The journey from there to here


Well, I have to thank talk radio for pointing this little tidbit out for me. Apparently, several of Hollywood's elite got together last Sunday to preach at the rest of us and demand that we lobby our congresspersons to sign the Kyoto accords. From what I heard, it was a moron-a-thon of mammoth proportions.

Now, to be fair, I have only heard soundbites of this claptrap. But those soundbites have been enough to make me roll my eyes until I'm deathly afraid they'll freeze that way. While this event was meant to draw attention to global warming, "comedian" Wanda Sykes (as oxymoronic a statement as "comedian" Janeane Garafaolo...but I digress) decided to do her routine about George Bush's Social Security plan, rather than staying on topic. She did a great service for the right, however, by stating OUTRIGHT the liberal mantra that Americans are too stupid to know what to do with their money and that they ought to give it to the government to protect them from their stupidity...but again I digress (in fairness, Sykes did it first).

Robert Fitzgerald Kennedy, Junior, Will Ferrell, Bill Maher (who made asinine, completely false statements about the oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere allegedly dropping to 9% and about all of the animals migrating northward, but as certain retired military personnel on this site have proven, who needs PROOF when you have RHETORIC on your side?) and the usual Hollywood liberal elite (none of whom, I might add, live in homes that draw their energy from solar and wind power or that reclaim greywater and otherwise minimize their impact on the environment, despite having ample funds to do so) preached about our responsibility to the environment and how we need to take personal steps to reduce our impact (I'll remember that at Oscar time when they pull up in Limousines that use a helluva lot more gas than a Prius). It was, for liberals, the perfect showcase of their bogus propaganda.

Now comes the punchline. Can you guess where the event was held? Did they open up the Biosphere in the Arizona desert? Did they deliver their propaganda from a self sustaining, off the grid intentional community? Nope...they went to the world's most fantastic monument to waste....Caesar's Palace, Las Vegas Nevada. This is a city of a million people that draws water from a region where it is desperately needed to fill canals on the rooftops of the Venetian, fountains at the Bellagio that spectacularly spray thousands of gallons in the air multiple times a day, much of which is lost to evaporation in Vegas' 100 plus degree summer heat, and put other similarly arrogant middle fingers in the face of every environmental and conservation movement. This is a city where the lights are on 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, where the beacon at the Luxor can be seen from outer space, and where the glow of lights are visible some 60 miles away in the Nevada desert.

The liberals are right that we need to be environmentally minded. Although there is credible evidence that global warming is a myth (before you point to this fall's warmer than usual temperatures, check out The Old Farmer's Almanac's article in the 2006 on sunspots for a FAR MORE LIKELY explanation), we need to be responsible stewards of what we have. But until they hold themselves liable, until they hold communities like Las Vegas liable, they have NO BUSINESS preaching to me as I sit in my woodstove heated, 1200 square foot home, watching a 19 inch TV and doing everything I can to minimize our personal impact on the environment. Bad form, Hollywood libs!

Comments (Page 1)
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on Nov 22, 2005

I disagree, it was pretty entertaining though Bill Mayer pissed me off as usual.
Though you may have a point on some of the mechanics of the delivery, it is a valid way to reach some of us Retarded Americans that have no clue what is going on in the world in regards to Global Warming and such.

Will Faro stole the show with his Bush performance, my god I could watch his do that all day.
on Nov 22, 2005
I disagree, it was pretty entertaining though Bill Mayer pissed me off as usual.
My point is, the entire show was based on either misinformation (9% oxygen? COME ON!) that was not challenged, or upon information that is highly debatable (the global warming issue itself). The Kyoto accords came about in 1993. Bill Clinton had SEVEN YEARS to act on this legislation, one of those years with his party holding a majority in the House and Senate. When I turn on TV for a show labelled as "entertainment", I want ENTERTAINMENT, not propaganda. I'd just as soon watch Al Jazeera if I'm going to watch this stuff. Another point you need to strongly consider: if global warming is the problem that these people insist it is, why are we trying to INDUSTRIALIZE third world nations? Isn't that working AGAINST the very goals we claim (with a greater percentage of the world's manufacturing industrialized, emissions stand to INCREASE rather than decrease). And shouldn't we be CHEERING GM's 30,000 layoffs rather than criticizing them?
on Nov 22, 2005

Bad form, Hollywood libs!

They have a different form?

I wish I had seen it!

on Nov 22, 2005

it is a valid way to reach some of us Retarded Americans that have no clue what is going on in the world in regards to Global Warming and such.

Speak for yourself.  Not all of us are retarded or ignorant about the subject.

on Nov 22, 2005
I saw half of it and let me tell you I had never seem a moment when comedians like Robin Williams and Tom Hanks didn't make me life when they did comedy. This was by far the worst comedy show I've seen since the commercials for Daisy does America.

The first thing I noticed, for people who are trying to save the enviroment, was the amount of lights that were on the stange alone. And entire wall of small lights paired in 4s. And they want me to help the enviroment? And why exactly do we, the ones with less money than them, have to do it when there seems to be no sign of them doing it. Getting a hybrid or electric car doesn't convince me. You still need gas for the Hybrid and you still need electricity from your house for the electric which also comes from either gas, coal or nuclear powerplants in most cases.

And what exactly does getting Americas attention about the enviroment and Global Warming have anything to do with Bush and Social Security? Will fixing the Social Security problem help the enviroment?
on Nov 22, 2005
Speak for yourself. Not all of us are retarded or ignorant about the subject.

on Nov 22, 2005
it is a valid way to reach some of us Retarded Americans that have no clue what is going on in the world in regards to Global Warming and such.

Valid though it may be, it's still propoganda. It's not exactly telling people that this is a problem which may be due to us, but you should go out and look at some of the research to form your own opinion. Instead it's taking that one view and pushing it on people, aka propaganda.

Some of us don't believe in the idea that human activity is having significant effect on warming, on account of evidence to the contrary, such as the fact that the planet has been warmer at times past, well before the industrial revolution, and, of course well before the majority of CO2 release occurred - post 1940.

Regardless, good job Gid for pointing out the inherent hypocrisy of their actions. But what's with the jab at Wanda Sykes, she's usually very funny...
on Nov 22, 2005

But what's with the jab at Wanda Sykes, she's usually very funny...

The jab at Wanda Sykes was simply holding her responsible for her comments. I am sick and tired of liberals who want the government to take my money because they feel I am too stupid to do anything with it, and as of Sunday, Sykes firmly established herself among their number. I won't be watching anything of hers anytime soon.

on Nov 22, 2005
Gid your a genius brother!
I could not agree with you more!! I get so sick when I see Robin Williams (IDIOT) or Tim Robins get behind a mic and start preaching. Last time I checked Hollywood was not a thinktank!
These people are ENTERTAINERS so entertaine me. But dont think for a minute that you live and breathe in the world that I live in. The only reason they are actors is because they have no real skills other than acting like people with real skills or MORALS!

on Nov 22, 2005
Global Warming is slipshod science run amok. You do not make sweeping generalizations based on little data in science. Weather patterns on Earth change over the course of tens of thousands of years. That we know.

So, when weather patterns start changing again, we discard what we know about historical temperature drift, and start blaming ourselves, with only a couple of decades worth of data as proof? That's... good science? We've suffered massive ice ages in the past, one of which wasn't that long ago at all, and yet somehow a hundred years or so of industrialization is to blame for the Earth warming?

Maybe they are right. We no doubt have SOME effect on our environment, and we should do what we can to limit it. They don't serve their purposes when they betray their ethics and play chicken little to make their point. Predictions as to why a phenomenon occurs shouldn't use the phenomenon as proof of concept. If I claim that farting makes it rain, and then when you fart, and later in the day it rains, will you buy it when I say "See! I told you so."

Add to that these pinheaded performing monkeys that are supposed to be the sugar to help the medicine go down. People think they are smart and funny, so they MUST be right, right? IF they believe it, maybe other people won't feel so stupid believing it. WHen you need to hire pitchmen for your science to make it credible, maybe you ought to rethink your science.
on Nov 22, 2005
I read before that part of the Kyoto agreement some contries are using ethanol as fuel for the cars becuase it is a cleaner fuel. Except that the countries are cutting down rain forests to plant crops for ethanol. So basically we are tearing out the lungs of the earth to produce more waste. The Kyoto agreement has actually caused more damage then if nobody had followed it.
on Nov 22, 2005

Will fixing the Social Security problem help the enviroment?

Sure!  People make good fertilizer!  Give us socialized medicine, and there will be a lot more to plant!

on Nov 22, 2005
The jab at Wanda Sykes was simply holding her responsible for her comments

fair enough, not having watched it, I wouldn't know. Although I certainly do agree with the tone that actors/entertainers use their influence far too much, in arenas where they really don't have a clue of what they are speaking.

Last time I checked Hollywood was not a thinktank!

Why do people turn to talented actors as opinion influencers? It's probably one of the most asinine elements of our society today. Yet we don't really turn to people who are equally or more successful for using their brains in pursuits based in logic. People used to look to figures like Albert Einstein to see what his views were on a wide array of subjects. Now we want to know what Jeff Spicoli thinks...

Celebrity pisses me off, and I'd love to see someone from within the Hollywood crowd just come out and really blast the rest of them, for taking advantage of the fact that their success relies on them being likable/palatable to people, not necessarily their ability to produce anything at all, let alone something useful or good. Of course, in all likelihood, that will never happen.
on Nov 22, 2005

Why do people turn to talented actors as opinion influencers? It's probably one of the most asinine elements of our society today. Yet we don't really turn to people who are equally or more successful for using their brains in pursuits based in logic. People used to look to figures like Albert Einstein to see what his views were on a wide array of subjects. Now we want to know what Jeff Spicoli thinks...

That got you a cookie and a laugh!  "Hey Spicoli, what stock should I buy dude?  I am so wasted and got this extra hundred gee to invest!"

on Nov 22, 2005
Ron Silver is one of the few actors with any common sense or any notion of reality who is willing to speak his mind. Very solid guy, so acting as a profession does not necessarily require arrogance but certainly seems to favor it, Silver being one of the exceptions to the rule.

That aside, baker is correct that the claim that man is the proximate cause of imminent global warming is a trumped up hypothesis, more political science than science. Global warming is a reality, just like global cooling, both of which have occurred repeatedly in the course of the Earth's existence. Mankind adapted to and survived a mini-ice age that lasted from 1350 to about 1850 (that's 500 years, folks) during which average temperatures fell nearly 4 degrees. If warming occurs, it won't be good, but we'll adapt. I certainly have no problem with people doing what they can to mitigate the effect, but what is in our power to control is on the order of trying to raise the level of the oceans by lining everyone up on the closest coastline & having them piss in it.

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