I read the latest tripe about Bush's alleged string pulling to get into (and out of) the National Guard during the Vietnam era. Read it, dismissed it, and walked away with a more solid resolve not to give my vote to the types of people who waste my time dragging red herrings like this out repeatedly in an order to embarass the party in power.
You see, they're sending a clear message: that their PARTY, not the country, is what's truly important, and that they will abandon all ethics in advancing the cause of their party.
The Democrats, it seems, feel they are OWED an impeachment. And there are some among them who've shown themselves willing to forge documents in order to attempt to obtain it (even though those documents, even if they were true, have absolutely ZERO to do with Bush's ability or inability to lead the nation more than 30 years after the fact...but I digress). An eye for an eye, an impeachment for an impeachment seems to be the rule of the day. Their attempt to subvert the Democratic process by winning in courts rather than in the polls is extending beyond the arena of legislation and into the arena of elected officials.
In 2004, John Kerry inherited a winnable race. Though George W. Bush held solid approval numbers, those numbers were by no means insurmountable (don't believe me? Look at Papa Bush's numbers a year before the '92 elections). But in John Kerry's campaign, what was clearly missing in most of the advertisements, was any sign of an agenda, a platform behind which we could rally. John Kerry's entire campaign could have been summed up with the slogan "I don't suck as bad as my opponent".
One year after the election, Bush's detractors haven't let up. They are trying to shape public opinion into casting Bush as an evil dictator because of some of his actions (which, even if true, could easily be chalked up as the actions of a spoiled youth who wanted to avoid war as badly as did millions of other young American males at the time). Because they've failed in their attempt to defeat him in the legislature, they're taking the war to the media, hoping the American public will chase this red herring all the way away from the Democrats' own ineptitude.
And many of the left, at least, are falling for it.
Me, I'm sick of it. The American left has demonstrated why I abandoned the left and have no intention of looking back FAR better than I EVER could.
I suppose, then, I owe them a thanks for that much.