The journey from there to here
Published on August 4, 2007 By Gideon MacLeish In Politics

I recently criticized Michael Moore. Apparently I pissed off the church of the bleeding heart by attacking their high priest, because I have gotten a few comments that referenced the anger of the particular readers that I dare attack one of their own. Moore is a holy man to them, whether they admit it or not, his opinion is infallible, and his facts are irrefutable. And anyone that dares refute them risks the wrath of the membership of the church of the bleeding heart.

They deny Moore is out to make money. They truly believe his films are an altruistic endeavour, and that he wants only the best for the American people. And only Michael Moore is qualified to tell them what is best, because Michael Moore has suffered with the American people.

Michael Moore is nothing more than a left wing Ann Coulter. Except he isn't as hot as she is. The "facts" he spews are nothing but spin, and are open to debate. Whether you, me, or anyone at the Church of the Bleeding Heart likes it or not. See, this is America, and we are about free speech. And that speech includes the right to CHALLENGE people like Michael Moore.

Michael Moore accused our president and vice president of high treason. That should not be forgotten. While he did not directly state that, their actions, if every word of "Fahrenheit 9/11" were true, would certainly amount to such. He made a very serious charge, and he should be called to defend that charge. If his words are true, both Bush and Cheney deserve a rope with 13 twists securing their necks to an oak tree on the White House lawn. If they are not true, at the very least, Moore owes an apology to all he recklessly charged with such actions.

I'm not debating that SOME of his facts aren't true. ANd I'm not saying he's not done some good in the questions he is raising. But I am asking questions of Michael Moore, just as he is asking questions of others.

One of those questions that remains unanswered is why he rallied against GM's outsourcing to Mexico in the 1980's, yet remained remarkably silent while Bill Clinton signed NAFTA into law, effectively making outsourcing more widespread. While it's true that both 1992 "big two" presidential candidates supported NAFTA, it was CLINTON that added the caveat that NAFTA countries would need to adopt the same labor and environmental standards, then welshed on his end of the bargain. Had Clinton held up his end, it is likely the appeal of illegal immigration would have been lost because there were jobs and opportunity on that side of the border. As it stands now, however, Mexico is nothing more than a dumping ground for bloodsuckers wanting to exploit the workers to their fullest.

The truth is that both liberals and conservatives are to blame for our current crisis. And that effective solutions won't come about until we take a hard look at what needs to be done, even when our own side comes up looking dirty. Michael Moore is no more, or less, sleazy than Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, or Al Franken. And occasionally I actually respect him. But Moore, like all of the aforementioned, needs to be called to task when his "facts" are wrong. Anyone who blindly follows Michael Moore for their "facts" is as misguided as one who follows CNN or Fox.

on Aug 04, 2007

At least with Ann Coulter she makes no apologies or has no hidden agenda, she just comes out and tells you point blank, what is on her mind.

M i c k e y m o o s e on the other hand wraps his particular brand of bullshit in pretty "i care for your problems" paper,

A respect Ann, not because she is a righty, but because she has no hidden agenda, I do not respect the MOOSE man because in truth he is a capitalist, living the American dream, while tearing the country in half.

on Aug 04, 2007
They're not and they shouldn't be. Some people just seem to think that they're all on the same "team" and even if they don't agree, they must defend. I have fell into that trap myself at times but I'm trying to get over it. You have to be able to hold everyone's feet to the fire and make them accountable or it's always just more of the same.
on Aug 04, 2007
Why Are LIBERALS Above Reproach?

because the care about people. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
on Aug 04, 2007
You have to be able to hold everyone's feet to the fire and make them accountable or it's always just more of the same.

I agree. WHat has shocked me with the backlash on my comments on "sicko" is the (rare but existent): "But HE'S MIKEY MOORE! He SAID SO! He MUST be right!" response.
on Aug 04, 2007
because the care about people. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

on Aug 04, 2007
because the care about people. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

sorry because they care about people.
on Aug 06, 2007

I am reminded of one of Brad's articles several years ago.  On how conservatives are better debaters than liberals because they have had to constantly defend their beliefs, while liberals are given a free pass through college.

Then they get out of college, and conservatives know how to research and defend.  Liberals know how to get offended.

on Aug 06, 2007
It seems to be working out pretty well for the liberals, though. Getting offended seems to be the number one way to end an argument these days.
on Aug 06, 2007
Getting offended seems to be the number one way to end an argument these days.

Very true. Otherwise there would be no need for POOP - People Offended by Offended People. (Thanks Michael Graham)