I have hit on this every way I know how, but it seems to fall on deaf ears among those who staunchly defend the Democratic Party. Interestingly enough, though, it gains a lot of "hear hear"s from Dem defectors who find themselves in the Republican or various third parties. The fact is, Dems, your party is going down the tubes. With so much infighting, negativity and dissension, you virtually GAVE the presidential election to George Bush. By taking your party further and further to the left, y...
When I was younger, probably the early 1980's, Greyhound's ads revolved around a friendly driver carting grandma home to her rural farmhouse, where her family and friends were waiting and waving with smiles as "nana" came home. While Greyhound was never, to my knowledge, even CLOSE to that ideal, the picture that would be more appropriate for 2005 would be grandma being dropped in an urban bus station with no family and friends, 75 miles from home while a purse snatcher grabs her purse and a pim...
In another blog, one of our more liberal bloggers sources al jazeera, claiming them to be "more objective" of a source than Fox News. EXCUSE ME? Al Jazeera, while a legitimate news organization in its region, has a long standing history of sympathy to terrorist organizations and their objectives (of course, the liberals deem these terrorists "Freedom Fighters", but I digress). While its research should not be utterly dismissed, it should definitely be taken with a huge measure of salt. ...
Before I begin this blog, let me say this is a statement of my personal ideology and is in no way meant to diminish the hard work American soldiers are doing in a war zone to defend this country. That being said, allow me to continue. When the concept of war was first introduced to me, it didn't make sense. It didn't make sense that the Russians could be the faceless evil we were led to believe they were (I was raised during the climax of the Cold War, remember), and it didn't make sense t...
I have been doing a lot of work strategizing for third party strategies for 2006, as I feel it is a key election, especially in building for the 2008 presidential elections. With the Democrats and Republicans as polarized as they are, a well organized third party effort stands a fair chance of gaining the position of power in the House and Senate. I am not submitting or even suggesting that a third party has any chance of gaining a MAJORITY in either chamber. But with the realistic possibilit...
(Note: for clarification of what is meant by "macrosocialism", see my article "Macrosocialism vs. Microsocialism". I introduced and clarified those terms in that article, and this article is a continuation of my thoughts on the theories I advanced). Macrosocialist societies have been a part of our world culture for the better part of the last 100 years. The failed USSR, China, North Korea, and Cuba are prominent examples. Yet each of these governments did and do have long lists of human right...
I have been developing my ideas of how socialism and free enterprise need not be incompatible (socialist endeavours working in a free enterprise economy), and am refining my phrases to better explain the concepts. The best way I can explain it is, I believe in microsocialism, but not in macrosocialism (yes, I stole the phrase from the creationist "micro" vs. "macro" evolution). Microsocialism is a community with socialist ideals that can work within a larger infrastructure. Its principles are...
At one time in American history, there was a class of people that were promised protection from the elements and domestic threats, housing, medical care, and all of their physical needs to be met in return for their labor. That class of people was called "slaves", and it took the better part of 100 years following our country's independence to gain their freedom. Now, the left presses for a continually socialist agenda, promising all of the above...and there are a great number of people wh...
I logged off the computer yesterday in utter outrage. I had considered adding a JoeUser to my permanent blacklist for what was said. After some "cool down" time, I have decided against tht option, but remain no less peeved. The person in question, was, at least honest. Many of the left don't even meet THAT standard. The offense was by a person who labelled a baby a "parasite". That this person woul have such utter disdain or contempt for human life puts the person, in my opinion, on a phil...
I think our aid to the countries hit by the tsunami should have some strings attached. I have said from the get go that I think it should be raised through voluntary sources, and I still do. But One of my pet peeves with foreign aid is the irresponsibility of the recipient. In disasters such as this, those of higher income are less likely to be devastated, if for no other reason than that they are MORE likely to be ensured. And thus, aid should begin with ensuring that those who have the m...
Two and a half months after the left snatched defeat from the jaws of victory, they still don't get it. While I have strongly held opinions, I try to reserve those opinions for my personal journals and discussions among friends and moderate myself to a degree that is diplomatically prudent. I believe that "a faith worth having is a faith worth defending", and I hold my beliefs dear to me. Diplomacy, however,is not acceptable to much of the American left. They attack at every chance, and pu...
A few years ago, a friend of mine, after his third child, decided it was time to get snipped. So, he spoke with the doctors about it, and found out something interesting: In the state of Wisconsin, at least, a married man MUST have his wife's permission to have a vasectomy! Contrary to a statement on a recent blog, it is not required (in Wisconsin, at least) for a woman to receive her husband's permission to have an abortion. There's an obvious double standard here that I just don't get. ...
In the wake of so many lists of left/right inconsistencies, I was pondering a few the other day. Feel free to add more (or inconsistencies of the right as well; equal opportunity here): Leftists: Believe that a woman has a right to abort a fetus without the father's consent, but if she chooses to keep it, that father better pay for it till it's 18. Believe that developmentally disabled individuals are wonderful individuals, worthy of respect and esteem, but they should be terminated whe...
Republicans have campaigned over the last several years on the idea of espousing smaller federal governments and expanding state and local autonomy. While I have found a good number of individual Republicans of whom this has been true, this is NOT true of the national party, and specifically not true of the Bush administration. In this article, I will attempt to enumerate several examples of how the Bush administration is antithetical to small government, and why true small government Republican...
Today has been one of my most strenuous workdays as a writer. Driven by my emerging role as a leader (see, "I Don't Feel Like a Veteran ANYTHING"), and my true desire to work to improve American politics, I have begun working on a very serious, and, hopefully extensive, piece that I hope will influence many Americans who are disenchanted with the American political system to rally together to mount a serious attack against the political status quo. While such an effort could truly be deemed q...