Well, I have to thank talk radio for pointing this little tidbit out for me. Apparently, several of Hollywood's elite got together last Sunday to preach at the rest of us and demand that we lobby our congresspersons to sign the Kyoto accords. From what I heard, it was a moron-a-thon of mammoth proportions.
Now, to be fair, I have only heard soundbites of this claptrap. But those soundbites have been enough to make me roll my eyes until I'm deathly afraid they'll freeze that way. While this event was meant to draw attention to global warming, "comedian" Wanda Sykes (as oxymoronic a statement as "comedian" Janeane Garafaolo...but I digress) decided to do her routine about George Bush's Social Security plan, rather than staying on topic. She did a great service for the right, however, by stating OUTRIGHT the liberal mantra that Americans are too stupid to know what to do with their money and that they ought to give it to the government to protect them from their stupidity...but again I digress (in fairness, Sykes did it first).
Robert Fitzgerald Kennedy, Junior, Will Ferrell, Bill Maher (who made asinine, completely false statements about the oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere allegedly dropping to 9% and about all of the animals migrating northward, but as certain retired military personnel on this site have proven, who needs PROOF when you have RHETORIC on your side?) and the usual Hollywood liberal elite (none of whom, I might add, live in homes that draw their energy from solar and wind power or that reclaim greywater and otherwise minimize their impact on the environment, despite having ample funds to do so) preached about our responsibility to the environment and how we need to take personal steps to reduce our impact (I'll remember that at Oscar time when they pull up in Limousines that use a helluva lot more gas than a Prius). It was, for liberals, the perfect showcase of their bogus propaganda.
Now comes the punchline. Can you guess where the event was held? Did they open up the Biosphere in the Arizona desert? Did they deliver their propaganda from a self sustaining, off the grid intentional community? Nope...they went to the world's most fantastic monument to waste....Caesar's Palace, Las Vegas Nevada. This is a city of a million people that draws water from a region where it is desperately needed to fill canals on the rooftops of the Venetian, fountains at the Bellagio that spectacularly spray thousands of gallons in the air multiple times a day, much of which is lost to evaporation in Vegas' 100 plus degree summer heat, and put other similarly arrogant middle fingers in the face of every environmental and conservation movement. This is a city where the lights are on 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, where the beacon at the Luxor can be seen from outer space, and where the glow of lights are visible some 60 miles away in the Nevada desert.
The liberals are right that we need to be environmentally minded. Although there is credible evidence that global warming is a myth (before you point to this fall's warmer than usual temperatures, check out The Old Farmer's Almanac's article in the 2006 on sunspots for a FAR MORE LIKELY explanation), we need to be responsible stewards of what we have. But until they hold themselves liable, until they hold communities like Las Vegas liable, they have NO BUSINESS preaching to me as I sit in my woodstove heated, 1200 square foot home, watching a 19 inch TV and doing everything I can to minimize our personal impact on the environment. Bad form, Hollywood libs!