Well, election season is imminent, and once again, the talk begins to turn to the presidential and vice presidential debates. Once again, as well, the Libertarian and Green Party candidates, despite being on the ballot, are notably absent. This leads me to question why?
Why are the Democrats and Republicans afraid to allow these parties, which have steadily gained in membership and respectability over the years, into "their" debates? Are they afraid that either/or will send a message that will resonate far closer to the American public than anything that either of the major parties has to say?
By closing the door on democracy, the major parties undermine their own credibility and respective platforms. If they truly feel that the Green/Libertarian candidates are fringe lunatics, it seems they would welcome the idea to dismiss these candidates on a public and open stage.
To the credit of both parties, the Green and Libertarian parties have been working cooperatively to attempt to be included in the debates. Much of the mainstream media has dismissed both of these parties (since Nader isn't the Green Party's darling this year), and as a result, many disenfranchised voters will continue to feel disenfranchised because they haven't heard a message that hits home for them. Far too many will stay home from the polls because they feel that there is not a candidate who fairly represents their views, when in fact, there just may be. I think it's time to stop the charade of US politics, and allow these candidates to debate. It's time to allow us a chance at a truly democratic election.
For more on the green party, go to www.greenpartyus.org
For more on the libertarian party go to www.lp.org
signing off,
Gideon MacLeish