The journey from there to here
or, "when is a hermaphrodite NOT a hermaphrodite?"
Published on May 7, 2005 By Gideon MacLeish In Current Events

Another blogger's thread was hijacked by a reader taking offense to the use of the word "hermaphrodite". Personally, I'm among the growing number of Americans who are becoming pissed by the "PC police" changing terms that were once acceptable just so they can brand the rest of us as being bigots because we didn't get the latest copy of "liberals weekly". To whit, I am reserving my right to continue to use the following terms:

  • hermaphrodites
  • retards
  • freaks
  • Indians
  • generic references to "mankind" with the gender specific pronoun "he"
  • idiots
  • morons
  • transsexuals
  • queers
  • midgets
  • dwarfs
  • handicapped
  • perverts
  • pollacks
  • airheads
  • more as I think of them

What about you, JU? Please feel free to list all the non-PC terms you reserve the right to retain.

Comments (Page 2)
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on May 08, 2005
Here's my list (hope i don't offend too much)

1. Limey: Sorry Emperor.......I'm irish.
2. Jack-booted nazi thug: My favorite term for describing uber righties. (NOTE: Mod, Guy, Miler do not fall into this catagory folks) Think Anne Coulter or Dick Cheney.
3. Fagtastic: An adjective that describes some of the great things and people in the gay community. My friend Miles (who is gay) taught me that one.
4. Motarded: a term used by some in Utah to describe some of the wacky things LDS folks do.
5. Mick: As previously stated i'm of Irish decent. I consider it an honor that the brits hate us enough to think this one up.
6. Limp dick liberal: Yes i do hate the extreme far left as much as i do the extreme far right. I'm keeping the guns and the money!
7. Bitch: They are out there ladies!
8. Cracker ass cracker: Ever been to Alabama? I have! Thanks to Chris Rock for this one.
9. Dyke: Some lesbians just don't fit the title of "lipstick lesbo" folks...
10. Molly Mo Ho: Another Utah term that describes how slutty some of these chaste LDS women really are. Apparantly giving blowjobs isn't enough to keep you out of the Celestial Kingdom!

BONUS: BLOWJOB! All men like em. How come Rush gets in trouble when he says it and the rest of us have been saying it with great enthusiasm all these years!
on May 08, 2005
I wonder what the PC term for someone from that race is in Great Britain.

I'd say that would be a "Black Bloke" ;~D

That all depends. There used to be a lot of slang terms for black people:

Sambo own un-PC terms that I'm going to keep using regardless are:


I'm with you on the African-American thing too. That's iritated me for years.
on May 08, 2005
I'm with you on the African-American thing too. That's iritated me for years.

The thing is, not only is it a sorry-ass attempt at political correctness, it isn't even accurate or descriprive to who peoiple are referring to. Would a black person from Jamaica be African American? What about a white guy from South Africa? What about any of the above in Canada?

I reserve the right to call people from Newfoundland Newfies and make Newfie jokes. Rex Murphy, Danny Williams and an unemplyed cod fisheman walk into a bar...

And I reserve the right to use the words fat, gay, black, white, native, etc. Why use 5 or 6 syllables when you can just use one?
on May 08, 2005
I have always had a particular preference for one that comes from the trucking industry and is applicable across all races/creeds/colors: crackerhead.

It just has a nice ring to it as it rolls off the tongue.

And you crackerheads need to get a life. (That one's for you LW)
on May 08, 2005
We need to also protect our right to tell blonde jokes. Let's face it, 2 relatively smart people and one stupid person walk into a bar just isn't funny! That goes for Newfie jokes too
on May 08, 2005
Diesel Dyke.... Havent heard that onein a while Whip! Is that the kind that rolls their own tampons?

Ok, i might have crossed a line there...DOH!
on May 08, 2005
Not to worry, you Paddy, Mick, Potatoe-eating, Bog-Trotting, Papal Baby Factory, Gobshite!

I prefer (from a "Don King" interview skit on Conan O'Brien) Freckle-sporting, Whiskey-Snorting, and Leprechaun-cavorting.
on May 08, 2005
I like "Papal Baby Factory".

And ya cant go wrong with Don King in offensiveness diamondback!
on May 08, 2005
And ya cant go wrong with Don King in offensiveness diamondback!

Well, it was a fake Don King, you know, with the lips on the picture on the tv monitor.
on May 09, 2005

However, when it comes to a topic that affects YOU, instead you issue a plea for understanding and sensitivity - see your blog thread, 'Just put the FORK down'. Interesting.

First of all,furry, if you couldn't see the tongue in cheek nature of this post,I apologize. I have never taken umbrage with someone calling me a "fatass", I just take issue with the stereotypes based on ignorance.

And yes,in fact,people try to stop the use of these terms. This whole thing started when someone went on another person's thread taking offense to the use of the word "hermaphrodite" as opposed to "intersexed". The point of this article is that PC has gone off the deep end, and I'm sure pretty much everyone's in agreement on this.

on May 09, 2005

The term "Intersexed" doesn't even make sense, since one type of hemaphrodite has neither the organs nor the hormones consistent with either sex. They are not "between" sexes, they are completely Asexual.

Of course, people who coin PC terms never expected them to make sense, they only use them in childish "us vs. them" worldplay games.
on May 09, 2005

stupid - not learning disabled, stupid is stupid ok?

The learning disabled are not stupid.  PHDs can be stupid and often are.

on May 09, 2005

Besides, since mankind originated in the Great Rift Valley, in East Africa, everyone's African-(insert country of current residence here). (Insert generic Dave Chappellian comment that I'm probably too afraid to type on account of my light skin here)

Oohhhh! Great one!  That gets you a cookie!

on May 09, 2005

2. Jack-booted nazi thug: My favorite term for describing uber righties. (NOTE: Mod, Guy, Miler do not fall into this catagory folks) Think Anne Coulter or Dick Cheney.

Well, I appreciate the qualifier, but I will respectfully disagree with your examples. I instead counter propose Michael Savage and Jerry Falwell.

on May 09, 2005

but at least you arent Welsh, so thats something, lol.

I knew a Welshman once.  I called him an Englishman one time by mistake.  I woke up in the Hospital 3 days later!

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