The journey from there to here
Gideon MacLeish's Articles In Home & Family » Page 4
December 17, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
Well, I had high hopes for this Christmas season; it's kinda going south here in the last week and a half before Christmas. I think this year it has to do with seeing so many people prepare for family and friends for the holidays and not having a "family" per se. We have places to go, don't get me wrong, but in all of those places, we will feel like outsiders looking in and not like part of the family. To top it all off, we now live so close to my "hometown" that I can taste it, for the fi...
September 7, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
It's been another taxing day with our two year old (who is nicknamed "Mouse"). It's been a trying month, really, as she had to endure the separation from her mother for two weeks (due to the pregnancy complications with the newborn), and she has been extremely clingy since, as she doesn't trust us when we leave her somewhere. Then, Sunday, it happened. We were sitting in the living room when I noticed her hand go into her mouth. Her little fingers went to the back corner of her mouth, a...
September 1, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
OK, this bugs me. I was reading one blog where the woman talked about a new love interest who had a couple previous engagements where the women dumped him, but for what the young lady considered little things. This always disturbs me. If a man is talking about previous relationships that failed and they always center on what the woman did to him, how she wronged him, etc, etc, etc....this should be a VERY serious red flag. Either this guy has incredibly poor judgement in women, or you'r...
August 28, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
As the father of 5 children, I am surprised how often I am accosted by callous jerks who don't know me, and yet, seeing the size of my family, feel that I am a ripe target for their rant about the irresponsibility of having many kids in an overpopulated planet. Since it is societally unacceptable to bound and gag them and force them to watch "the Waltons" for 42 straight days, I felt that I would do the next best thing: blog about it. While I defer to a family the right to decide the size ...
August 8, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
OK, everyone, long awaited pictures of the new baby, Quinn Donovan, can be viewed at: enjoy, signing off, Gideon MacLeish
August 6, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
Well, folks...after four girls, little Quinn Donovan was born today weighing in at 6 pounds, 11 ounces and 19 inches long. We had a few nervous early moments, as he came out quite purple and wasn't very active; they had to give him a little oxygen and suction his lungs to get him going, but he seems to be doing well, and has inherited the scowl for which his older sisters are famous. If any of you happen to be scouts for the Seattle Mariners, you might want to give this kid a look. Sure...
July 17, 2004 by Gideon MacLeish
Well, the family's all tucked in bed, and I can say...this has been an interesting experience for my wife, a lifelong Wisconsinite, to move out to the middle of the desert. The heat has been a horrible burden for her, and we look daily at the calendar to see how close we are to September. With the baby due in August and a full week lost to a broken swamp cooler, I can honestly say, we're ready for the cool weather to begin again. We did catch a break today, as it was mostly overcast...t...