at Nevada revolves around the Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste repository, a congressional boondoggle that has received or been promised over $1 trillion in federal funding over a number of years. Yucca Mountain is, in short, a very bad idea, as it will involve the transportation of nuclear waste cross country to the Nevada site, which is close to the test range. This is intended to be achieved over unsecured rai...
For those keeping score at home, I goofed in my last entry. This is article number 11, not article number 10, on my series on the Libertarian Party platform. Articles 1-10 may be found in my archives under the heading "politics". For more information on the Libertarian Party, please go to or email me at For Online Privacy "The individual's right to privacy, property, and right to speak or not to speak should not be infringed by the government. The ...
This is part 9 of my articles on the Libertarian Party platform. Please feel free to archive articles 1-8 under the "politics" heading. If you want any more information on the Libertarian Party, please feel free to go to the official party website at: or email me at Highlights of the Libertarian Party's "Ending the Welfare State" Proposal E-MAIL THIS PAGE PRINTABLE VERSION From across the political and ideological spectrum, there is now almo...
I try to be a generally good global citizen. I compost, recycle, teach my kids the value of a dollar, and the idea of unconditional regard for all of God's creation. But I also teach them to stand up for what they believe in, and will live my life no other way. I have to look at myself in the mirror each morning. The latest crop of "political correctness" now teaches that Islam is a religion of peace, and that they're misunderstood by Western society. Meanwhile, conservative Christia...