So, here's the setup, kiddies.
I was skimming through the forums and noticed the 5,673rd article on evolution vs. Intelligent Design. Something in the title rattled loose a bearing that had been stuck in my head for a week (see, I get these killer blog ideas when I'm walking along, but once I get to the library, they get stuck in the ether up there somewheres and I'm lucky to get them back...but I digress).
You see, evolution and intelligent design are NOT competing theories, nor should they be presented as such. Evolution can exist with or without ID, and ID can exist with or without evolution. Comparing them would be lie comparing apples and steak.
Because, you see, evolution deals with the process of change within the species over the years. Darwin's missive was entitled "On the Origin of SPECIES by natural selection", and dealt with his theory on how species evolved over time from simpler organisms. It is entirely possible to hold to Darwin's theory and still hold to the theory of an earth constructed by a creator.
Intelligent design, on the other hand, deals with the creation of the universe. The most commonly held theory that it opposes would be the "big bang" theory, which many scientists would readily concede as being as reliant on faith as ID.
Realizing this, I have to say that this whole debate's rather silly. I think I'll sit this one out and get back to devouring Thanksgiving leftovers.