The journey from there to here

So, Marvin Cooley's evil twin is back in full force, in one breath decrying cults and in the other trying to form a cult himself by proclaiming that only HIS word stands as the word of God, and that everyone else, even Christ Himself, is suspect in their teaching.

He believes that Christians do not need to lead a good life. That they can do whatever they want and treat other people like garbage, and that they will get to heaven, and God will smile and say it's all good. But the phrase "Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven" appears nowhere in the Bible and is the world's biggest cop out for a church that won't even TRY.

Ironically enough, in America, there are many that echo his belief, that if you pray to God once for forgiveness, it doesn't matter what you do with the rest of your life. Oddly, those are the same people trying to put the Ten Commandments in every courthouse and public square and to institute school led prayer and the teaching of intelligent design and abstinence only education in every public school. So while this individual may be unique in Africa, he's got a lot of company in the US.

But the truth is, the Bible doesn't say that salvation comes only by a simple prayer. It has lots to say about being made a new creature, about salvation being evident through works, about running the race. And in fact, what the good old Baptist preacher won't tell you is that it wasn't homosexual sex that did Sodom in, it was "pride and excess of food while the poor and needy suffered outside her door" (Ezekial 16:49). Now I'm no genius here, but I'm thinking if being greedy, selfish dillweeds was enough to make God wipe out a city, seems to me he's not going to be crazy about alleged Christians continuing the practice, no matter how pure the gold is on the cross around their neck. It also seems to me that living that way, might, just MIGHT tick Him off and have the reverse effect.

Real Christian living is not expressed through bumper sticker sayings or cop outs. I'd tell him this on his thread, but he's deleting at a furious pace so it won't likely remain. Real Christian living is expressed in LIVING as Christ did while He was on earth. No, nobody can expect to be perfect. But they SHOULD expect to try and to somehow evidence SOME change in their life!

Comments (Page 4)
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on Nov 14, 2007

First Pentecost day when His fledgling Church was strengthened by the Holy Spirit

...and what a wonderful NEW COVENANT it is!


(This was my last official religious post at JU, catch my new threads: Art, Music and Literature on 'Beyond Narnia.')
on Nov 14, 2007
...and what a wonderful NEW COVENANT it is!


Amen. Take ye and eat: this is My Body. 25 In like manner also the chalice, after He had supped, saying: This cup is the New Covenant in my blood, which will be shed for many so that sins may be forgiven. Do this in memory of me.

(This was my last official religious post at JU, catch my new threads: Art, Music and Literature on 'Beyond Narnia.')

I'll miss you here and will try to check in there every now and then!
on Nov 16, 2007

I'll miss you here and will try to check in there every now and then!


I have decided to post on religious threads, from time to time. When I do I am going to try and keep my comments very tight, so as not to spark further flame wars.

When I refer to the New Covenant, I am referring to the part about writing His laws upon our hearts and our minds.


on Nov 16, 2007
When I refer to the New Covenant, I am referring to the part about writing His laws upon our hearts and our minds.



Yes, I understood that. My response was referring to that the OLd Covenant was sealed with the blood of victims; the New Covenant (Testament) with the Blood of God made man, (This is My Blood of the New Covenant").   

The Old Covenant was made through Moses, the New Through Christ. The OC was made for only one nation, the New with all mankind. The OC was made to last for a limited time, the New will last until the end of time. In the Old Testament severe laws were made, but the power of observing them was not given.

The New Testament has not only its own holy laws, but abundant grace is given (through the Holy Eucharist and other Sacraments), by which to observe them. And the New COvenant is therefore called the Covenant of grace.

The Ten Commandments are an expression of the Natural or Moral Law, which God has written in every heart, and which every man can know if he listens to the voice of reason and conscience. That's why the Ten Commandments apply to all times and will until the end of time. And for this reason Almighty God wrote them on stone to signify that they were as durable as stone and are to last for all ages. We, Christians, (and yes, A, Catholics are the first Christians) ought to observe the Commandments more perfectly than was expected of the Israelites for our Lord has said, "Think not that I am come to destroy the law or the prophets, but to fulfill."

I've been studying the Decalogue and what they are to mean to us for only by our observance of them will we find giving them God has shown us the road to Heaven.

The first three say to us: Thou shalt worship God, thou shalt honor and keep His name and thou shalt respect and keep holy His day.

Suggestion: We Christians here on JU might start showing the world that we obey our Lord God's commandments by in the very least observing Sundays by not engaging in verbal warfare.

The Fourth Commandment is a transition from one division to another. The next four protect our most valuable possessions, and forbid any injury to life (including the babe in the womb and old disabled people), innocence, property and honor. The last tow forbid evil desires, becasue they corrupt the heart and lead to evil deeds (sin).

Ask yourself which commandment you have most sinned against, and pray to the Holy SPirit for the gift of holy fear. "If thou will enter life, keep the commandments, says the LOrd. Deut. 5


I responded as I did showing the difference between the OLd and the New written in stone the same written upon our hearts...

St.Paul in speaking of the excellence of the Priesthood of Christ and of the New Testament. Hebrews 8, only 13 verses, specifically address this. Well worth the read.
on Nov 16, 2007


Your new avatar rocks!
on Nov 16, 2007
Do you have a reading disorder, aeryck?
on Nov 16, 2007
I miss the applause robot and Homer... I at least knew who they were.
on Nov 16, 2007

You never heard of Hannibal Lecter?

The av was chosen for a reason...
on Nov 16, 2007


Not wanting to be part of your altercation, I guess it's me who has encouraged discussion with Aeryck on this forum.

on Nov 16, 2007
The av was chosen for a reason...

Yeah, Gid likes to gobble human brains.

Yum yum yum . . .
on Nov 16, 2007
Yeah, Gid likes to gobble human brains.

Only with a good cognac!

I guess it's me who has encouraged discussion with Aeryck on this forum.

Oh, I understand, lula. He is, however, aware of my feelings towards him and aware of my request and thus capable of asking you to take it to another forum.

This is the individual who has removed EVERY comment towards him (except in the last two days) from public view. I wish him no ill will, I just want him gone.
on Nov 16, 2007
I just wasn't thinking in the right direction. I see it now. Blech. But, hey, if you want to eat some brains, go ahead...

"All we want to do is eat your brains,
We're not unreasonable, no-one's gonna eat your eyes
All we want to do is eat your brains,
We're at an impasse here, maybe we should compromise
So just open up the door
Let us all inside
and we'll eat your brains!"
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