I am relieved that 186 people in the House of Representatives have some sanity left. The Republican controlled House voted 227-186 in favor of the same sex marriage ban, enough to muster a simple majority, but far short of the 2/3 needed to pass the Bush backed proposed amendment. While it is sad that over 200 representatives support such authoritarian intrusions on personal life and liberty, it is somewhat relieving to know they don't enjoy enough support to legislate it at this time. Sa...
From Michael Badnarik's campaign website ( www.badnarik.org ): FOUR VICE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES TO DEBATE IN OHIO September 29 Unscripted Debate Offers Voters a Rare Opportunity to Hear Issues Not Discussed in the Exclusive, Two-Party Controlled Debates A rare debate among four vice presidential candidates - from the Libertarian, Constitution and Green parties, as well as Ralph Nader’s independent ticket - will take place on Tuesday, October 5, at the John Patrick Theatre at...
FROM THE BOSTON GLOBE September 28 Third party could tilt Nevada to Kerry By Thomas Oliphant, Globe Columnist | September 28, 2004 Read the entire article here . FOR THOSE who adore the oddities of politics, this place may be ground zero. In this quirky polity wrestling with the consequences of explosive population growth, it is the Libertarian Party candidate, Mike B[a]dnarik, who is causing the trouble, much more than Ralph Nader. As the state mirrors the nation in advan...
This joint press release is from www.badnarik.org , the official website of Libertarian Party Candidate Michael Badnarik's presidential campaign: PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES BADNARIK & COBB TO DEBATE IN MIAMI September 27 JOINT NEWS RELEASE For immediate release: September 27, 2004 Contact: Stephen Gordon (Badnarik/Campagna) communications@badnarik.org 256-227-8360 Jason Neville (Cobb/LaMarche) jason@votecobb.org 504-338-3683 PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES BADNARIK & COBB TO DEBA...
John Kerry had better not have any stock in getting support off of his support base among online bloggers. With the exception of a few notables, I have found the majority of bloggers that support Kerry to be virulent bullies that have zero tolerance for another person's religious or political position. In short, they're everything they consistently accuse the right of being. The situation of one of our latest bullies underscores this. With the assistance of a friend, he passes on a half as...
A couple of my past blogs have focused on the Free State Project, and one previous blog has touched on the failure of libertarians in New Hampshire (the chosen state for the FSP) to put Michael Badnarik, the Libertarian Party candidate, on the ballot, making NH one of only two states (Oklahoma being the other) where Badnarik doesn't appear on the ballot. For those who are unfamiliar with the Free State Project, here is a portion of their mission statement, pulled from their homepage at www.f...
This from the Augusta Free Press Positive press boosts Libertarian candidate Notes from the Press Chris Graham chris@augustafreepress.com One thing that has surprised Libertarian Party presidential candidate Michael Badnarik to date: the positive coverage from the news media for his campaign. "I've been very pleased with the attention that the campaign has been getting so far," Badnarik told The Augusta Free Press . "I would say that the media cove...
The following is taken from Michael Badnarik's blog at www.badnarik.org . I replied to the people at opendebates.org and told them that I felt they had become as bad as the monsters they set out to fight, and that their entire agenda seems to revolve around getting Nader (on the ballot in 39 states) into the debates, but not other third party candidates (such as Badnarik, on the ballot in 48 or 49, depending on the results of a court decision in Oklahoma). The press release below was posted ...
This from the Libertarian party website at www.lp.org : Libertarian candidate competes in Olympic fencing CODY MATTERN In August, the Libertarian Party's candidate for Oregon state House of Representatives (District 35) took time to go to Athens for the Olympic Games. But Cody Mattern, the 23-year-old from Tigard, Ore., wasn't sitting in the stands watching others participate in the games. As one of the best fencers in the world, he ...
This is a press release from the Badnarik 2004 website: BADNARIK ADDRESS TO THE YOUTH OF AMERICA September 21 — =========================== September 21, 2004 For Immediate Release Contact: Stephen P. Gordon Office: (512) 637-6867 Cell: (256) 227-8360 communications@badnarik.org =========================== Below is a statement issued by Libertarian presidential candidate Michael Badnarik to Americans 18 to 30 years of age: Nowhere is the increasing failure of the American p...
This from the "Metrowest Daily News": Party crashing: Massachusetts filmmakers document the campaigns of third-party presidential candidates By Chris Bergeron / News Staff Writer Sunday, September 19, 2004 As the band plays "Hail to the Chief," the speaker of the House solemnly intones, "Ladies and gentlemen, the president of the United States...Michael Badnarik." The next sound you'll hear is America's two-party system crashing down if that scenario occurs in the near fut...
12 states this year have amendments before their voters to ban same sex marriage in their quest to legislate morality within their borders. Our reigning president has also championed such legislation on the federal level. This brings me to what I consider to be the most deplorable, most shameful tactic of the political right (the left use it too, in different areas, but that's another blog): The use of emotionally charged issues to blindside voters to the real issues. In short, voters w...
OK, I know this one has been hit on a lot on this site, but the drudge report has an article linked to the Washington Times that shows the controversial Bush memo side by side with a memo from the Pentagon archives from the same time frame. Comparisons are made between the two. In case the image doesn't come through, I will link the report at the bottom of the page: Link
The following is a press release from Libertarian Party candidate Michael Badnarik. More information on Badnarik can be obtained at www.badnarik.org, and more on the Libertarian Party can be found at www.lp.org What America can learn from Bush's Guard duty scandal =============================== NEWS FROM THE LIBERTARIAN PARTY 2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 100 Washington DC 20037 World Wide Web: http://www.LP.org =============================== For release: September 15, 2004 ===...
I have blogged before on the Free State Project, basically a group of individuals who are trying to get 20,000 activists to move to New Hampshire to create a state with libertarian ideals. It's a noble effort, and one that I, as a supporter (although one who "opted out" of New Hampshire, and thus, won't be joining them) Have watched very closely. This election year, I figured, would be an important litmus test; I made mention of it on an article I wrote. Well, if this November is a litmus ...