The journey from there to here


Well, I have to thank talk radio for pointing this little tidbit out for me. Apparently, several of Hollywood's elite got together last Sunday to preach at the rest of us and demand that we lobby our congresspersons to sign the Kyoto accords. From what I heard, it was a moron-a-thon of mammoth proportions.

Now, to be fair, I have only heard soundbites of this claptrap. But those soundbites have been enough to make me roll my eyes until I'm deathly afraid they'll freeze that way. While this event was meant to draw attention to global warming, "comedian" Wanda Sykes (as oxymoronic a statement as "comedian" Janeane Garafaolo...but I digress) decided to do her routine about George Bush's Social Security plan, rather than staying on topic. She did a great service for the right, however, by stating OUTRIGHT the liberal mantra that Americans are too stupid to know what to do with their money and that they ought to give it to the government to protect them from their stupidity...but again I digress (in fairness, Sykes did it first).

Robert Fitzgerald Kennedy, Junior, Will Ferrell, Bill Maher (who made asinine, completely false statements about the oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere allegedly dropping to 9% and about all of the animals migrating northward, but as certain retired military personnel on this site have proven, who needs PROOF when you have RHETORIC on your side?) and the usual Hollywood liberal elite (none of whom, I might add, live in homes that draw their energy from solar and wind power or that reclaim greywater and otherwise minimize their impact on the environment, despite having ample funds to do so) preached about our responsibility to the environment and how we need to take personal steps to reduce our impact (I'll remember that at Oscar time when they pull up in Limousines that use a helluva lot more gas than a Prius). It was, for liberals, the perfect showcase of their bogus propaganda.

Now comes the punchline. Can you guess where the event was held? Did they open up the Biosphere in the Arizona desert? Did they deliver their propaganda from a self sustaining, off the grid intentional community? Nope...they went to the world's most fantastic monument to waste....Caesar's Palace, Las Vegas Nevada. This is a city of a million people that draws water from a region where it is desperately needed to fill canals on the rooftops of the Venetian, fountains at the Bellagio that spectacularly spray thousands of gallons in the air multiple times a day, much of which is lost to evaporation in Vegas' 100 plus degree summer heat, and put other similarly arrogant middle fingers in the face of every environmental and conservation movement. This is a city where the lights are on 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, where the beacon at the Luxor can be seen from outer space, and where the glow of lights are visible some 60 miles away in the Nevada desert.

The liberals are right that we need to be environmentally minded. Although there is credible evidence that global warming is a myth (before you point to this fall's warmer than usual temperatures, check out The Old Farmer's Almanac's article in the 2006 on sunspots for a FAR MORE LIKELY explanation), we need to be responsible stewards of what we have. But until they hold themselves liable, until they hold communities like Las Vegas liable, they have NO BUSINESS preaching to me as I sit in my woodstove heated, 1200 square foot home, watching a 19 inch TV and doing everything I can to minimize our personal impact on the environment. Bad form, Hollywood libs!

Comments (Page 4)
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on Nov 27, 2005
i actually work 60 hours a week in a factory. UFCW and I'm proud of that. also, i'm a third year international relations major. so in between being smarter than you, I actually work harder too.

now back to my original point, i want YOU to live in a tent. i'm going to stay here and work on my blog. oh, and before i forget, i also volunteer at goodwill, and am actively working on increases in minimum wage, and for ted strickland in ohio. did i forget to mention that i'm also a young handsome liberal?
on Nov 27, 2005
A. You work in a factory. Very environmentally conscious.

B. You are a Junior in college, wow.

1. You assume that you are the only one here who is college educated.
2. You don't even have a degree yet.
3. A college degree doesn't imply intelligence. There are a lot of college educated idiots out there.
4. You don't even have a handle on simple capitalization and punctuation rules.

C. You want Gideon to live in a tent.

1. You apparently don't know his living situation. He's gone to great lengths to minimize his impact on the environment. He's sacrificed FAR more than the average American in that regard.
2. That makes you (in the words of singrdave) a smarty pants fucking hypocrite.

D. You volunteer, wow. I'm sure you're the only one on here who does that.

E. You're a "young, handsome liberal"? Not conceited, are we?

As much as I may agree with many liberal viewpoints, you definitely don't represent me, and you're as good a reason as any for me to start calling myself an Independent.
on Nov 27, 2005
PS - If you want us to read your crap, you need to post it via JoeUser, not through the Political Machine website.
on Nov 27, 2005
I don't mind if you don't read my crap, tex.

I'm just assuming most republicans are uneducated because most of them are. polls show it. 80% of republicans can't even read. CAN'T EVEN READ! So why would I assume any of you even know what a 'college' is?

and no i do not know tom or whatever you said his name was. 1) i do want him to live in a tent. and with that kind of attitude, maybe you should also.

your right. typical leftist 'do as i say not as i do' how dare I work in a factory! and care about the enviroment. I am asking them to change, but I'll leave it to the politicians. unless someone hands me a gun, then it's intifadah. totally differant topic.
on Nov 27, 2005
and i'm going to add this-

if you hate mother nature and the enviroment, then do nothing. your current position speaks loudly.
on Nov 27, 2005
"I'm just assuming most republicans are uneducated because most of them are. polls show it. 80% of republicans can't even read. CAN'T EVEN READ! So why would I assume any of you even know what a 'college' is?"

omg, lol, 80% of Republicans can't read. Now, if anyone wants to discuss how painfully brainwashed people like McDaniel are, there's your proof. Wanna talk about "sheeple" who believe everythign they are told without even considering it? Odd I don't know a single illiterate Republican, but I can take you to at least a dozen illiterate Democrats in Eastern Kentucky who never even entertain the idea of voting Republican. They're brainwashed, too.

Hey, bud. Any credibility you had is, frankly, gone. You aren't a factory worker, that's for damn sure, and I am wondering honestly if you are even American. No one familiar with the middle/lower class in America would ever entertain the idea that 80% of American Republicans are illiterate.

If you do live here in America, go look at the local voting results from the last election. Go find the poorest, least educated area, the most downtrodden, the projects, etc. Then ask yourself why Democrats send buses into these neighborhoods to round up voters. I find it fekking insane that Republicans are called wealthy elitists who feed on the poor and yet 80% of them are somehow illiterate...

There was another guy who tried to make the point that Republicans were less intelligent a year or so back. He was soundly trounced and sent packing as well. You're a joke. I'll place my IQ alongside yours any day.

You guys have been challenged to make your point, and all you can come up with is you believe what you believe because people you think are smart said it. "millions of pages of research" that you haven't even bothered to read enough to relate what they say. That pretty much turns your definition of "sheeple" right back around on you.

The people with open minds here are OPPOSING you. You are the bible-thumpers, you just use a different kind of bible, and don't even bother to read it. I await YOUR astute, highly literate articles.
on Nov 27, 2005
It does matter _where_ the cooling took place. (it surely didn't in my country, the oppiste took place however) Critical places are for example antarctis and frozen peat bog of Siberia ( There's about 70 billion tonnes of methane binded into the ground. The process that has started in the last 3 years is irreversible...

Rise of the sealevel has almost doubled in the recent years, it used to be 1mm/year from the beginning of the 20th century, now it's close to 2mm.
on Nov 27, 2005
The fact that the Earth has gone through repeated cycles of cooling and warming over the eons as a consequence of natural phenomena is indisputable. What we can measure indicates it to be on a warming trend presently.

Those who monger global warming have jumped on an observed correlation - the simultaneous presence of a) human activity and a warming trend - and are suggesting that is proof that a) causes . While common sense would suggest that human activity causes some perturbations at the margins of the trend, there is simply no experiment we can conduct that is big enough and spans sufficient time to obtain statistically significant results one way or the other. Even then, simply achieving statistical significance does not prove cause and effect.

The crux of the matter politically is this: Has human activity caused or even significantly contributed to the current trend? Despite the "millions of pages of research," my contention is that we lack the capacity to know and I doubt we'll have it in my lifetime or the lifetime of my children's children. Once we do, the asteroid will smack us into oblivion while we're patting ourselves on the back for our achievement.

Whether we like to admit it or not, we're just along for the ride.

on Nov 27, 2005

i actually work 60 hours a week in a factory. UFCW and I'm proud of that. also, i'm a third year international relations major. so in between being smarter than you, I actually work harder too.

AHA!  We have another Lucas!  Tell us some more whoppers!

on Nov 27, 2005
I'm just assuming most republicans are uneducated because most of them are. polls show it. 80% of republicans can't even read. CAN'T EVEN READ! So why would I assume any of you even know what a 'college' is?

I'm not really sure just where you're getting your information from. But might I suggest you find a new source?
To "assume" that most republicans are uneducated is plain ignorant! The same goes for your "so-called" polls that say 80% of us can't read. Grow up already will you! I'll tell you one thing fool......I'll match wits with you "any" day of the week you'd like. Do NOT "assume" even for one minute that you are the only person here capable of going to college.
on Nov 27, 2005
Again, isn't it odd that Republicans are all wealthy tycoons, who Dean says haven't worked a day in their lives, and yet somehow this elite class of Americans is 80% illiterate? It's funny how the picture of us shifts for what they need us to be.
on Nov 27, 2005
i actually work 60 hours a week in a factory. UFCW and I'm proud of that. also, i'm a third year international relations major. so in between being smarter than you, I actually work harder too.

AHA! We have another Lucas! Tell us some more whoppers!

That is truly amazing. Considering that there are 168 hours in a day and roughly 56 are the "sleeping hours"... you are truly are one of them non-ignorant elite who are much better than us 8 of 10 illiterate Republicans.

Again, isn't it odd that Republicans are all wealthy tycoons, who Dean says haven't worked a day in their lives, and yet somehow this elite class of Americans is 80% illiterate? It's funny how the picture of us shifts for what they need us to be.

Yeah funny that.
on Jan 05, 2006
Right on Balance-Of-Power!

You people really oughtta hear yourselves.


on Jan 23, 2006
Europe is currently experiencing one of the coldest winters ever: (German)

Temperatures between -20 and -30 degrees CELSIUS are common, temperatures below -30 not unheard of. It's even worse in Russia, apparently. (Everything is even worse in Russia.)

Ireland is much warmer!

I am wondering, is this a result of global warming? How?

And if it isn't, perhaps we need global warming to stop these new winters we are having?

Last year the Irish winter was particularly cold. Perhaps we are heading for a mini ice age?
on Jan 23, 2006
Right on Balance-Of-Power!

You people really oughtta hear yourselves.



You do that very well. Which indicates a lot of practice. Did Dean or Gore teach you how to bleat?
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