The journey from there to here
Gideon MacLeish's Articles In Movies & TV & Books
May 26, 2008 by Gideon MacLeish
I finally got a chance to see Ben Stein's controversial movie Expelled, last night. I've read a number of reviews on the film, and was eager to view it for myself. Please note, my review is based on the movie itself, and not on a careful vetting of the accusations it presents. I do intend to spend some time looking into the assertions made by the movie, but have not as of yet done so. The first thing that hit me was not covered in any movie reviews for or against the movie. The camera wo...
May 26, 2008 by Gideon MacLeish
(Note: This article's a little later than I'd like, but it's been a busy past week) GID'S TOP 3 RULES FOR WATCHING A MOVIE BASED ON A BOOK: 1. The movie is not the book! 2. The movie is NOT the book! 3. The movie is NOT THE BOOK!   If you're going to see "Prince Caspian", and you remember these three rules, you may thoroughly enjoy the movie. Forget them, and it will be a long 2 1/2 hours. For those not up to speed on the "Chronicles of Narnia", "Prince Caspian" tak...