The journey from there to here
Gideon MacLeish's Articles In Pure Technology
May 23, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
The title statement was a comment on one of my threads about atheism and science. And while it was a true statement, it bears mentioning that the same could be said of the atheistic position. Indeed, it is my contention that, absent faith of some sort, the only intellectually defensible theological position is agnosticism. Atheism is as absolutist a position as is any religious dogma, and its defenders should be subject to the same standard of proof as Christians, Muslims, Jews, you name it. ...
November 27, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
So, here's the setup, kiddies. I was skimming through the forums and noticed the 5,673rd article on evolution vs. Intelligent Design. Something in the title rattled loose a bearing that had been stuck in my head for a week (see, I get these killer blog ideas when I'm walking along, but once I get to the library, they get stuck in the ether up there somewheres and I'm lucky to get them back...but I digress). You see, evolution and intelligent design are NOT competing theories, nor should th...