The journey from there to here

Flag desecration was once supposed to be a HUGE issue. Remember that? Politicians, wearing portions of the flag as articles of their clothing, often ties (ignoring the irony that their OWN actions are, technically, considered desecration as well) standing on their soapboxes and promising the full force of law to come down on Americans who desecrate our nations sacred fibers?

Or how about cross desecration? Doesn't go over big in the Bible belt, last I heard.

And, last, but not least, how about dishonoring the memory of our fallen soldiers. Not even the most militant leftists are stupid enough to do that.

And yet, one idiot in Crawford Texas simultaneously does all three and it generates all the noise of a butterfly fart.

You see, Cindy Sheehan painstakingly set up a memorial to the fallen soldiers. Regardless of her intent, the memorial was sincere and should have been regarded as such, her political identity notwithstanding. But a particular resident of George W. Bush's Texas home community took it upon himself to drive his four wheel drive through the memorial. News footage showed crosses and flags strewn across a bar ditch. The message was clear: regardless of the nature of a protest, dissent will not be tolerated in Crawford, Texas.

Now's the time for the District Attorney to act. We have anti-flag desecration laws. We have "hate crimes" legislation. Under the technical definitions of BOTH, this act applies (are you LISTENING, fed? Just because a CHRISTIAN religious symbol was attacked doesn't make it any less a desecration than a graffitti painted mosque or synagogue).

I, of course, do not see these actions as meriting the full force of the law. I don't see EITHER law cited as being "fair" or "reasonable". But, in front of our nation's highest court sits a statue of lady justice, blindfolded, holding a pair of scales. The concept of the artist was to depict the idea that justice is supposed to be blind. And if it is blind, then the full force of law should apply as much to this idiot as it does to a socialist flag burner on a public square in DC. In fact, the only REASONABLE law that I see this man as having violated is the act of vandalism, as those items were the owned property of another. But again, let's return to the concept of justice and the fact that it should apply EQUALLY to this man.

Otherwise, I have a gift of my own I'd like to give the citizens of Crawford, Texas. I would be willing to handpaint a sign stating "Welcome to Crawford, Texas. Leave your Constitutional Rights at the Door">

Comments (Page 4)
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on Jan 15, 2006
Awsome. Tell te people what they need to hear. Nice article
on Jan 16, 2006
Lets flip the situation around a bit. After 9/11 there were flags EVERYWHERE on EVERYTHING. Many said they were doing it as a sign of solidarity. How would you feel if someone said "Bah, nothing about solidarity or national pride, it's just an empty gesture from people following the masses for fear of being called unamerican" You say you intend one thing, I say you intend something else, which is right?
Great point!

I have never, once, heard anyone complain about cross desecration that wasn't pissed of f about racism of the KKK.
Are you saying that the burning cross had no impact on victims either Catholics, Jews, or Blacks in the south where they were unwanted, or in the case of the Blacks to refrain from espousing liberal interpretation of the Bible? The burning, in addition, is a direct desecration of the truth of Christianity abhorring hatred. Bigotry of any kind ostensibly has no place in the faith.
on Jan 16, 2006
s flip the situation around a bit. After 9/11 there were flags EVERYWHERE on EVERYTHING. Many said they were doing it as a sign of solidarity. How would you feel if someone said "Bah, nothing about solidarity or national pride, it's just an empty gesture from people following the masses for fear of being called unamerican" You say you intend one thing, I say you intend something else, which is right?

Actually, many of us "flag waving rednecks" saw through the flag waving "fad" after 9/11. Many of us made guesses about how short it would last. We were right, before long people started asking, "can we take the flags down now". To that, I answered, "what's the difference between flying them now and flying them a few days ago?"

Outward signs of patriotism (or any other emotional stand) are either backed by inward convictions, or they are merely fads.


btw, I didn't support the guy who ran his truck through that "memorial", however, hind sight has proven pretty conclusively that nothing Cindy Whatsername did in front of a camera was "sincere". Her callousness was further demonstrated when she refused to remove the crosses when family members of those named requested it. She added more insult to the situation when, even after family members removed crosses with their loved ones' names themselves, she pompously replaced them. She didn't give a flyin' fig about anyone or anything but her pathetic, camera loving, self promotions.

TICK TICK Tick Tick tick tick... BING! Miss Cindy, your 15 minutes are long gone.
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