The journey from there to here
Gideon MacLeish's Articles In Politics » Page 18
April 23, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
The following is an old press release from the Libertarian Party website ( ). The message; however, is still relevant: How about 'spreading more freedom' in the USA? WASHINGTON, DC -- If President Bush really wants to "spread freedom around the world," as he said in his inaugural address, he should start by setting an example right here in the United States, Libertarians say. "Freedom, like charity, begins at home," said Joseph Seehusen, executive director of t...
April 23, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
In his novel, 1984, George Orwell quite ominously and infamously coined the phrase "Big Brother". The idea was of a benevolent figurehead controlling our lives because he knew what was best for us. Although Orwell's ideas carried on into common speech, the idea was not solely his. Many authors, notably Aldous Huxley and Thomas Moore presented the utopian ideal, the concept of a government where everybody lived under a government that told them what to do and how to live their lives. In ever...
April 22, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
I found this interesting. These statistics, if true, seriously indict our own national economy: If you’re feeling short-changed by Ottawa, it turns out you’re right. Every year, the federal government spends an average of $3,919 per Ontarian, not including federal interest payments on the national debt. When it comes to spending, per person, Ontarians get the least. The feds spend $4,375 per westerner, $4,974 per Quebecker, and $8,209 per Atlantic Canadian . I found this on a bl...
April 20, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
The title statement is a phrase virtually guaranteed to get my dander up. We have become a law crazy society, asking for legislation in virtually every area of life. But what does legislation REALLY say? Legislation says, in essence, "You're too stupid to make responsible decisions for yourself". It is an affront to our intelligence, a waste of taxpayers' time and money, and, usually infringes on SOMEONE'S rights. Now don't get me wrong. There are instances of good legislation, not because...
April 15, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
One thing I am sick of seeing in blog after blog, is the reference to either liberals or conservatives as "crazy". The LLL label is the most prominent example of this, but apologists for both sides have been rather generous in their appraisal of the mental condition of their opponents. Among those I would classify as passionate liberals, conservatives, or centrists, I have found a common thread: ALL are trying as best they can, from their own perspectives and life philosophies, to improve the...
April 14, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
OK, this blog pissed me off! While surfing member blogs on blogexplosion, I came across the following: I got my new Child Benefit order through today. For anyone outside the UK, that's a paltry sum the government gives all parents/carers toward the upkeep of a child/children. Currently it stands at £17 a week. Wouldn't even buy half a pair of shoes (or as some would say, one shoe). Ah but... I am also a sad, lonely, unmarriable woman so I get lone parent benefit on top. Wow! Th...
April 13, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
This is probably my first "gloat blog". In the aftermath of the December 26th Tsunami, I spoke out against the US providing aid. I was blasted with every name in the book for my position that the aid should be privately funded. I, of course, wrote several followup articles defending my position. And the kicker is, I was RIGHT!!! Now, I'll admit, many of my political positions are subjective, and as debatable as any position held by the "big two" or the Greens. But this case was a litt...
April 13, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
We've all seen them. The "Make Poverty History" TV ads featuring celebrities snapping their fingers. The tag line, though, comes at the end where they say "we're not asking for your money". Oh, really? I am VERY interested in ways of reducing poverty, so I checked out the link. Apparently, they ARE asking for our money. Remember, ladies and gents, tax money from the government does not come from a magic djinni. It comes from OUR pockets. Yours and mine. What are they asking for? "Dro...
April 12, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
America is in a crisis. I think that's one talking point that, conservative, liberal, Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, or Green, we can all agree on. Where we get stuck is on how to fix it. WHY we get stuck, is another matter entirely. If you came up to me and told me your debt was spiralling out of control, my advice would center around either getting another job or cutting your expenses. My advice for the government is no different. The skyrocketing national debt is NOT solely the f...
April 12, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
Now there is a gift only our tolerant, constitution upholding lefties can appreciate.
April 12, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
In a recent article, it was mentioned that, to most of the far left on this site, NOTHING our president does will be acceptable. Don't get me wrong; I have many, MANY problems with the policies of George W. Bush and the GOP. In fact, I agree with more than half of the points made, if not the attitude itself, of many of the most liberal bloggers on this site. What confounds me, whough, is how they have been seduced by the Democrats into believing that the Dems are in any way a "party of th...
April 12, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
Whenever someone on JU makes a statement criticizing our president, they're accused of sedition and anti-American sentiments. It's odd how mindsets change. Consider: Following the 1994 Republican "revolution" and "Contract with America", The Republicans DEMANDED of Clinton a balanced budget. They effectively went on strike (ironic, given the traditional GOP stance against public sector employees striking...but I digress), and gained serious publicity for their steadfast insistence on such ...
April 11, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
Recovery from a cycle of dependence requires an acknowledgement that one IS dependent in the first place. That's the core principle of twelve step groups, and, I feel, SHOULD be the core principle of welfare and benefit recipients (seriously, "Welfare dependents anonymous" is NOT a bad idea). I'm speaking as one who has BEEN there. In 2001, we went to the WIC office to renew benefits for our three young children. When told we didn't qualify, I was initially shocked. We were a low income famil...
April 11, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
OK, folks, do me a favor. Look at the secondhand on your watch right now. Look at the secondhand again when you finish reading this article. Then calculate the number of seconds you spent reading this article. Divide the number of seconds by five. Multiply your result by one million. That is how much the federal government will have spent in the time you were reading this article. ONE MILLION DOLLARS every FIVE SECONDS. That's slightly more time than it takes an NFL runnin...
April 5, 2005 by Gideon MacLeish
As a drug legalization advocate, I am often misunderstood. I do not use drugs; in fact, I don't even drink alcohol. Outside of marijuana, I can think of no illegal drug that I would use if it were legalized. But it's not just personal choice that drives my political leanings in this area. It is the experience of one who has consistently seen two sets of justice applied in this area. Our local DA was recently arrested on federal drug charges that would have meant up to 60 years in prison...